Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Carvajal Regidor, José Ignacio Asst Professor jcarvajalregidor@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Sanchez Cruz, Jorge Asst Professor jsanchezcruz@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Tark, Eun S. Lecturer etark@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Morse, Ainsley E. Assoc Professor aemorse@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Batarseh, Amanda Asst Professor (858) 534-9523 abatarseh@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lu, Lillian Asst Professor lil085@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Terry, Christopher Lecturer chterry@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Kim, Joo Ok Asst Professor (858) 534-3378 jok023@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Chacon, Gloria E. Assoc Professor (858) 534-5145 gchacon@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Som, Brandon D. Asst Professor (858) 534-3143 bdsom@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Nguyen, Hoang T. Assoc Professor (858) 534-7329 htn057@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Hoang, Lily K. Assoc Professor lkhoang@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Suzuki, Erin M. Asst Professor (858) 534-2396 esuzuki@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Kelting, Edward W. Asst Professor (858) 822-0205 ekelting@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Forbes, Camille F., Dr. Assoc Professor (858) 534-2363 cfforbes@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Myerston Santana, Jacobo Asst Professor jmyerston@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Carroll, Amy Sara Assoc Professor (858) 534-8723 ascarroll@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Springer, Anna Joy Assoc Professor (858) 534-5243 ajspringer@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Zhiri, Oumelbanine , Dr. Professor (858) 534-2399 ozhiri@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Martin-Cabrera, Luis Assoc Professor (858) 822-3468 lmartincabrera@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Walkiewicz, Kathryn A. Asst Professor (858) 534-3488 kwalkiewicz@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Vitkus, Daniel J. Professor (858) 534-1086 dvitkus@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Vijay, Ameeth V. Asst Professor (858) 534-8695 avvijay@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Ploye, Catherine , Dr. Lecturer (858) 534-8179 cploye@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Wells, Patricia R. Lecturer (858) 534-8696 prwells@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Wesling, Megan E. Assoc Professor (858) 534-2373 mwesling@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Rahimi, Babak Assoc Professor (858) 534-2147 brahimi@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Randel, Fred V., Dr. Emeritus (858) 534-3210 frandel@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Simons, Alyssa Y. Stu Affrs Mgr (858) 534-2739 asimons@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Jemc, Jaclyn M. Assoc Teach Prof (858) 534-8692 jjemc@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Kalleres, Dayna S. Assoc Professor (858) 534-2279 dkalleres@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Miyao, Daisuke Professor (858) 534-3613 dmiyao@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
De Marchi Gherini, Adriana Lecturer (858) 534-4765 demarchi@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Johnson, Sara Assoc Professor (858) 534-8698 sejohn@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Doller, John B. Asst Professor (858) 534-8699 jdoller@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Murray, Kourtney K. DBase Mgmt Spec (858) 822-6402 kkmurray@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0175K 1.0
Arcos Herrera, Carol Asst Professor (858) 534-9812 carcosherrera@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lerer, Seth Professor (858) 534-3826 slerer@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Fischer-Grunski, Eva K. Lecturer ekfischergrunski@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0108 1.0
Lampert-Weissig, Lisa R. Professor (858) 822-0204 llampert@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Blanco, John D., Dr. (Jody) Assoc Professor (858) 534-3639 jdblanco@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lee, Jin-Kyung , Dr. Assoc Professor (858) 534-3218 j117lee@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lee, Jeyseon Lecturer (858) 534-4835 jeyseon@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Liao, Ping-hui Professor (858) 534-2706 piliao@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Loose, Margaret A. Assoc Professor (858) 534-8690 mloose@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Ali, Kazim Professor (858) 534-2101 mkali@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Childs, Dennis R. Assoc Professor (858) 534-2393 drchilds@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Mendoza, Andrea Act Asst Prof anm015@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Cohen, Alain J-J , Dr. Professor (858) 534-3489 ajjcohen@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Glaser, Amelia Prof/Chair-Judaic Studies (858) 534-3809 amglaser@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Wilkinson, Marco Lecturer m2wilkinson@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Ruiz, Ariana A. Asst Professor (858) 534-8974 aar002@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lim, Meeyoung Tutor- Non Student mlim@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Fiss, Geraldine A. Assoc Teaching Prof (858) 534-3563 gfiss@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Jung, Ji Y. Lecturer j2jung@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Shin, Eunjoo Tutor- Non Student e4shin@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Delong, Jill K. Stu Svc Advisor (858) 534-8681 jkdelong@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Hsu, Chieh-yu Admin Asst chh057@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Lopez, Casandra Asst Professor cal038@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Bamgbose, Gabriel S. Asst Professor gbamgbose@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Bessett, Ryan M. Assoc Teaching Prof rbessett@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Mukherjee, Silpa Asst Professor s5mukherjee@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Sela, Yael Student Asst yasela@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Zhu, Ping Professor p3zhu@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Henry, Julie Stu Svc Advisor juhenry@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Ponce, Natalia Admin Ofcr (858) 534-8683 naponce@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Haney, Keith Acad HR Analyst khaney@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Koc, Victoria Admin Officer vkoc@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Macal, Carla Postdoc Employee cmacal@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Garofalo, Devin Asst Professor dgarofalo@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Villafuerte Vazquez, Nadia Asst Professor nvillafuertevazquez@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Dhar, Amrita Asst Professor amdhar@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0
Copp, Corina Lecturer ccopp@ucsd.edu LITERATURE 0410 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.