Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Walker, Kelley N. Proj Policy Analyst k8walker@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Johnson, Paula J. Director (858) 534-2552 pjjohnson@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Chase, Anastasia (Stasi) Info Gov Case Mgr (858) 534-3394 schase@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Aguirre, Mayan M. Records Analyst (858) 534-0039 mmaguirre@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Alminar, Edgar A. Ld Rec/Bus Dev Analyst (858) 822-0009 eaalminar@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Munemura, Shannon Info Governance Cnslt (858) 534-3477 smunemura@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Paciorek, Michael W. Records Analyst mpaciorek@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Teel, Erik S. Proj Policy Analyst (858) 534-9922 eteel@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Herrera, Macayla S. Student Asst m6herrera@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Clairicia, Anthony R. Student Asst arclairicia@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Desuasido, Hazel J. Student Asst hjdesuasido@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Seidler, Brandon I. Student Asst biseidler@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Tran, Hanson K. Student Asst hkt003@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Cartwright, Chloe Student Asst chcartwright@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Wong, Emily Student Asst emw015@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0
Robles Banuelos, Fernanda Student Asst feroblesbanuelos@ucsd.edu POLICY/RECORDS 0014 1.0

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