Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Lin, Ryan K. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Ayon, Anthony I. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Aguirre, Joshua T. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Llanes, Benjamin M. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Price, Ida J. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Castillo, Jose A. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Mercado, Rafael Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Patel, Rohan S. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Bark, Ethan A. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Ahmed, Ramiz K. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Wang, Vicky Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Joh, Hanull Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Mercado Gonzalez, Moises Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Newell, William M. Student Asst POLICE 0017 1.0
Johnson, Kristine M. Business Mgr (858) 534-4360 krjohnson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Meza, Rob J. Phys Security Prog Mgr (858) 822-6667 rmeza@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Hebert, Alexander R. Dispatcher arhebert@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Rodriguez, Persephonie J. Student Asst p5rodriguez@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Harrington, Jason J. Fiscal/Persnl Asst (858) 534-4360 jharrington@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Weaver, Katie Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 knweaver@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Wilson, Kristin L. Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 kwilson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Suarez, Adrian Publ Safety Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 ads028@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Sapinoso, Michael M. Police Sgt Supv (858) 534-4357 msapinoso@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Nerida, Renato C. Proj Policy Analyst (858) 246-3069 rnerida@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Nguyen, Thanh-My D. (Tammy) Pub Safety Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 tdn007@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Cano, Jessica D. (Olaiz) Police Records Supv (858) 534-4361 jolaiz@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Oshmago, Ronald E. Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 roshmago@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Smart, John P. Police Sgt (858) 822-4025 jpsmart@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Williams, Michelle E. Admin Asst (858) 534-4360 m4williams@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Williams, Garrett N. Police Sergeant (858) 534-4357 gnwilliams@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Tec, Shirleyn P. Admin Asst (858) 534-1330 stec@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
King, Sheldon CSO Prog Supv/Sergeant (858) 822-1177 smking@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Sturz, Tristin Police Ofcr (858) 534-4357 tsturz@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Macpherson, Brian J. Police Sergeant-Comm (858) 534-4357 bmacpherson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Martin III, John Police Sergeant (858) 534-4357 jmartiniii@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Nielsen, Amanda M. Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 amnielsen@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Richardson, Kelly Police Sergeant (858) 534-6597 krichardson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Guillar, Celeste A. Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 cgl002@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Gustafson, Scott K. Police Lieutenant (858) 822-0355 sgustafson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
De Santiago, Claudia E. Crime/Intelligence Analyst (858) 534-6709 cdesantiago@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
De Santiago, Monica Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 mdesantiago@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Alvarez, John Lee G. Detective Sergeant (858) 534-4357 jlalvarez@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Dobbins, Patrick J. Police Sergeant (858) 534-3644 pdobbins@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Mobley, Amanda M. Student Asst a1mobley@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Lopez, Dianna R. Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 drl003@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Ho, Michelle T. Student Asst m9ho@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Ryan, Trevor N. Student Asst tnryan@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Hosburg, Candace M. Exec Asst (858) 534-4360 chosburg@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Jamsen, Nina Accreditation Mgr (858) 534-4358 njamsen@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Thamilarasan, Sivagunalan Student Asst sithamilarasan@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Nelson, Jagger J. Student Asst jjn001@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Secka, Lamine Police Chf Mgr (858) 534-4360 lasecka@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Bidwell, Mary anne Dispatcher (858) 534-4357 mabidwell@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Estrada Pineda, Kailyn Student Asst kaestradapineda@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Ochieng, Gabrielle M. Student Asst gmochieng@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Bartulo, Luigi A. Student Asst labartulo@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Mesa, Sierra Records Asst (858) 534-4361 smesa@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Kidahashi, Hitomi Student Asst hikidahashi@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Bounassi, Katherine G. Student Asst kgbounassi@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Latypov, Dmitry Student Asst dmlatypov@ucsd.edu POLICE 1.0
Carter, Christian Student Asst chc138@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Martinez, Elizabeth Dispatcher elm007@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
An, Sangjoon Student Asst s8an@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Frausto, Isaiah Student Asst isfrausto@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Johnson, Frank Asst Chief Police (858) 534-4360 frjohnson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Pidaparthi, Sandeep Student Asst spidaparthi@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Carbonell, Aiden Student Asst aicarbonell@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Gao, Nikki Student Asst p4gao@ucsd.edu POLICE 0306 1.0
Kirkwood, Julianna M. Student Asst jmkirkwood@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Kim, Ryan Student Asst ryk005@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Fan, Johnson Student Asst jof008@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Clark, Hunter P. Student Asst hpclark@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Hannah, Sarah-Beth Student Asst s1hannah@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Munoz, Diego Student Asst d7munoz@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Maglaqui, Gabriel Student Asst gamaglaqui@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Green, Rose Student Asst r3green@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Ayars, Jarren Student Asst jaayars@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Tanap, Jade Student Asst jatanap@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Ramareddy Chandrashekar, Tharun Student Asst thramareddychandrash@ucsd.edu POLICE 0076 1.0
Shanbhag, Panchami Student Asst pashanbhag@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Juluri, Saketh Student Asst sajuluri@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Bhat, Anupama Student Asst a1bhat@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Shah, Shubh Student Asst shs063@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Carino, Alina Student Asst a3carino@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Juarez, Anthony Student Asst a8juarez@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Moll, Julian Student Asst jumoll@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Shanmuga Vadivel, Vijayamohan Student Asst vishanmugavadivel@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Nunez, Noah Student Asst n6nunez@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Robinson, Darrell Student Asst d5robinson@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Shinde, Prerna Student Asst p2shinde@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Esquivel-Tapia, Angel Student Asst anesquiveltapia@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Joint, Lamiah Y. Student Asst lyjoint@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Zou, Peizhu Student Asst p1zou@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Lucas-Scott, Lorraine Student Asst lolucasscott@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Liao, Christina Student Asst c5liao@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0
Huerta, Yhovanna Admin Asst (858) 534-4361 yhhuerta@ucsd.edu POLICE 0017 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.