Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Noël, Bret CAO/MSO bnoel@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Pagès, Julie C. Postdoc Employee jcpages@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Vyas, Ankit D. Lab Asst PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Elleflot, Tucker J. Lab Asst PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Vier, David Recall Non-Faculty PHYSICS 0354 1.0
Webb, George W., Dr. Researcher (858) 534-4181 PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Bal, Gurleen K. Lecturer PSOE gubal@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
You, Yi-Zhuang Asst Professor (858) 822-4462 yzyou@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dynes, Robert C. Professor (858) 246-0107 rdynes@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lu, Xiaochuan Asst Proj Sci xil224@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Frano Pereira, Alex M. Asst Professor (858) 534-2253 afrano@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Parker, Daniel E. Asst Professor danielericparker@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lin, Tongyan Asst Professor tol057@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Moreno, Marissa Staff Res Assoc m7moreno@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Quinnan, Melissa K. Postdoc Employee mquinnan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fisk, Zachary Prof Emeritus zfisk@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mori, Matteo Asst Proj Sci mamori@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Arovas, Daniel P., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6323 darovas@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Chandler, John F. Research Data Analyst jfchandler@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Munson, Chris (Chris) Res/Dev Engr (858) 246-3093 jmunson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Averitt, Richard Professor (858) 534-5976 raveritt@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Ji, Xiang Postdoc Employee xij075@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Liao, Song-mao Postdoc Employee soliao@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Balakrishnan, Rohan Staff Res Assoc rbalakrishnan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Green, Daniel R. Asst Professor drgreen@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Liu, Rui Asst Proj Sci rul087@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Ni, Kaixuan Assoc Professor (858) 822-7520 kan045@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Gilbert, Dylan P. Lecturer dgilbert@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Machler, Philipp C. Asst Proj Sci pmachler@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Mcgreevy, John A. Asst Professor (858) 534-1837 jamcgreevy@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Jun, Suckjoon Professor (858) 534-2384 s2jun@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Chivukula, Sekhar Professor (858) 246-3056 rschivukula@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hlifka, Todd M. Admin Analyst (858) 534-0345 thlifka@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Shotwell, Brian S. Lecturer SOE bshotwell@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Surko, Clifford M. (Cliff) Professor/Grad Div (858) 534-6880 csurko@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Swanson, Robert A., Dr. Research Prof (858) 534-2509 rswanson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Swirka, Ian C. Ld Contracts/Grants Ana (858) 534-7514 iswirka@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Tadel, Matevz Assoc Project mtadel@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Tsai, Philbert S. Teaching Prof (858) 246-1128 pstsai@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Valmidiano, Leah O. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr (858) 822-7572 lvalmidiano@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Knox, Robin S. Fund Mgr (858) 534-3560 rsknox@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Peterson, Laurence E., Dr. (Larry) Research Prof (858) 534-3461 lepeterson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Petrucci, Andrea Cmptl/Data Sci Res Spec apetrucci@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Schuller, Ivan K., Dr. Professor (858) 534-2540 ischuller@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Popmintchev, Tenio Asst Professor (303) 807-7276 tpopmintchev@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Sham, Lu J. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-3269 lusham@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Sharma, Vivek A., Dr. Professor (858) 822-2918 vsharma@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Sharpee, Tatyanna O. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 453-4100 tsharpee@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0932 1.0
Rappel, Wouter J. (Jan) Research (858) 822-1357 wouter@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Shpyrko, Oleg Professor/Chair (858) 534-3066 oshpyrko@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Wong, David Y., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-5267 dywong@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Wu-Nguyen, Janice Research Admin (858) 534-7241 jswu@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Wu, Congjun Emeritus (858) 534-3325 cowu@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Yagil, Avi Professor (858) 534-9504 ayagil@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Pieri, Marco Asst Proj Sci mpieri@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Sinha, Sunil K. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-5537 ssinha@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Smith, Kevin J. (Kebeen) Programmer Analyst (858) 534-3322 kjsmith@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Smith, Douglas E. Assoc Professor (858) 534-5241 des@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Intriligator, Kenneth A. Professor (858) 822-1179 kintriligator@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mcconney, Catherine Stu Affrs Mgr (858) 534-5982 camcconney@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Wang, Xing Postdoc Employee xiw006@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Di Ventra, Massimiliano (Max) Professor (858) 822-6447 diventra@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Jones, Barbara Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4474 b2jones@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Morovic, Srecko Asst Proj Sci smorovic@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mrak Tadel, Alja Programmer Analyst amraktadel@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dost, Jeffrey M. Prog Analyst jdost@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Driscoll, Charles F., Dr. Professor (858) 534-2489 cdriscoll@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dubin, Daniel H., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-4174 ddubin@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dudko, Olga K. Professor (858) 534-8340 odudko@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Deng, Yuhang Postdoc Employee yud001@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Keating, Brian Professor (858) 534-7930 bkeating@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Kleinfeld, David , Dr. Professor (858) 822-0342 dkleinfeld@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fassihizakeri, Arash Asst Proj Scientist afassihizakeri@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Figueroa, Rodolfo Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-3562 rfigueroamercado@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Koslover, Elena F. Asst Professor (858) 534-1891 ekoslover@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Kritsuk, Alexei G. Res Physicist (858) 534-2943 akritsuk@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Krutelyov, Vyacheslav Assoc Project vkrutelyov@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Onuchic, Jose N., Dr. Professor jonuchic@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Flauger, Raphael M. Assoc Professor (858) 534-7504 rmflauger@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fogler, Michael M. Professor (858) 534-5978 mfogler@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fredkin, Donald R., Dr. Prof Emeritus drfredkin@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Kuti, Julius , Dr. Professor (858) 534-6096 jgkuti@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Navarro Fernandez, Henry L. Postdoc Employee hlnavarrofernandez@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Boettger, David A. Postdoc Employee dboettger@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fuller, George M., Dr. Professor (858) 534-9085 gfuller@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0354 1.0
O'Donnell, Edward R. Programmer Analyst (619) 543-1860 eodonnell@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Okamura, Melvin Y., Dr. Professor (858) 534-2506 mokamura@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Okano, Hiroyuki Asst Project hiokano@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
O'Neil, Thomas M., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4176 toneil@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Branson, James G., Dr. Professor (858) 534-2978 jbranson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Letts, James R. Proj Scientist (858) 534-1679 jletts@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Goodkind, John M., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-2716 jgoodkind@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Butov, Leonid V. Professor (858) 822-0362 lvbutov@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Griest, Kim , Dr. Professor (858) 534-8914 kgriest@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Grinstein, Benjamin , Dr. Professor (858) 534-5229 bgrinstein@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Groisman, Alexander Assoc Professor (858) 822-1838 agroisman@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Barreiro Guerrero, Julio Asst Professor jubarreiro@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Grover, Tarun Asst Professor (858) 534-6475 tagrover@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Chen, Joseph C. Prof Emeritus jcychen@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hanson, Bradley J. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-7049 bhanson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0350 1.0
Maple, M. B. (Brian) Professor (858) 534-3968 mbmaple@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Martin, Terrence W. Program Analyst (858) 822-0361 tmartin@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Masciovecchio, Mario Asst Proj Sci mmasciovecchio@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Mascheroni, Marco Comptl/Data Sci Res Spec mmascheroni@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Allen, Monica T. Asst Professor (858) 534-5896 mtallen@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Du, Chunhui Asst Professor (858) 246-5710 c1du@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hirsch, Jorge E., Dr. Professor (858) 534-3931 jhirsch@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Chhabria, Karishma Postdoc Employee kchhabria@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mc Ilwain, Carl E., Dr. Research Prof (858) 534-3314 cmcilwain@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Bassov, Dimitri N. (Basov) Professor (858) 822-1211 dbasov@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Duarte, Javier M. Asst Professor (858) 246-4980 jduarte@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Danielson, James R. Project Scientist (858) 534-7333 jrdanielson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hornbuckle, Jasmyn L. (Wuerthwein) Dept Bus Ofcr/Asst COO (858) 822-0434 jhornbuckle@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Meyertholen, Andrew D. Lecturer ameyertholen@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Holloway, Benjamin B. Postdoc Employee bholloway@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Yang, Liang Assoc Professor (858) 246-5146 liyang@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hwa, Terence T., Dr. (Terry) Professor (858) 534-7263 thwa@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Love, Dawn C. Stu Affrs Ofcr Asst (858) 822-1468 d1love@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Yu, Feifei HR Analyst (858) 534-5780 f6yu@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Ding, Ao (Jacob) Research Admin (858) 246-5723 ading@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Johnson, Dirk M. Development Tech (619) 549-5563 d9johnson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dennis, Brendan M. Systems Admin (858) 534-9415 bmdennis@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Moore, Antoinette (Toni) Curriculum/UG Affrs Mgr (858) 246-3492 anm025@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Marshall, Susan Faculty Asst (858) 534-1082 smarshall@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Poddar, Sharmila Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 822-1074 shpoddar@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
McMaster, Heather Fac Asst/Postdoc Admin (858) 822-2374 hemcmaster@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Gerlach, Erin J. Admin Asst (858) 822-1291 egerlach@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lindblom, Lee A. Research Sci (858) 534-8991 llindblom@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0424 1.0
Yuan, Beijia Fiedl Researcher b3yuan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Giannini, Leonardo Postdoc Employee legiannini@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Serra, Mattia Asst Professor mserra@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Diaz, Daniel C. Postdoc Employee d4diaz@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Pacciani Mori, Leonardo Postdoc Employee lpaccianimori@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Rojas Grave De Peralta, Mario A. Editor mrojasgravedeperalta@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Roman-Gutierrez, Daniela Admin Asst (858) 246-3483 dromangutierrez@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Casey, Sean Acad Prog Mgr scasey@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Goldenfeld, Nigel Professor ngoldenfeld@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Flores, Dafne Admin Asst daf005@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0963 1.0
Jian, Laura Reader ljian@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0411 1.0
Sholapurkar, Mukul Postdoc Employee msholapurkar@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Li, Zepeng Postdoc Employee zel032@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Elmi, Dorsa Postdoc Employee delmi@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Ocallaghan, Peyton M. Student Asst pocallaghan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Balderas, Natalia Student Asst nbalderas@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fregoso, Aram J. Research Admin (858) 246-3467 ajfregoso@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Witteman, Daniel R. Lab Asst drwitteman@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Rinehart, Duane L. Apps Programmer drinehart@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Griffith, Allana AP Analyst (858) 246-3493 adgriffith@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lugo, Alina Student Asst allugo@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Rozenberg, Marcelo J. Adjt Professor mrozenberg@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Phan, Michael K. Financial Analyst (858) 246-3484 mkphan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Vourliotis, Emmanouil Postdoc Employee evourliotis@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Arthur-Baidoo, Eugene Postdoc Employee (858) 534-8218 earthurbaidoo@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mulimani, Mahesh K. Postdoc Employee mmulimani@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Arlett, Jessica L. Lecturer PSOE jarlett@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hidalgo Soria, Mario H. Postdoc Employee mhidalgosoria@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Brennan, Theodore D. Postdoc Employee tbrennan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Sun, Guanhao Postdoc Employee g2sun@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Quilez Lasanta, Pablo Postdoc Employee pquilezlasanta@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Soriano, Gemina C. Undergrad Prog Adv (858) 246-3513 g2soriano@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Banthia, Dev Student Asst debanthia@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0509 1.0
Pan, Emily X. Stu Researcher expan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Ligsay, Valerie S. Research Admin (858) 246-3487 vligsay@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Guzman, Andres A. Research Admin (858) 246-3497 a6guzman@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
D'Anna, Nicolo Postdoc Employee ndanna@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Morschl-Villa, Dylan E. Lab Asst dmorschlvilla@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lin, Brandon T. Student Asst b8lin@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Mukherjee, Soumya Postdoc Employee s3mukherjee@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Oh, Seungeun Asst Professor seo008@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Palin, Victor Postdoc Employee vpalin@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Echeverria Alar, Sebastian Postdoc Employee secheverriaalar@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Robinson, Caleb Student Asst c3robinson@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0011 1.0
Tan, Tzer H. Asst Professor tztan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Feng, Keke Postdoc Employee kefeng@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Biswas, Avik Postdoc Employee avbiswas@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Alspaugh, David Postdoc Employee daalspaugh@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Yang, Jennifer Grad Admiss Coord (858) 534-3293 p1yang@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Kim, Angeline Student Asst askim@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Singh, Swarnima Postdoc Employee singh@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Hofer, Juan Postdoc Employee juhofer@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Madhavan, Kaushik Student Asst kamadhavan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0553 1.0
Doyle, Jacob Acad HR Analyst (858) 822-6558 jadoyle@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Iyer, Rishyashring R. Postdoc Employee rriyer@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Morton, Isabella Student Asst iemorton@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0207 1.0
Wu, Hiu S. Jr Specialist whiusze@ucsd.edu PHYSICS NA 1.0
Tran, Manh T. Student Asst mtt011@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Fan, Bo Postdoc Employee b2fan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Idicherian Lonappan, Anto Postdoc Employee alonappan@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Liu, Shiqi Postdoc Employee shl188@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Lim, Aidan Student Asst a9lim@ucsd.edu PHYSICS 0319 1.0
Dynes, Robert C. UC President Emrts (858) 246-0107 PHYSICS 0436 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.