Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Cannalla, Vincent J. Student Asst PSYCHOLOGY 0070 1.0
Pilegard, Celeste Assoc Teaching Prof pilegard@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Olmeda, Melissa I. Stu Svc Advisor miolmeda@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Geller, Emma H. Asst Teaching Prof (858) 822-2555 egeller@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Waltzer, Talia (Tal) Postdoc Fellow twaltzer@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Aron, Adam R. Professor (858) 822-1096 araron@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Arbib, Michael A. Adjt Professor marbib@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Anagnostaras, Stephan G. Assoc Professor (858) 224-2531 sanagnostaras@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Steiner, Eric T. Lecturer etsteiner@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Glaser, Dale Lecturer dglaser@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Anstis, Stuart , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 216-4316 sanstis@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Walker, Caren M. Asst Professor cmwalker@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Moranton, Nirelia M. Lecturer-Summer Ses nmoranton@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Schachner, Adena (Schachner) Asst Professor adschachner@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Albright, Thomas D., Dr. Adjt Professor (858) 453-4100 talbright@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0932 1.0
Gentner, Timothy Q. (Tim) Professor (858) 822-6763 tgentner@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Wixted, John T., Dr. Professor (858) 534-3956 jwixted@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Rose, Fredric E. Lecturer (760) 845-5382 frose@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Rudraraju, Srihita Intrm Postdoc Scholar s1rudraraju@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Stoermer, Viola S. Asst Adjt Professor vstoermer@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Schreibman, Laura Prof Emeritus (858) 534-6279 lschreibman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Serences, John T. Professor (858) 534-3686 jserences@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Ramachandran, Vilayanur S., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6240 vramachandran@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Williams, Ben A., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-3938 bawilliams@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Winkielman, Piotr Professor (858) 822-0682 pwinkielman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Barner, David A. Professor (858) 246-0874 dbarner@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Rickard, Timothy C., Dr. Professor (858) 822-0122 trickard@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Hinkley, Peter R. Mgmt Svcs Ofr (858) 534-2947 phinkley@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Deutsch, Diana , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4615 ddeutsch@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Dobkins, Karen R., Dr. Professor kdobkins@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Lowe, Angela B. Lecturer a1lowe@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Emmorey, Karen Adjt Professor kemmorey@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0932 1.0
Konecni, Vladimir J., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-2948 vkonecni@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Koob, George F., Dr. Adjt Professor (858) 784-7062 gkoob@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Ferreira, Victor S., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6303 vferreira@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Kulik, James A., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-3949 jkulik@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Lacefield, Katharine I. Lecturer klacefield@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 1.0
Pashler, Harold E., Dr. Professor (858) 534-3974 hpashler@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Oesch, Nicholas W. Asst Research noesch@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Brady, Timothy F. Assoc Professor tfbrady@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Brown, Sandra A. Professor sandrabrown@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0405 1.0
Gorman, Michael R., Dr. Professor/Chair (858) 822-2466 mgorman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Gremel, Christina M. Assoc Professor (858) 534-8933 cgremel@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Macleod, Donald I. Recall Faculty dmacleod@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Fitzgerald, John T. Fiscal Ops Mgr (858) 534-0289 j2fitzgerald@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Harris, Christine , Dr. Professor (858) 822-4507 charris@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Heyman, Gail , Dr. Professor (858) 822-2482 gheyman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Miller, Cory Assoc Professor (858) 822-2267 comiller@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mccullough, Michael E. Professor memccullough@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Powell, Lindsey J. Asst Professor ljpowell@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Atkinson, Richard C. President Emeritus (858) 822-3979 rca@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0436 1.0
Ngo, Lien Financial Analyst lnngo@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Saldana, Mariela Research Admin m7saldana@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Sheneman, Marie C. Grad Coord msheneman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 1.0
Arneodo, Ezequiel M. Asst Proj Sci earneodo@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Donner, Brooke H. Staff Res Assoc bdonner@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mackenzie, Kristi L. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 534-8499 kmacken@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mehrabian, Eileen Program Coord (858) 534-3137 eimehrabian@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0521 1.0
Compton, Brian J. Programmer Analyst bcompton@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Calderon, Ariana R. Research Admin arc018@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Singh, Vikram P. Postdoc Employee vpsingh@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Edelstein, Miren H. Acad HR Analyst mhedelstein@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Dickenson, Janna A. Asst Teaching Prof jdickenson@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Chapman, Eddie (Nathaniel) Lecturer PSOE echapman@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Feria, Guadalupe Stu Svc Advisor gferia@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mukku, Dhananjaya B. Asst Professor bambahmukku@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Li, Jingwen Postdoc Employee jil286@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0657 1.0
Vispute, Anushka S. Lab Asst avispute@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY NA 1.0
Mazor, Sophie Lab Asst somazor@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY NA 1.0
Dang, Annabel V. Staff Res Assoc avd002@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Sanchez-Lazo, Natalie A. Student Asst nsanchezlazo@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0064 1.0
Vakil, Khushi Student Asst k1vakil@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY NA 1.0
Mcpherson, Malinda Postdoc Employee mamcpherson@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Larson, Kyra L. Student Asst k3larson@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Roxas, Samantha S. Student Asst s1roxas@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Jefferson, John Lab Asst jrjefferson@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mysorekar, Anand R. Student Asst armysorekar@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Lyons, Maxwell C. Student Asst m1lyons@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Andrada, Sherylynne Stu Svc Advisor sandrada@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Luo, Fiona Y. Student Asst fyluo@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Brashier, Nadia Asst Professor nbrashier@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Lin, Chujun Asst Professor chl211@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Burke, Alexis Lab Asst alburke@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Mejia, Miguel Lab Asst mimejia@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Cooper, Kaylee Lab Asst k8cooper@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Sobrian, Crystine Student Asst crsobrian@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Gong, Imo X. Student Asst ixgong@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0531 1.0
Miller, Caitlin Postdoc Employee cam026@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Biradar, Atharv S. Student Asst asbiradar@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Gonzalez Hernandez, Jennifer Student Asst jegonzalezhernandez@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Ramirez, Luis Postdoc Employee lur003@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Sarabia, Vanessa L. Lab Asst vlsarabia@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Yu, Yanfei Postdoc Employee yay043@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY NA 1.0
Long, Bria Asst Professor brlong@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY 0109 1.0
Tomoschuk, Brendan Lecturer-Summer Ses brtomoschuk@ucsd.edu PSYCHOLOGY NA 1.0

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