Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Ho, Jenny N. Student Asst PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Rodriguez-Martinez, Sabrina A. Student Asst PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Tregoning, Mary E. Assoc Dean/Dir Res Life (858) 534-1490 mtregoning@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0312 1.0
Markman, Kristina Lecturer kmarkman@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Molina, Vanessa Stu Life Dev Spec v2molina@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Hernandez, Rubia J. Asst Dir/Res Life (858) 534-3026 rjhernandez@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0312 1.0
Engler, James N. Sr Acad Adv/Stu Prog Coord (858) 534-4448 jnengler@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Martin, Jonathan F. Tutor- Non Student jfm005@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Grove, Ashley M. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 534-1574 amgrove@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0546 1.0
West, Geoffrey S. Lecturer gswest@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0423 1.0
Zavodny, Tatiana S. Lecturer tszavodny@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Sharra, Richard A. (Rick) Academic Counselor (858) 534-6311 rsharra@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Nehls, Jesselan E. Sr Acad Counselor (858) 822-4999 jnehls@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Yu, Paul K., Dr. Provost (858) 534-1571 reprovost@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Michel, Katie J. Dean/Acad Advising (858) 534-3490 kmichel@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Kromka, Janean A. Stu Acad Advisor jkromka@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Patag, Brittney D. (Cannizzaro) Asst Dir/Res Life (858) 534-4855 bcannizzaro@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0312 1.0
Lyon, Antony Director Humanities (858) 534-3885 alyon@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Caldwell, Michael A. Lecturer-Summer Ses macaldwell@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0301 1.0
Mallory, Sherry L. Dean (858) 534-1578 slmallory@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Abreu, Veronica Asst Dean/Acad Advising (858) 534-1581 vabreu@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Lopez, Isabel G. Admin Asst (858) 534-3492 i1lopez@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0312 1.0
Vargas, Alexandra M. (Alex) Humanities Coord (858) 534-3312 amv019@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Victoria, Ruby Acad Advisor (858) 534-5729 rvictoria@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Remesha, Melina M. Coord/Stu Activities (858) 534-1580 melina@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0312 1.0
Lim, Janet S. Program Asst (858) 534-3493 jsl159@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Zroka, Ryan E. Lecturer-Summer Ses rzroka@ucsd.edu PROV-REV NA 1.0
Osuna, Alo (Alo) Asst Academic Adv (858) 534-0599 alosunaorozco@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Kinney, John W. Tutor- Non Student jwkinney@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Mata, Roberto Acad Advisor r2mata@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Fraire, Breanna Student Asst brfraire@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Whitson, Alec M. Tutor- Non Student amwhitson@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Saran, Anushka Student Asst a1saran@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Barajas-Ritchie, Amanda M. Admin Ofcr abarajasritchie@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0321 1.0
Rocker, Jason R. Student Asst jrrocker@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Shimizu, Pablo I. Student Asst pschimizuii@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Thiele, Scott Tutor- Non Student scthiele@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Rodriguez, Bretton S. Lecturer bsrodriguez@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Seide, Alessandro E. Tutor- Non Student aseide@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Balsis, Kasandra M. Tutor- Non Student kbalsis@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Salazar, Katherine Instructional Designer k3salazar@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Fernandez, Idalia M. Student Asst i2fernandez@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Amet, Victor L. Student Asst vlamet@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Chavez Leal, Kimberly E. Student Asst kechavezleal@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Choy, Jimmy Student Asst j2choy@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Malko, Sarah W. Student Asst swmalko@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Rahbari, Golsa Appointed Official gorahbari@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0076 1.0
Chordia, Supriyaa Tutor suchordia@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Lin, Yubao Student Asst yul310@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Bothra, Rini Student Asst ribothra@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Chen, Lydia Student Asst lyc006@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Palau, Wesley (Wes) Stu Life Dev Spec wpalau@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Patton, Dominique A. Prog/Comm Dev Coord (858) 246-2772 dapatton@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0381 1.0
Thomas, Saniya Student Asst sat014@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Parulekar, Vijigisha Student Asst viparulekar@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Venegas Solorio, Stephanie Student Asst stvenegassolorio@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Chiang, Mia Student Asst m8chiang@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Vidal Jacobo, Estrella Student Asst e1vidaljacobo@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Sood, Misthi Student Asst m1sood@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Rodriguez, Isaac Student Asst isr008@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Tellez, Alexander Student Asst adtellez@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Morrow, Kelly Tutor- Non Student kemorrow@ucsd.edu PROV-REV 0306 1.0
Shenoy, Niyati Lecturer nishenoy@ucsd.edu PROV-REV NA 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.