Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Francisco, Karol rogelle K. Postdoc Employee k2francisco@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0303 1.0
Ballatore, Carlo Professor (858) 822-3663 cballatore@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Bandeira, Nuno F. Professor (858) 534-8666 nbandeira@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Attari, Maryam Admin Asst msattari@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Awdishu, Linda Clinical Professor (858) 534-3919 lawdishu@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Yousif, Zaid K. Asst Clin Professor (858) 534-8009 zyousif@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Siegel, Dionicio R. Professor (858) 822-3666 drsiegel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Jackson, Paul F. Assoc Adjunct Prof pfjackson@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Liu, Tiqing Programmer Analyst (858) 822-7726 tiliu@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Duggan, Brendan M. Director/NMR Facility (858) 534-8763 bmduggan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chang, Geoffrey A. Professor (858) 822-5490 g1chang@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ronquillo, Dan L. (Dan) Analyst (858) 822-7901 dronquillo@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ho, Kwok-yiu (Joannie) Staff Res Assoc kwho@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Salanga, Catherina L. Asst Proj Scientist (858) 822-6606 csalanga@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Thiel, Paradorn Admin Officer (858) 246-2821 pthiel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Thomas, Diane M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-2942 d4thomas@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Tsunoda, Shirley M. Assoc Dean-Pharm Edu (858) 822-6629 smtsunoda@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Atayee, Rabia S. Assoc Dean/Admissions (858) 822-3549 ratayee@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Abagyan, Ruben Professor (858) 822-3404 rabagyan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Schneid, Stephen Sr Lrng Sklls Cnslr (858) 534-6962 sschneid@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0697 1.0
Wang, Dong Professor (858) 822-5561 dow003@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Radic, Zoran Recall Faculty (858) 763-6963 zradic@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Willeford, Andrew L. HS Asst Prof (858) 534-8009 awilleford@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 8765 1.0
Brandl, Katharina Assoc Teaching Prof (858) 822-6853 kbrandl@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Podvin, Sonia Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-6684 spodvin@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Fajtova, Pavla Postdoc Employee pfajtova@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Sinclair, Trace Research Admin (858) 822-7819 tsinclair@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Rigonan, Yolanda V. (Yoly) Financial Analyst (858) 822-5049 yrigonan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Jahansouz, Farivar Clin Professor (858) 822-5566 fjahansouz@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Jandt Auvil, Lisa B. Research Admin Supv ljandtauvil@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Mnatzaganian, Christina L. Assoc Dean/Experiential Edu (858) 822-5642 cmnatzaganian@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Molinski, Tadeusz F., Dr. (Ted) Professor (858) 534-7115 tmolinski@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0358 1.0
Momper, Jeremiah D. Clin Professor (858) 822-0913 jmomper@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Moore, Bradley S. Prof/CMBB Director (858) 822-6650 bsmoore@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0209 1.0
Morello, Candis M., Dr. Assoc Dean/Stu Affrs (858) 822-5586 cmmorello@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Dorrestein, Pieter C. (Peter) Professor (858) 534-6607 pdorrestein@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Best, Brookie M. Dean (858) 822-5550 bdugan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Handel, Tracy M. Professor (858) 822-6656 thandel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Namba-Liem, Jennifer M. Clin Professor (858) 822-2621 jnamba@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Mckerrow, James H. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-7801 jmckerrow@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Yu, Zhe Postdoc Employee (858) 534-4809 z1yu@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0613C 1.0
Evans, Sylvia M. Professor (858) 822-2452 syevans@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0613-C 1.0
Feist, Ashley A. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5050 aafeist@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Kufareva, Irina Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 822-4163 ikufareva@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Caraballo Rodriguez, Andres mauricio Project Sci (858) 822-5437 acaraballorodriguez@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Painter, Nathan A. Clin Professor (858) 822-3487 npainter@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Fricovsky, Eduardo S. Clin Professor (858) 534-3714 esfricovsky@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Lee, Kelly C. Assoc Dean/Assessment (858) 822-3462 (858) 534-8730 kcl006@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Le, Jennifer Prof Clin Pharm (858) 534-3692 jel078@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Lage De Siqueira Neto, Jair Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 822-5595 jlagedesiqueiraneto@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
O'Donoghue, Anthony J. Assoc Professor (858) 534-5360 ajodonoghue@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Patel, Nimish Prof Clin Pharm (858) 822-3561 nipatel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Caffrey, Conor Professor (858) 534-5340 ccaffrey@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Camacho, Patricia A. (Patty) Assoc Dean (858) 822-5590 pcamacho@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Green, Michael Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5817 j9green@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gilson, Michael K. Professor (858) 822-0622 mgilson@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Luli, Alex J. Asst Clin Prof (858) 534-5750 aluli@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gustafsson, Asa B. Professor (858) 822-5569 abgustafsson@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Saunders, Ila M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-6839 isaunders@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ma, Joseph D. Prof Clin Pharm (858) 822-3485 jdma@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Daniels, Charles E. Assoc Dean/Prof Practice (858) 822-6626 cdaniels@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hook, Vivian Y., Dr. Professor (858) 822-6682 vhook@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Debnath, Anjan Assoc Adj Professor (858) 822-5265 adebnath@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Alle, Thibault F. Staff Res Assoc talle@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Humber, Douglas M. (Doug) Clin Professor (858) 534-8777 dmhumber@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gerwick, William H. Prof/CMBB Director (858) 534-0578 wgerwick@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0212 1.0
Chi, Liguo Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-7570 l1chi@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chow, Ernest Clin Instructor eochow@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Nigam, Anisha K. Res Data Analyst annigam@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Blaize, Ezra S. APPE Coord (858) 822-2216 eblaize@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Jones, John D. Lecturer jojones@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gray, Steven W. Lecturer s3gray@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Najor, Rita H. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-7570 rnajor@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Barlow, Cynthia R. HR Manager (858) 822-6690 cbarlow@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Mosier, Charles A. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6684 cmosier@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Heidt, Lydia Admin Officer (858) 822-7861 lnapa@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Schell, Kenneth H. Lecturer (858) 966-7796 khschell@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Sepulveda, Yadira J. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2770 ysepulveda@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Shi, Xinying Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5817 xyshi@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Stacks, Teah P. Admin Coord (858) 822-5508 tstacks@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Pigon, Ma Editha (Edith) Instructional Web Prog (858) 534-5833 epigon@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Surofchy, Dalga D. Lecturer dsurofchy@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Fletcher-Rice, Pamela L. Admin Coord (858) 822-6854 pfletcherrice@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cao, Jennifer M. Pharmacist (858) 534-0444 jmcao@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cartlidge, Christine M. Admiss Recruit Ofcr (858) 534-4028 ccartlidge@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Janger, Shelly A. Director/Curriculum (858) 822-5566 sfromholtz@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chamankhah, Nona UNEX Teacher nchamankhah@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chong, Jenny C. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-0110 jchong@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Giardini, Miriam A. Staff Res Assoc mgiardini@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Swift, Caroline N. Admin Coord (858) 246-2190 cswift@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Garhartt, Mandi J. (Walker) HR Analyst (858) 246-0080 mjwalker@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Dashtaei, Anahita Pharmacist (858) 534-0444 adashtaei@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hagopian, Jonathan C. Lecturer jhagopian@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Dorrestein, Kathleen A. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5437 kdorrestein@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0957 1.0
Laity, Jayne M. Project Coord (858) 822-2458 jlaity@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Barranco Marquez, Karla Admin Coord (858) 822-5503 kbarrancomarquez@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hwang, Linda Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-7726 lihwang@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gomez, Adrienne I. Admin Coord (858) 822-6856 aigomez@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
McGlynn, Pamela J. IPPE Coord (858) 822-7803 pmcglynn@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cooper, Dominic Prog Mgr-Div/Comm Init docooper@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Bounthavong, Mark Assoc Prof Clin (858) 822-5531 mbounthavong@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ho, Benjamin N. Student Asst b7ho@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hernandez Delso, Inmaculada (Inma) Professor (858) 822-6047 inhernandez@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Rose, Jason L. Student Asst jlrose@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gabriel, Nico Res Data Analyst jdgabriel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Abelyan, Samvel HS Clin Instructor saabelyan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cavender, Chapin E. Postdoc Fellow (858) 822-7726 ccavender@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Magana, Cristal A. Admin Coord (858) 822-7642 camagana@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
RodriguesTeixeira, Thaiz R. Postdoc Employee (858) 534-7964 trteixeira@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Boyarko, Ben Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6684 beboyarko@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Zhao, Nina Postdoc Employee (858) 822-5437 haz072@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Charron-Lamoureux, Vincent Postdoc Fellow vcharronlamoureux@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Kneebusch, Jamie C. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 534-9486 jkneebusch@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chiu, Aerin Student Asst c3chiu@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Searle, Aerin G. Student Asst a1searle@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Lona, Alexis N. Res Data Analyst allona@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Daghaly, Bethany Student Asst bmdaghaly@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hou, Peini Postdoc Employee (858) 822-0110 pehou@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hole, Sarah N. Admiss/Recrtmnt Coord (858) 822-7807 shole@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Man, Ethan M. Student Asst emman@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM NA 1.0
El Abiead, Yasin Postdoc Employee (858) 822-5437 yelabiead@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Dyer, Samantha L. Student Asst s3dyer@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Mohanty, Ipsita Postdoc Employee (858) 822-5437 ipmohanty@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Huang, Mian Postdoc Employee (858) 822-6606 mih018@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Wang, Kai Postdoc Employee (858) 822-6606 kaw038@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Collins, Matthew Exec Asst To The Dean (858) 246-5501 m2collins@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Vistro, Nicholas M. Admin Coord (858) 822-5506 nmvistro@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Rosenthal, Heidi Fund Manager (858) 822-6505 herosenthal@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Yang, Ming Postdoc Employee miy015@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ho, Kimmy Research Admin kih001@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0660 1.0
Endzhievskaya, Sofia Postdoc Employee sendzhievskaya@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Willeford, Courtney Pharmacist cwilleford@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Perez, Deanna Stu Affrs Ofcr (858) 534-8558 dep002@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Wong, Michelle Student Asst miw047@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Anderson, Jake T. Student Asst jta004@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Box, Maggie J. Educator mabox@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Derisi, Maria D. Educator mdderisi@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Abdul-Mutakabbir, Jacinda C. Asst Prof Clin (858) 822-5574 jabdulmutakabbir@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Silver, Robin M. Staff Res Assoc rmsilver@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Ravindran, Rishith Postdoc Employee riravindran@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cameron, Teresa M. Res Data Analyst t2cameron@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Li, Qingrong Postdoc Employee qil044@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Grabska, Siranuysh Jr Specialist sgrabska@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Grabski, Hovakim Jr Specialist hgrabski@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Sun, Uli Staff Res Assoc yus054@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Nguyen, Hoangmy E. Pharmacist hen010@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Kruse, Michael Educator mikruse@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Sun, Steven Postdoc Employee sas016@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Kvitne, Kine E. Postdoc Employee kkvitne@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Xing, Shipei Postdoc Employee s1xing@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Jinich, Adrian Asst Professor (858) 534-5362 ajinich@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Koo, Emily Clin Instructor emkoo@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Marciel, Greg Admin Coord gmarciel@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Cortez-Gonzalez, Xochitl Clin Instructor xocortezgonzalez@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0603 1.0
Espinoza Herrera, Javier Student Asst jaespinozaherrera@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Lin, Qingpeng Postdoc Employee q2lin@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Leong, Weng S. Teaching Asst wleong@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Encarnacion, Stephanie Student Asst stencarnacion@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Won, Kimberly Hlth Profns Educ Spec kiwon@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Truong, Joann B. Student Asst jbt008@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Spencer, Amanda N. Student Asst a3spencer@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Patan, Abubaker Postdoc Employee apatan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Kalisz, Kayla Student Asst kakalisz@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Hakim, Marianne Clin Instructor-Vol m2hakim@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Pace, Nancy M. (Nan) Proj Policy Analyst (858) 822-7807 npace@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Garay, Erika C. Staff Res Assoc ecgaray@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Phillips, Jazmine Admin Coord (858) 822-5144 j8phillips@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Yang, Lanting Postdoc Employee layang@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Nunes, Wilhan D. Staff Res Assoc wdnunes@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM NA 1.0
Deleray, Victoria M. Student Asst videleray@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Chang, Bryan P. Student Asst bpchang@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Yan, Sherry X. Student Asst sxyan@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM NA 1.0
Zhu, Yongchang Postdoc Employee yoz027@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM NA 1.0
Liu, Catherine Postdoc Employee cal094@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0
Gouda, Harsha Postdoc Employee hgouda@ucsd.edu SCH PHARM/PHARM 0657 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.