Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Hogue, Ella Proj Policy Analyst ehogue@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Boensch, Jessica M. VCR Proj Policy Analyst jboensch@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Bass, Debra D. VCR Dir/Communications (858) 534-8564 dbass@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Gutierrez, Karen V. Proj Policy Analyst k7gutierrez@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Uyeda, Kellie A. Exec Director/NRS kuyeda@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0112 1.0
Watson, Stephanie A. Executive Asst s4watson@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Tolliver, Devon N. Director-Events/EDI Prog (858) 822-2529 dntolliver@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Trahan, Lisa R. Res Growth Initvs Coord ltrahan@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Waga, Miwako Sr Director (858) 534-0321 mwaga@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Hawkins, Faith K. Asst Vice Chancellor (858) 761-5759 fhawkins@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Kay, Isabelle S. Academic Coord (858) 534-2077 ikay@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0116 1.0
Nakanishi, Kyle D. Dir/Operations (858) 822-5321 knakanishi@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Wu, I-Hsun Graphic Designer iwu@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
O'Donnell, Anne R. Sr Exec Dir-Corp Strat/Engmt (858) 822-5963 odonnell@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Bartolome, Linda J. Res Scholar Mgr ljbartolome@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
McDermaid, Stacey S. Director/HR (858) 822-3491 smcdermaid@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Clark, Robert M. Financial Analyst (858) 822-3456 rmc010@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Panetta, Lana C. Admin Asst lpanetta@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Meeves, Cyndi NISEC Ctr Proj Mgr (858) 822-5297 cmeeves@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0548 1.0
Cavazos, Tawni M. HR Generalist (858) 534-9467 tmgrant@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Culver, Starr M. Res Ethics Admin Ofcr (858) 822-2647 smculver@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0445 1.0
Peek-Asa, Corinne L. Vice Chancellor cpeekasa@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Vasquez, Sierra Student Asst s7vasquez@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Sandecki, Rachel HR Asst rsandecki@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Mingo, Kendra RD Proposal Manager kmingo@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Smith, Sean Reserve Maint Steward ses015@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0116 1.0
Sergi, Jessica Financial Manager jsergi@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
De Alicante, Brittney RD Proposal Manager bdealicante@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Olascuaga Viera, Belen Student Asst beolascuagaviera@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0
Kalichman, Michael W., Dr. Dir/Res Ethics Prog (858) 822-2027 kalichman@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0612 1.0
Krstic, Miroslav Sr Assoc Vice Chanc (858) 534-5556 krstic@ucsd.edu OFC RESEARCH AF 0043 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.