Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Foley, Catherine M. Infection Preventionist (858) 657-7187 c1foley@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8951 1.0
Myers III, Frank E. Director (619) 543-5855 frmyers@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8951 1.0
Miller, Jacque Infection Preventionist (619) 471-9014 jlmiller@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8951 1.0
Wightman, Debbra A. Pr Admin Analyst (858) 249-4760 dawightman@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8915 1.0
Cardenas, Priscilla S. Comm Hlth Outrch Profl pcardenas@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8672 1.0
Feldheim, Aryeh M. Comm Hlth Outrch Profl afeldheim@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 0963 1.0
Hunziker, Christopher R. Infection Prevention chhunziker@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8951 1.0
Versey, Shila N. Admin Ofcr (619) 471-9045 sversey@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Gionta, Alexandra N. (Alex) Infection Preventionist agionta@ucsd.edu EPIDEMIOLOGY 8951 1.0

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