Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Ursulescu, Luiza A. Bus Intel Mgr lursulescu@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Dizon, Joseph M. Energy Mgmt Analyst j2dizon@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8206 1.0
Cao, Danica Mae P. Financial Analyst (619) 739-1459 dpascua@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Hall, Russell A. Equip Planning Coord ruhall@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Evans, Pamela J. Facil Equip Planner (858) 249-2705 pjevans@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Arevalo, Ana Sofia Emergency Mgmt Coord (858) 657-7155 a3arevalo@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Alvarez, Arturo R. Sr Project Mgr (619) 385-6364 ara037@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Alberto, Valentine A. (Alberto) Sr Facil Planner (858) 657-2275 valberto@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Hill, Kristin B. Sr Dir/Strat Bldg Progs Dev krh003@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Robinson, Cherri A. Facilities Planner (858) 249-0914 c2robinson@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Martin, Aubrey J. Dir Bus Admin (619) 209-0014 a2martin@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8849 1.0
Chan, Alicia P. Infrastructure Prog Mgr (619) 543-2804 apc004@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8206 1.0
Treska, Clayton M. Assoc Project Mgr (858) 249-6954 ctreska@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8980 1.0
Osborne, Kari Contract Admin (858) 246-0988 kjosborne@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 0916 1.0
Pinnick, Brian J. Sr Fac Planner bpinnick@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Woods, Jennifer C. Sustainability Coord jwoods@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Yates, Suzy (Suzy) Signage Coord (619) 471-3837 syates@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8206 1.0
Atanoa, Patricia Facilities Analyst patanoa@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Brewer, Sherry L. Financial Analyst (619) 471-0380 slbrewer@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Cook, Andrea L. Sr Facilities Planner a4cook@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Florman, Dijana L. Sr Planner (619) 543-2520 dflorman@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Frasco, Teresa Contracts Admin (619) 471-9254 tfrasco@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Dam, An K. Facilities Planner (619) 471-3293 akdam@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Dedonato, Allison M. Patient Supp Svc Supv adedonato@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Dowers, Donald E. Project Manager (619) 471-9130 ddowers@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Lozano, Tanya J. Admin Analyst tjlozano@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Imroth, Monique Dir-Emerg Mgmnt/Tel Opr Svcs (619) 543-7867 mimroth@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Henry, Nicole Sr Facilities Planner nbhenry@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Scott, Bobby Exec Director BPSCOTT@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Murphy, Lindsay N. Sr Planner lmurphy@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Acosta, Eileen M. Planning Spec eacosta@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Lewallen, Lynne A. Facil Mgmt Spec lalewallen@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Pultz, Amy L. Fac Proj Mgmt Spec apultz@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Covington, Brett A. Sr Facilities Planner bcovington@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Roff, Danielle L. Project Manager droff@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Poletto, Nicole A. Sustainability Analyst (858) 776-3924 npoletto@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 7852 1.0
Reyhner, Tsosie D. Energy Mgmt Analyst treyhner@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8206 1.0
Kook, Steve M. Director/Construction Proj (619) 471-0013 smkook@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
McCartney, Peggy Fac Proj Mgmt Spec mamccartney@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8201 1.0
Cena, Frank A. Fac Proj Mgmt Spec fcena@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8867 1.0
Sanchez, Nicholas J. Facilities Planner n6sanchez@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 0963 1.0
Ryzak, Emily E. Planning Mgr eryzak@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Villanueva, Felix Planning Spec fevillanueva@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Paris, Jennifer Geograph Info Sys Progr jparis@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 0505 1.0
Fridge, Jolifer A. Planning Spec jfridge@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Stieber, Andrew C. EHS Spec acstieber@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Tsay, Sarah Dir-Emerg Mgmt/MC Opers (619) 543-7867 stsay@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Tabaknek, Khristopher Fac Proj Mgmt Spec ktabaknek@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Palcic, Robert D. Fac Proj Mgmt Spec rpalcic@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Hill, Tanya Fac Proj Mgmt Spec tahill@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0
Rice, Mike Fac Proj Mgmt Spec m3rice@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN NA 1.0
Cayanan, Don E. Fac Proj Mgmt Spec dcayanan@ucsd.edu FACILITIES PLAN 8861 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.