Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Martinez, Maribel Hosp Asst mam134@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 0973 1.0
Wang, Peter Ru Fu Programmer Analyst (619) 543-2115 prwang@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Jensen, Michael Hosp Lab Tech-Supv (619) 543-5676 m1jensen@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Munoz, Alejandra Admin Spec (858) 249-3030 almunoz@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 7330 1.0
Pena, Derrick E. Clin Social Wkr (619) 543-6168 dpena@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Dao, Minh T. Clin Social Wkr (619) 543-6995 mtdao@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Casale, Jenny Hosp Unit Svc Coord (619) 543-5646 jcasale@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Malong, Jerel Lee S. Clinical Nurse (858) 249-3030 jmalong@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 7330 1.0
Fayson-Miles, Shirley E. Nurse Svc Mgr sfaysonmiles@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Moreno, Kelsey M. Dietitian k5wright@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Reggev, Norma M. Clin Social Wkr nreggev@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Reber, Julia E. Nurse Svc Mgr jereber@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0
Aviles, Julie S. Dietitian jsaviles@ucsd.edu NEPHROLOGY PROG 8781 1.0

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