Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Molenaar, Donald M. Assoc Physician Dipl OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8800 1.0
Jing, Ling Assoc Physician ljing@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 1.0
Isakari, Marcia T. Medical Director (858) 657-1600 misakari@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 1.0
Granda, Christopher S. Assoc Physician cgranda@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8799 1.0
Garcia, Ana K. WC Coord (858) 657-6752 akg018@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 1.0
Cross, John E. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 471-9210 jocross@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8799 1.0
Barragan, Irene N. Financial Analyst (619) 471-9404 inbarragan@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8998 1.0
Craig, Melissa R. RN Supervisor (858) 657-7293 mrcraig@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8998 1.0
Villegas, Ruth E. Ambul Care Admin Supv (858) 657-6587 rvillegas@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 1.0
Gutierrez, Haidee V. Ambul Care Admin Supv (619) 543-5689 hvperez@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8201A 1.0
Hussman, Ryan D. Physician Asst rhussman@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 0883 1.0
Prince, Adam F. Physician Asst PD afprince@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 0883 1.0
Taylor, Erik M. Ambul Care Admin Mgr e7taylor@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8915 1.0

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