Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Iglesia, Sierra R. Organizational Consult siglesia@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Smithng, Gina Organizational Consult gsmithng@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Borja, Michelle J. Admin Asst mjborja@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Harris, Perla Admin Asst (619) 543-3620 p4harris@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Nittoly, Gary W. Pr Admin Analyst (619) 543-3620 gnittoly@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Pollante, Noel R. Bus Sys Analyst (858) 657-8292 npollante@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8911 1.0
Cruz, Esperanza M. Accountant (619) 543-3620 emcruz@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Banks, Aaron M. Admin Asst (858) 657-7000 a1banks@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Pineda, Angelica Payroll Analyst anpineda@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Milar, Glenn R. Admin Asst gmilar@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Garcia, Amber L. Payroll Analyst alg065@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0
Kingsepp, John A. Bus Sys Analyst jokingsepp@ucsd.edu MED CTR PAYROLL 8901 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.