Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Rillos Mendes, Juliana Executive Asst (858) 249-5538 jrillosm@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Gaeta, Andrea Food Svc Wkr a2gaeta@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8801 1.0
Miller, Nancy H. Admin Asst (858) 657-6583 namiller@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7628 1.0
Parker-Avila, Hope A. Executive Asst (858) 249-5534 haparker@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Cates, Douglas A. Chief Strategy Ofr (858) 249-5565 dcates@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Wilson, Lesley J. Chief Experience Ofr (619) 543-2270 ljwilson@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8916 1.0
Trenfel, Shawn M. Physician Netwrk Spec (858) 249-0279 strenfel@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8500 1.0
Peer, Ryshawn A. Strategy Mgr (858) 249-6987 rapeer@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8980 1.0
Rhodes, Lisa P. Chief Admin Ofr (619) 543-5956 lrhodes@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8794 1.0
Kremer, Brendan R. Chief Operating Ofcr (858) 249-5508 bkremer@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Baggett, Margarita M. Chf Clinical Ofr (858) 249-5537 mbaggett@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7984 1.0
Maysent, Patty Chief Exec Ofr (858) 249-5534 pmaysent@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Donaldson, Lori R. CFO (619) 543-3906 ldonaldson@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8905 1.0
Macchione, Nick Bus Dev HC Mgr nimacchione@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 7970 1.0
Hampton, Tonya Chief HR Officer (619) 543-7622 thampton@ucsd.edu DIREC OFC 8912 1.0

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