Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Soriano, Karolina Clin Social Wkr k2soriano@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 7196 1.0
Garcia, Beatrice Clin Prog Coord (858) 534-9061 begarcia@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 7196 1.0
Nahab, Lissette M. Assoc Director (858) 249-4394 l3moreno@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 0877 1.0
Molavi-Kerner, Candice B. Clin Social Wkr cmolavikerner@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 7196 1.0
Onderdonk, Christopher Clin Social Wkr (619) 471-0383 conderdonk@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 8216 1.0
Mackall, Ellen K. Hlth Profns Educ Spec (858) 657-7539 emackall@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 7196 1.0
Rivas, Nansi Clin Social Wkr n1rivas@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 7196 1.0
Hoops, Kristi M. Clin Soc Wkr khoops@ucsd.edu PALLIATIVE CARE 8919 1.0

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