Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Bryant, Jay K. (Jason) Dir/Grad Recruitment/Admin (858) 822-6462 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Simon, Brenda M. Visit Assoc Prof RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Anderson, Ashely L. Student Asst RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Youn, Sesang Student Asst RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Coraldi, Brooke A. Art Director (858) 534-0912 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Foit, Delbert F. Recall Faculty RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gajulapalli, Karthik Applications Programmer RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gladden, Fonique N. Fiscal Analyst-Supv (858) 822-6020 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Canelo, Leandro Organizational Cnslt RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Svetina, Marko Visit Assoc Prof RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Cromidas, Alexander C. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 246-3280 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Elisha, Matthew Fin Svcs Analyst maelisha@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Schwartz, Timothy G. Exec Dir/Calif Inst Inno (858) 534-9829 tgschwartz@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Phiroz, Zal N. Lecturer zphiroz@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Meyer, Alison B. Cont Lecturer abmeyer@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wellsjo, Alex Asst Professor awellsjo@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Avenancio-Leon, Carlos F. Asst Professor cavenancioleon@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Valkanov, Rossen I. Professor (858) 534-0898 rvalkanov@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Masciana, Jon P. Asst Dean/Grad Prog (858) 534-8702 jpmasciana@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Girand, Christopher C. Lecturer-Summer Ses cgirand@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Middleton, Angela (Angie) Dir-Acad Persnl/Faculty Supp (858) 822-4214 a1middleton@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lindquist, Samuel J. Fiedl Researcher slindquist@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rohner, Katerina M. Acad Prsnl Analyst krohner@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Corrigan, Maureen M. Faculty Supp Coord mmcorrigan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Zimmermann, Carsten Visit Assoc Prof c2zimmermann@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Corona, Amanda J. Director/Corp Partnerships ajc106@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Bates, Kenneth W. Lecturer kwbates@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
August, Terrence W. Assoc Professor (858) 822-7452 taugust@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Floyd, Eric J. Assoc Professor ejfloyd@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sanders, Robert E. Asst Professor r1sanders@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Zanelli, Gila R. Dir/Undergrad Edu (858) 822-7453 gzanelli@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Bliss, Barbara A. Lecturer bbliss@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Amir, On Professor (858) 534-2023 oamir@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Buchanan, Harold G. Lecturer hbuchanan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Anderson, John C. Lecturer jcanderson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0554 1.0
Mckay, Michael J. Lecturer mmckay@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Jensen, Karen H. Entrepreneurship Advo CIID (858) 534-1761 khjensen@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Schmidt, Robert P. Academic Coord rpschmidt@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Liu, Wei (Wendy) Assoc Professor (858) 822-7471 weliu@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hayes, Sherry L. Lecturer slhayes@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Berthelot, Michael J. Lecturer mberthelot@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Mckay, Mary A. Lecturer mamckay@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Shin, Hyo Duk (Hyoduk) Assoc Professor (858) 534-3768 hdshin@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Serra Garcia, Marta Asst Professor mserragarcia@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Smith, Pamela K. (Pam) Assoc Professor (858) 822-7472 p9smith@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wilbur, Kenneth C. Assoc Professor (858) 534-3441 kcwilbur@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rottenstreich, Yuval S. Professor (858) 246-1217 yrottenstreich@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Royal, Rebecca G. Lecturer rroyal@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sadoff, Sally Assoc Professor (858) 822-7456 ssadoff@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Zhu, Kevin Professor kxzhu@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Timmermann, Allan , Dr. Professor (858) 534-0894 atimmermann@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Townsend, Richard R. (Rick) Asst Professor rrtownsend@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Pecore, Joseph Lecturer jpecore@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Perols, Johan L. Lecturer jperols@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wagner, Ryan Lecturer twagner@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Schkade, David A. Prof Emeritus dschkade@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Olsen, Dean J. Director Tech Svcs (858) 246-0088 d1olsen@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Reher, Michael C. Asst Professor mreher@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Simek, Karlee O. Asst Dir-Alum/Donor Prog (858) 534-6414 ksimek@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Oveis, Christopher Assoc Professor coveis@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Mullins, William Asst Professor wmullins@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Inal, Tugay Supv/IT Help Desk (858) 822-5134 tinal@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Milone, Mario M. Asst Professor (858) 534-8511 mmilone@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0556 1.0
Misra, Kanishka Adjt Professor kamisra@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Deiotte, James T. Academic Coord (858) 246-5819 jdeiotte@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Moran, Cathleen (Cathy) Lecturer cmoran@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0554 1.0
Dolbeck, Leeann M. Career Mgmt Ctr/Ofc Coord (858) 822-7413 lmdolbeck@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Dunn, Louis J. Lecturer l1dunn@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Eberhard, Craig A. Lecturer caeberhard@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Engelberg, Joseph E. Professor (858) 822-7912 jengelberg@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ehrich, Kristine R. Lecturer kehrich@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Erbe, Brandie M. Exec Asst To Dean (858) 822-0830 berbe@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Erat, Sanjiv Assoc Professor (858) 822-0314 serat@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Klaas, Jeff Lecturer jklaas@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Nguyen-Chyung, Amy T. Asst Teach Prof anguyenchyung@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Nijs, Vincent R. Assoc Professor (858) 822-7459 vnijs@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kam, Mitchell M. Sr Dir/Empl Engagement mkam@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Krishnan, Viswanathan (Vish) Professor (858) 822-1991 vkrishnan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
De Mill, Burt Lecturer bdemill@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Blakley, Bruce G. Lecturer bblakley@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Blaugher, Kim M. Exec Dir/Beyster Inst (208) 283-4644 kblaugher@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Leatherman, Mathew R. (Mat) Assoc Dir/Admiss Fin/BusAnalyt (858) 534-2159 mrleatherman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lindenberger, Wade D. Lecturer wlindenberger@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Breon-Drish, Bradyn Asst Professor (858) 246-2482 bbreondrish@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gneezy, Uri Professor (858) 534-4312 ugneezy@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gneezy, Ayelet Assoc Professor (858) 534-4131 agneezy@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gopal, Christopher S. Lecturer-Summer Ses cgopal@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Karmarkar, Uma R. Asst Professor ukarmarkar@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Liu, Jun Professor (858) 534-2022 jul002@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Loftman, Kathleen A. Lecturer kloftman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Buti, Krisztina Asst Adjt Professor kbuti@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Campbell, Robert H. Lecturer rhcampbell@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Chamberlain, Travis D. Lecturer t1chamberlain@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hansen, Karsten T. Professor (858) 822-7462 k4hansen@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Mc Kenzie, Craig R., Dr. Professor (858) 534-3739 cmckenzie@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
McMahan, Christine A. Sr Analyst/Acad Assmnt (858) 822-6015 cmcmahan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Williams, Lukus J. Supv/Salesforce/App Dev (858) 534-7378 l9williams@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Zhang, Zhe Asst Professor (858) 534-6141 z9zhang@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ordonez, Lisa D. (Crooms) Dean (858) 822-0830 lordonez@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Houskeeper, Robert V. Lecturer rhouskeeper@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Melvin, Michael T. Academic Coord mmelvin@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Meyer, Michael W. Asst Teach Prof/Design (858) 822-7467 mwmeyer@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Barker, Wendy H. (Hunter Barker) Asst Dean Strategy/Ops (858) 822-0396 whunter@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ackerman, Joel C. Producer-Director (858) 246-5589 jackerman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Huynh, Aimee Technical Proj Mgr (858) 534-9367 aihuynh@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Perez, Estefania Undergrad Prog Asst (858) 246-5947 esperez@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Miller, Terri A. Events Logistics Planner (858) 246-5156 t7miller@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Valencia, Jonathan B. (Jon) Ofc Admin/Beyster Inst (858) 246-3518 jbvalencia@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Dayton, Emily E. Dir-Spec Mstrs Admiss/Recruit (858) 534-2431 edayton@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rojas, R Salomon HR/Payroll Asst (858) 534-8361 srojas@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Cordova, Ross J. Grad Fund Coord (858) 246-5316 rcordova@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Castrogiovani, Kristi L. (Kristi) Masters Prog Admiss Coord (858) 534-0864 kcastrogiovani@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Morganson, Michael T. (Mike) Salesforce Admin mmorganson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Moesta, Sarah M. Instructional Supp Asst (858) 534-0046 s2moesta@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Aujero, Greg Carlo System Admin (858) 246-2356 gaujero@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Self, Kathleen I. Assoc Dir/Career Coach MPAc (858) 822-4433 kself@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Logan, Orintha J. (Jay) Lead Facil Mgmt Spec (858) 822-0628 ologan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Flocke, Hillary A. Proc Imprvmnt Tech Proj Mgr hflocke@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Liseski, Michael F. Bus Techl Supp Analyst (858) 534-7643 mliseski@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Patti, Suzanne Staff HR Manager (858) 534-0885 spatti@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wissman, Alexander C. Institutional Data Analyst (858) 246-1190 awissman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kambli, Sangeeta S. Accounting/Fiscal Mgr (858) 822-6006 skambli@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Teotico, Gerald J. Bus Techl Supp Analyst (858) 534-7484 gteotico@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kanchanasuwan, Diana Prog Mgr/sullivan Ctr (858) 822-6268 dkanchanasuwan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
An, Sherry Social Media Mgr (858) 246-5298 xuan@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Chatwood, Andrea Marketing/Comm Spec achatwood@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Durbin, Christina S. Undergrad Acad Advisor (858) 246-3280 cdurbin@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Coleman, Kimberly E. Travel/Finance Spec (858) 246-0561 kecoleman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Liborio, Bryan Sr Financial Analyst (858) 246-2531 bliborio@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Liebovich, Sheri Program Mgr (858) 246-3545 sliebovich@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Guiragossian, Nathalie Art Director nguiragossian@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lemoh, Thonton I. (Ton-Ton) Faculty Supp Coord (858) 534-0803 tilemoh@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Goldstein, Stacy F. Assoc Dir/Admiss Recr Account (858) 534-4831 sfgoldstein@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Balderston, Chelsea M. Undergrad Prog Rep (858) 246-0392 cbalderston@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Heiskell, Kaitlyn F. Asst Dir/Events (858) 822-7441 kheiskell@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hermes, Jade Instr Supp Asst (858) 534-0046 jahermes@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Serrano, Nancy B. Assoc Dir Grad Admiss/Recr/Fle (858) 822-6462 nbserrano@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Warachka, Mitchell C. Lecturer-Summer Ses mwarachka@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Yorkston, Eric A. Lecturer-Summer Ses eyorkston@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Nissen, Mark E. Lecturer-Summer Ses mnissen@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Samek, Anya Assoc Prof asamek@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sankey, Norris D. Lecturer-Summer Ses nsankey@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Amado, Ana M. Exec Dir-Market/Comm (858) 534-5468 anaamado@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Phillips, Audrey L. Dir-MBA Admiss/Recruitment a3phillips@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Anklesaria, Jimmy Lecturer janklesaria@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Larson, Sydnee Admissions Comms Spec sylarson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Felke, Magnus R. Lecturer-Summer Ses mfelke@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Teixeira, Thales S. Adjt Professor tteixeira@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Cook, Kristina B. Assoc Dir/MBA Admiss Recruit (858) 534-3678 kbcook@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Moosa, Ali HR Generalist amoosa@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ortega, Kyla L. Student Asst klortega@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Campbell, Elizabeth L. Asst Professor ecampbell@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Perez Cavazos, Gerardo Asst Professor gperezcavazos@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rai, Tage S. Asst Professor trai@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Luo, Danqi Asst Professor d1luo@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Parme, Michael C. Lecturer-Summer Ses mparme@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Malim, Pilar M. Undergrad Stu Acad Adv pmalim@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rhorer, Toni R. Exec Dir/Career Mgmt Ctr (858) 534-0797 trhorer@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Farrell-Gartzke, Tara Facil/Ops Asst (858) 534-3505 tfarrellgartzke@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ebrahimian, Roshanne K. UG Acad Advisor (858) 822-0753 rebrahimian@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hayman, Patrick (William) Web Mgr whayman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Grimes, Jerry L. Postdoc Employee jgrimesjr@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Augustin, Erica J. Grad Acad Adv/Bus Analytics (858) 534-8117 eaugustin@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Doyle, Kevin T. Mgr/Grad Acad Advising (858) 534-0516 k1doyle@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0529 1.0
Figueroa, Gregorio A. Program Mgr/EDI g3figueroa@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0963 1.0
Lowery, Amanda S. Asst Dir/Empl Engmt (858) 246-5827 aslowery@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Chang, Charles Empl Ownership Conslt chc092@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Garczynski, Sheila A. Grad Stud Affrs Asst (858) 246-5159 sgarczynski@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Meloney, Irene C. Sr Dir/Grad Stu Affrs (858) 534-2777 imeloney@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Villatoro, Emily E. Student Asst eevillatoro@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0064 1.0
Gundy, Kimberly H. (Kimmi) MBA Admiss Coord (858) 534-1665 kgundy@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hernandez, Ranisha L. Grad Stu Affairs Asst (858) 534-2815 rlh001@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Perez, Luis F. Acad Prsnl Analyst (858) 534-2154 lfp002@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wu, Mi Assoc Dir/Intl Empl Engmt miw042@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
To, David Q. Grad Prog Advisor d4to@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sperow, Stephanie R. Data/Ops Specialist (858) 822-2977 ssperow@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Morales Salazar, Priscilla M. Admin Asst pmmoralessalazar@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0963 1.0
Blanchard, Christopher M. (Chris) Computer Res Spec (858) 534-0845 c1blanchard@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Vallod, Emmanuel Lecturer evallod@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Chau, Bianca Assoc Dir/MFin Career Coach (858) 822-7853 bichau@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Miklusak, Courtney R. Sr Dir/Career Coaching (858) 534-6135 cmiklusak@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Graves, Alisha Course/Instr Sched/Planner (858) 246-3332 algraves@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Jha, Shruti Fiedl Researcher shjha@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Morales, Nelitza E. Assoc Dir/MSBA Career Coach (858) 534-2115 nemorales@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Morrison, Cassie M. HR Generalist cmmorrison@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Clark, Natalie A. Development Asst naclark@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Graehl, Elise L. Comptr Resc Spec egraehl@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Etingue Kum, Menes Lecturer metinguekum@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Palomino, Sophia Assoc Dir MBA Admis/Recr/Flex (858) 246-3538 spalomino@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hasman, Lynda C. Student Asst lchasman@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hawthorne, Susie E. (Susie) Assoc Dir-Admiss/FT Bus Ana (858) 534-3173 sehawthorne@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Paul, Anushree P. Assoc Dir-Grad Admiss/Recruit appaul@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Booker, Paul C. Financial Assistant pbooker@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Prakash, Sourabh Student Asst s1prakash@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0949 1.0
Thiel, Jana M. Events Mgr jthiel@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Goodarzi, Shadi Asst Adjt Prof sgoodarzi@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gama Marroquin, Daniela Student Asst dagamamarroquin@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rogers, Alexandra N. Acad Persnl Analyst a2rogers@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gallardo, Alan J. Faculty Supp Coord (858) 246-3517 agallardoavila@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Jaroszewicz, Ania Asst Professor anjaroszewicz@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lam, Alan Financial Asst (858) 534-3680 allam@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Harris Villarreal, Patricio Student Asst paharrisvillarreal@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kroll, Douglas (Doug) Asst Dean/Admin dkroll@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Correa, Nancy Grad Prog Advisor (858) 534-2577 ncorrea@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Gross, Rachel Corp Recruiting Asst ragross@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Saccardo, Silvia Lecturer-Summer Ses s1saccardo@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Schurr, Amos Visit Assoc Prof aschurr@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Jiang, Jason Student Asst jaj025@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Zhao, Yiran Student Asst yiz272@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0067 1.0
Michlanski, Taylor HR Generalist (858) 534-0673 tmichlanski@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Bolton, Cassandra Grad Fin Supp Admin cabolton@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Niessing, Joerg Lecturer jniessing@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Verreault, Olivia Marketing Proj Supv overreault@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Eckhardt, Lauren Behavioral Lab Coord leckhardt@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ferguson, Julie Assoc Dir-FT MBA Admiss/Recrui juferguson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Navarro, Oen Student Asst oenavarro@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Richardson, Jai'lyn Student Asst j3richardson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Flores, Luis Fin Res Admin luf002@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sego, Emily Acad Prsnl Analyst esego@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kudinov, Marina Acad Prsnl Analyst mkudinov@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Sanchez Ariza, Sarai Student Asst sasanchezariza@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lopez, Claudia Student Asst cll019@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Alvarado, Oscar Student Asst osalvarado@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Nguyen, Tara Student Asst tan023@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
De Melo Barbosa, Lilian Student Asst ldemelobarbosa@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Louie, Sara Student Asst salouie@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Flores, Erik Student Asst erf003@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Li, Linzhe Student Asst lil075@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Garro, Sarah Assoc Dir/Empl Engmnt sgarro@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Berger, Joshua Grad Prog Advisor j2berger@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Smiley, Megan Industry Allns Spec mesmiley@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Nelakonda, Sai S. Student Asst snelakonda@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Liu, Heng-Chia Staff Res Assoc hel050@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Justen, Sophia Student Asst sojusten@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Bollinger, Michelle Assoc Dir/FT MBA Career Coach mbollinger@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Burson, Jessica Grad Prog Adv MS Quantitative jeburson@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lyons, Charity Fiedl Researcher chlyons@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wang, Yuelin Staff Res Assoc yuw252@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Hunter, Ramon Student Asst r4hunter@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Keeney, Nadya Student Asst nakeeney@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Wu, Allison Lecturer alw050@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lavanur, Akhil R. Student Asst arlavanur@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Cott, Melanie Admiss Outreach Coord (858) 534-4602 m2cott@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Ma, Kelsey Student Asst kem017@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Lange, Robert (Bobby) Assoc Dir/Career Coach (858) 534-4615 rolange@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Santos, Kyle Assoc Dir/Career Coach (858) 246-0959 kysantos@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Michaels, Julie Salesforce Admin jumichaels@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kim, Kihoon Visit Professor kik013@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Khaing, Mya Student Asst mykhaing@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Park, Kun S. Visit Assoc Prof ksp002@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Bhattacharjee, Sreyashi Student Asst srbhattacharjee@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Cortes Dequidt, Luis Student Asst lucortesdequidt@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Yang, Rong Student Asst roy005@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Ambati, Ashrith R. Student Asst arambati@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Rogers, Marisa Admin Asst mar075@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE NA 1.0
Johnson, Erik Visit Asst Prof erj013@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Brooks, Marcus Lecturer PSOE m2brooks@ucsd.edu RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kramer, Lisa Visiting Scholar (858) 822-7468 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0
Kamstra, Mark Visiting Scholar (858) 822-7468 RADY SCH MANAGE 0553 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.