Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Morozumi, Erika Student Asst MUSIC 0099 1.0
Gherzi, Ester Student Asst MUSIC 0099 1.0
Lou, Michelle S. Asst Professor mslou@ucsd.edu MUSIC 1.0
Balzano, Gerald J. Professor Emeritus gjbalzano@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Anderson, Kenneth Sr Lecturer (858) 534-2414 k7anderson@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Arellano, Griselda (Gris) Chief Admin Ofcr (858) 534-3230 garellano@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Carlson, Erik N. Assoc Professor (858) 534-9978 encarlson@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Flores, Jessica C. Production Mgr (858) 822-3725 j3flores@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Davis, Anthony Professor (858) 822-2543 adavis@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Steiger, Rand Assoc Dean Acad Affrs (858) 534-6270 rpsteiger@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0406 1.0
Stevens, Jane Professor Emeritus jrstevens@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Terrazas Perez, Wilfrido D. Assoc Professor wterrazas@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Turetzky, Bertram J. Professor Emeritus bturetzky@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Ung, Chinary Professor Emeritus (858) 822-0269 c1ung@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Plantamura, Carol Professor Emeritus cplantamura@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Schick, Steven Professor (858) 534-3752 sschick@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Seshadri, Kartik Sr Lecturer (858) 822-1491 kaseshadri@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Yadegari, Shahrokh D. Professor (858) 822-4113 syadegari@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Reynolds, Roger L. Professor (858) 534-2444 rlreynolds@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Smyth, Tamara R. Professor (858) 534-6459 trsmyth@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Sollberger, Harvey Professor Emeritus hsollberger@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Campbell, Amelia P. Stu Svc Advisor UG apcampbell@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Dresser, Mark Professor (858) 534-2408 mdresser@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Dubnov, Shlomo Professor (858) 534-5941 sdubnov@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Karis, Aleck Professor Emeritus (858) 534-8876 akaris@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Munsey, Andrew Recording Engineer (858) 534-8868 amunsey@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Narucki, Susan M. Professor (858) 246-0492 snarucki@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Kenyatta, Kamau Lecturer kkenyatta@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Erbe, Thomas R. (Tom) Assoc Teaching Prof (858) 534-5277 terbe@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Fonville, John W. Professor Emeritus jfonville@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Larson, Philip C. Professor (858) 534-6650 plarson@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Ohnishi, Takae Lecturer tohnishi@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Borgo, David G. Professor (858) 822-4957 dborgo@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Liang, Lei Professor (858) 822-1434 leiliang@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Hankins, Sarah E. Asst Professor (858) 822-0092 shankins@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Burr, Anthony I. Professor (858) 822-7864 aburr@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Lytle, Cecil W. Professor Emeritus clytle@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Guy, Nancy Professor (858) 534-8875 nguy@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Manoury, Philippe Professor Emeritus (858) 822-6724 pmanoury@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Harkins, Edwin L. Professor Emeritus eharkins@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Cimini, Amy M. Assoc Professor (858) 822-0192 acimini@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Henthorn, Trevor F. Mgr Audio Computing (858) 822-1034 thenthorn@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Leslie Santana, Myrta Asst Professor m1leslie@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Curtis, Charles Professor (858) 822-4796 crcurtis@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Britt, King J. Teaching Professor kbritt@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Liu, Tracy HR/AP Analyst (858) 534-5404 trl002@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Lising, Charmaine S. Grad Advisor (858) 246-5375 c2lising@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0515 1.0
Rochelle, Olivia N. Financial Analyst orochelle@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Nourai, Keyavash Lecturer kenourai@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Bociek, Neal J. Facilities Mgr (858) 534-2769 nbociek@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Baker, Brady G. Facilities Asst (858) 534-8878 brbaker@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Sanchez, Adriana V. Stu Svc Advisor a5sanchez@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Foley, Caleb T. Events Spec ctfoley@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Chin, Alexis L. Events Spec a2chin@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Pineda, Maria I. Fiscal Asst mipineda@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Cummings, Christian M. Staff Res Assoc cmcummings@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Roberts, Matana Asst Professor (858) 246-3539 MUSIC 0099 1.0
Lopez Perez, Tyrone I. Events Spec tlopezperez@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Tran, Kristina Student Asst krt002@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Hanley, Michael J. Events Spec mjhanley@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Markus, Ella Events Spec elmarkus@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Obermueller, Karola Assoc Professor kobermueller@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Venegas, Santiago Techl Director/Mandeville svenegas@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Abaunza, Nicholas Student Asst niabaunza@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Goshay, Katrina Student Asst kagoshay@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Caetano, Marcelo Asst Professor mcaetano@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Khalvati, Mana Student Asst makhalvati@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Resendiz, Agustin Student Asst a1resendiz@ucsd.edu MUSIC 0099 1.0
Smythe, Cory Asst Professor cosmythe@ucsd.edu MUSIC NA 1.0
Mccormack, Timothy Asst Professor timccormack@ucsd.edu MUSIC NA 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.