Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Santorio, Paolo Assoc Professor PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Winning, Richard J. Tutor- Non Student PHILOSOPHY 0422 1.0
Rudolph, Rachel E. Asst Professor rrudolph@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY NA 1.0
Kocurek, Alexander W. Asst Professor akocurek@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Carr, Jennifer R. Asst Professor (858) 246-2499 j2carr@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Vargas, Manuel R. Professor mrvargas@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Anagnostopoulos, Georgios H. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-3072 ganagnostopoulos@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
McKenzie, Kerry V. Assoc Professor (858) 534-2566 kmckenzie@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Arneson, Richard J. Professor (858) 534-6810 rarneson@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Allison, Henry E. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-3070 hallison@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Rutherford, Donald P. Professor (858) 534-6802 drutherford@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Tolley, Clinton R. Professor (858) 822-2686 ctolley@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Watkins, Eric Professor (858) 822-0082 ewatkins@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Sher, Gila Professor (858) 534-8504 gsher@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Johnson, Monte R. Professor mrj001@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Braswell, Lisette Reynolds Chief Admin Ofcr (858) 534-3074 lrbraswell@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Rickless, Samuel C. Professor (858) 822-4910 srickless@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Doppelt, Gerald D. Professor Emeritus gdoppelt@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Bazargan, Saba Assoc Professor (858) 822-2685 sbazargan@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Nelkin, Dana K. Professor (858) 822-3658 dnelkin@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Koepke, Cami E. Stu Svc Advisor ckoepke@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0478 1.0
Lamey, Andy M. Assoc Teaching Prof (858) 534-9111 alamey@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Fulkerson, Matthew T. Assoc Professor (858) 534-6643 mfulkerson@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Lee, Edward Prof Emeritus (858) 534-3070 enlee@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Brandt, Reuven A. Asst Professor (858) 822-2806 rabrandt@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Brink, David O. Professor (858) 534-4881 dbrink@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Callender, Craig A. Professor (858) 822-4911 ccallender@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Cartwright, Nancy D. Professor (858) 534-3073 ncartwright@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Grush, Rick S. Professor (858) 822-4440 rgrush@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Hardimon, Michael O. Professor (858) 822-0473 mhardimon@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Churchland, Patricia S. Asst Professor (858) 534-9190 pschurchland@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Churchland, Paul M. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-3070 pchurchland@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Cohen, Jonathan D. Professor (858) 534-6812 j2cohen@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Chen, Keming Asst Professor (858) 534-9281 k2chen@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Vergara, Joshua Fin Ana/HR Mgr jvergara@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Vileta, Maria S. Admin/AP Asst (858) 534-3070 mvileta@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Degher, Susanne I. Events Spec/Fiscal Asst (858) 534-3071 sdegher@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Wells, Caroline C. Stu Svc Advisor c4wells@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Harrell, Mara Teaching Professor (858) 246-4548 mharrell@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Kovaka, Karen Asst Professor (858) 534-6802 kkovaka@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Marechal, Patricia Asst Professor (858) 534-9190 pmarechal@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Bao, Cynthia Student Asst c1bao@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0
Shields, Christopher J. Professor cjshields@ucsd.edu PHILOSOPHY 0119 1.0

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