Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Muñoz-Mayorga, Daniel eduardo Postdoc Employee dmunozmayorga@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Li, Chen Stu Researcher NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Chiang, Karen Staff Res Assoc NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Go, James L. Applications Programmer NEUROSCIENCE 0304 1.0
Gonzalez, Nancy Student Asst NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Wong, Charlotte H. Lab Asst NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Bowron Hainley, Catherine holly Staff Res Assoc NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Froman, Isabella Student Asst NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Goetz, Alexandra E. (Alex) Grad Stud (805) 748-7903 NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Shin, Ki Soon Visit Scholar k1shin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0634 1.0
Morrissey, Shannon F. Staff Res Assoc NEUROSCIENCE 0069 1.0
Wei, Zhe Student Asst NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Bailon, Ashley Research Admin asbailon@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Kosik, Kenneth S. Faculty Consultant kskosik@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Rao, Neal M. Asst Physician n9rao@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zorion, Zel Data Sys Analyst zzorion@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mulligan, Caitlin J. (Caity) Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-0856 camulligan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Guerrero, Lourdes Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr loguerrero@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Pilko, Anna M. Res Data Analyst apilko@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Popovich, Oksana Res Compliance Analyst opopovich@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chen, Yen chu Postdoc Employee ycc001@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Desario, Sharon Clin Res Analyst shdesario@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Pack, Maryann Clin Profl Svc Mgr mpack@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Patel, Sean V. Lab Asst svp004@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Flores-Ramirez, Quetzal Student Asst qufloresramirez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0003 1.0
Schulte, Jessica D. Asst Professor (858) 822-0475 jdschulte@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0819 1.0
Wright, Brenton A. HS Clin Professor b9wright@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bandrowski, Anita E. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr (858) 822-3629 abandrowski@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Yang, Xiaoxu Postdoc Employee xiy010@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Banks, Sarah J. Assoc Professor sbanks@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Feldman, Howard Prof/ADCS Co-Dir (858) 246-1347 howardfeldman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Little, Emily A. Chf Comm Hlth Prog (858) 249-0580 e2little@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Jacobs, Diane M. Assoc Adjunct Prof djacobs@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Graves, Jennifer S. Professor/VC-Human Clin Res (858) 246-2384 jgraves@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Shih, Jerry J., Dr. Professor (858) 657-6080 j8shih@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Kim, Hugo J. Postdoc Employee (858) 822-1027 jmk002@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Mcgee, Anne M. Info Sys Analyst ammcgee@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Shen, Qian Staff Res Assoc q7shen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0852 1.0
Hsu, Chunnan Assoc Adjt Prof chhsu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Huang, Jia W. (Jasmine) Res Admin Supv jhuang@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0717 1.0
Vasquez, Miguel F. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-0276 mfvasquez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Chen, Xuqiao Postdoc Employee q0chen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0649 1.0
Carlin, Daniel E. Bioinformatics Progr d2carlin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8409 1.0
Evans, Aurora Carol (Carol) Dir-Admin/Bus Ops (858) 246-1380 acevans@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ansari, Hossein Asst Clin Prof (858) 534-5679 hoansari@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Frederick, Aliya L. Resident Physician alfrederick@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Shen, Jia Staff Res Assoc jis038@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Bavarsad Shahripour, Reza Resident Physician (619) 543-7760 rbavarsadshahripour@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Friedman, Jennifer R. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 966-5819 jrfriedman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Becker, Ann H. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-0069 ahbecker@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0649 1.0
Meyer, Dawn M., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-2871 dmmeyer@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Alexander, Joshua HS Asst Clin Prof joalexander@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bennett, Daniel J. Sr Pub Info Rep (858) 246-6837 djbennett@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Yang, Jennifer H. Ped Neuroimmun/Meta Fellow (858) 966-5819 jhy045@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Tam, Ariel S. Fin Analyst arielt@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0857 1.0
Cline, Hollis T. Adjunct Professor hcline@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Duff, Megan C. (Caines) Fund Mgr (619) 543-8133 mcaines@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8231 1.0
Dunn-Pirio, Anastasie M. Assoc Physician (858) 249-0856 adunnpirio@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8687 1.0
Lee, David J. HS Asst Clin Prof djl036@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Balasubramanian, Archana B. Clin Res Proj Mgr abbalasubramanian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Laverty, Chamindra G. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 642-3685 ckonersman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 9127 1.0
Rosenzweig, Ephron S. Asst Adjnt Prof (858) 822-5976 erosenzweig@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Zimbric, Michael R. Asst Clin Prof mzimbric@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Zheng, Binhai Professor (858) 534-5807 bizheng@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Zielin, Kevin R. Info Sys Analyst krzielin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Jindal, Anuja V. Asst Clin Prof avjindal@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Rynearson, Kevin D. Postdoc Employee krynearson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Hnasko, Thomas S. Asst Professor (858) 822-0672 thnasko@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Leger, Gabriel C. Dir/Medical Safety (858) 246-2539 gleger@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Salmon, David P., Dr. Professor (858) 246-1253 dsalmon@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Stowers-Anderson, Lisa Assoc Adjt Prof lstowersanderson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Sulima, Svetlana (Lana) Sr Fund Mgr (858) 534-0276 ssulima@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Sweat, Marie Assoc Physician Dipl msweat@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Talledo Benrubi, Jo A. Clin Res Supv (858) 246-2505 atalledo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Tecoma, Evelyn S., Dr. Assoc Physician (858) 657-6080 etecoma@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Piccioni, David Professor (858) 822-6346 dpiccioni@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0819 1.0
Townsend, Phyllis J. Prof Emeritus jtownsend@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0959 1.0
Trauner, Doris A., Dr. Chf Ped Neuro/Prof (858) 822-6700 dtrauner@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Truscott, Tracey L. Clin Social Wkr (858) 822-4800 ttruscott@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Tuszynski, Mark H., Dr. Professor (858) 534-8857 mtuszynski@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Van Niekerk, Erna A. Asst Proj Sci evanniekerk@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Viirre, Erik S. Adjunct Professor eviirre@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0970 1.0
Peavy, Guerry M. Proj Scientist (858) 246-1272 gpeavy@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Peltier, Steven T. Exec Director (858) 534-0276 speltier@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Penticoff, Sean P. Programmer Analyst (858) 246-0305 spenticoff@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Perkins, Guy A. Proj Sci gperkins@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Luna, Cathy Res Admin Fin Analyst cdluna@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Sattar, Shifteh Asst Clin Prof ssattar@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Agee, Jan L. Regulatory Spec jagee@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Phan, Nhan tien S. (Sebastien) Programmer Analyst (858) 822-3645 ntphan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Pierce, Karen L. Professor (858) 534-6919 kpierce@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0217 1.0
Phillips, Roxana Clin Res RA/QA Mgr (858) 246-1236 r1phillips@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Pol Lowery, Alessandra Staff Res Assoc alepol@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sahagian, Michelle L. Asst Clin Prof (858) 966-5819 msahagian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Warlow, Shelley M. Postdoc Employee swarlow@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Previte, Rosemarie R. (Rose) Clinical Res Supv (858) 246-1319 rprevite@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Reas, Emilie T. Asst Prof IR ereas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Ramachandra, Ranjan Assoc Dev Engr (858) 534-7968 raramachandra@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Shaner, Nathan C. Assoc Adj Prof (858) 534-8182 ncshaner@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0647 1.0
Sharpe, Cynthia M. Asst Adjt Prof csharpe@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Gonzalez Gonzalez, Cynthia Physician (619) 543-6291 cyg007@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Rapp, Karen S. Prg Mgr-Stroke Ctr (858) 657-7182 krapp@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Ravits, John M. Professor/Clin (858) 246-1154 (619) 543-6256 jravits@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Raynowska, Jenelle P. Assoc Physician jpraynowska@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Murphy, Elizabeth A. Asst Physician (619) 543-3500 eareed@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Broce, Iris J. Postdoc Fellow ibroce@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Kruse, Kimberly M. Res Admin Supv kmkruse@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Shone, Tristan M. Assoc Dev Engr (858) 534-9604 tshone@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Shtrahman, Matthew Asst Adjt Prof (858) 822-2684 mshtrahman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Siavoshi, Sara S. Asst Physician ssiavoshi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0973 1.0
Wong, Willy W. (Wai Ho) Programmer Analyst (858) 534-5356 wawong@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0446 1.0
Wu, Chengbiao Asst Adjt Professor (858) 534-0996 chw049@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Allouche, Carolyn R. Exec Director/Clin Ops (858) 246-1308 crevta@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Reynolds, John H. Assoc Adj Prof jhreynolds@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Rho, Jong M. Professor jrho@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7950 1.0
Sinopoulou, Eleni Postdoc Employee esinopoulou@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Singhal, Sarthak M. Postdoc Employee ssinghal@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Smith, Jeffrey M. Lab Ops Mgr (858) 246-1251 jms002@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7950 1.0
Mobley, William C. Assoc Dean/Neuro Initiatives (858) 534-9434 wmobley@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0651 1.0
Soria Lopez, Jose A. Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-0856 (619) 543-3500 jsorialopez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Iragui-Madoz, Vicente J., Dr. Professor (858) 657-6080 viragui@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Desplats, Paula A. Asst Professor (858) 822-3182 pdesplats@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Jin, Cheng S. (Shelia) Pr Statistician cjin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chang, Ming-wu (Steve) Sr Systems Admin (858) 246-1357 mic029@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Morlett Paredes, Alejandra Asst Adjunct Prof amorlettparedes@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Modir, Royya Asst Professor (858) 657-7190 rmodir@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Dore, Kim B. Asst Adj Professor kdore@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0634 1.0
Kansal, Leena R. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-6080 lkansal@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Karten, Harvey J., Dr. Professor (858) 534-4938 hjkarten@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0374 1.0
Kastelan, Janet Clin Monitor jkastelan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Moukarzel, Sara Postdoc Employee (858) 534-9625 smoukarzel@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0715 1.0
Nalabolu, Srinivasa R. Staff Res Assoc srnalabolu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0217 1.0
Chung, Changuk Postdoc Employee chchung@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Ellis, Ronald J., Dr. (Ron) Professor IR (619) 543-5079 (619) 543-3500 roellis@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8671 1.0
Ellisman, Mark H., Dr. Professor (858) 534-2251 mellisman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Khoromi, Suzan Assoc Physician skhoromi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0973 1.0
Kim, Chi Sr Psychometrist Supv (858) 657-5020 chikim@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Kim, Keunyoung (Christine) Proj Sci/Acad PMO (858) 534-4583 kkim@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Nespeca, Mark P. Prof Emeritus mnespeca@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Nguyen, Phuong Q. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-4273 pnguyen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Enterria Morales, Daniel Postdoc Employee (858) 246-1076 denterriamorales@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Erb, Marcella L. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-6121 merb@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Agrawal, Kunal Assoc Physician (619) 543-7760 kuagrawal@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Evans, Sean J. Assoc Dean-UME/Assoc Clin Prof (858) 534-1378 (858) 657-8540 sevans@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0606 1.0
Kim Mcmanus, Olivia Assoc Clin Prof okimmcmanus@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Kinkel, Revere P. Prof Emeritus rkinkel@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Kleschevnikov, Alexander M. Asst Professor (650) 704-4614 akleschevnikov@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0649 1.0
Koffler, Yacov Asst Professor (858) 534-8857 ykoffler@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Koo, Edward H., Dr. Professor (858) 822-1024 edkoo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Nichols, Sharon , Dr. Proj Sci (858) 822-6703 slnichols@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Karanjia, Navaz P. HS/Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6291 nkaranjia@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Nissinen, Kristoffer J. Assoc Physician Dipl knissinen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Northcutt, Richard G., Dr. Professor (858) 534-5612 rgnorthcutt@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0201 1.0
Fastring, Gregg H. Fund Manager (858) 534-2334 gfastring@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Ferng, Nichol Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-1362 nferng@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Ferrey, Dominic A. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-3500 (619) 543-3500 dferrey@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Komiyama, Takaki Professor (858) 534-4654 tkomiyama@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0634 1.0
Kritchevsky, Mark , Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 mkritchevsky@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 9127 1.0
Krooskos, James (Jim) Sr Informatic Mgr jkrooskos@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ozyurt, Ibrahim B. Assoc Proj Sci iozyurt@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Hermann, Anita Staff Res Assoc ahermann@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Franklin, Maya V. Res Admin Fin Analyst mvfranklin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
LaBuzetta, Jamie N. Physician jlabuzetta@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Naviaux, Jane C. Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-3582 jnaviaux@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0804 1.0
Blesch, Armin Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr ablesch@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Galasko, Douglas R., Dr. Professor IR (858) 246-1240 dgalasko@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Garbuzov, Alina Postdoc Employee agarbuzov@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Jablecki, Charles K. Asst Physician ckjablecki@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0973 1.0
Gertsch, Jeffrey H. (Jeff) Assoc Clin Prof jgertsch@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Gigliotti, Christina M. Clin Ops Mgr (858) 822-4800 cgigliotti@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Lessig, Stephanie , Dr. Professor/Vice Chair (858) 249-0856 slessig@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7468 1.0
Lin, Ko-Wei Specialist (858) 822-3606 kol001@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Brewer, James B. Professor/Chair (858) 534-1237 jbrewer@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Brown, Timothy T. Assoc Professor (858) 822-1769 ttbrown@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Bui, Jonathan D. Professor (858) 822-6700 jdbui@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Kennedy, Vanessa L. Research Admin (858) 822-5970 vkennedy@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Gleeson, Joseph G., Dr. Professor (858) 246-0524 jogleeson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0775 1.0
Gold, Jeffrey J. Asst Clin Prof jjgold@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Gonzalez, Hector M. Professor hmg002@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Lipton, Stuart A., Dr. Adjunct Professor (858) 657-8540 slipton@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0973 1.0
Litvan, Irene Professor (858) 657-8540 ilitvan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Longardner, Katherine (Katie) Assoc Physician (858) 246-2533 (619) 543-3500 klongardner@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Callaway, Edward M. Adjunct Professor ecallaway@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0932 1.0
Graham, Lori J. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-3372 ljgraham@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Grethe, Jeffrey S. Assoc Director (858) 822-0703 jgrethe@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Lu, Pengzhe (Paul) Assoc Research plu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Calabrese, Adrian J. (AJ) Director/Fiscal Affrs (858) 534-6016 acalabrese@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Lupo, Jody-lynn Spec Proj/Initiatives Ld jlupo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mackey, Mason R. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-4583 mmackey@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Castle, Michael J. Asst Prof Res mcastle@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Grundman, Michael Adjunct Professor mgrundman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Grundies, Scott Clin Financial Ana (858) 534-2283 scgrundies@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Guido-Estrada, Natalie M. Asst Physician (858) 966-5819 nguidoestrada@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Gundogdu, Melek (Betul) Professor (619) 543-5300 bgundogdu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Grzybowski, Andrea L. Health Info Mgmt Supv (858) 534-6910 agrzybowski@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0217 1.0
Makhsudova, Nargiz (Nora) Mgmt Svcs Ofr (858) 534-0276 nmakhsudova@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Rubio, Ileana C. Project Mgr (858) 822-5751 irubio@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Lambert, Gerard G. Res Data Analyst (858) 534-4891 glambert@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0647 1.0
Hannawi, Andrew P. Resident Physician (619) 543-3500 aphannawi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Marques De Freria, Camila Asst Proj Sci cmarquesdefreria@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Martone, Maryann E. Prof Emeritus mmartone@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Masliah, Eliezer Prof Emeritus emasliah@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Johnstone, Aaron Postdoc Employee a1johnstone@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0649 1.0
Arias, Steven J. Psychologist sjarias@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0634 1.0
Hemmen, Thomas M., Dr. Professor (619) 543-7760 themmen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Matthews, Genevieve F. Communications Spec (858) 246-1318 gfmatthews@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
McCollum, Libby A. Admin Analyst emccollum@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0041 1.0
Hess, Robert T. Assoc Physician Dipl rhess@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Corey-Bloom, Jody , Dr. Professor (858) 249-0574 jcoreybloom@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Heyworth, Nadine Operations Mgr nheyworth@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Hillyard, Steven A. Professor (858) 534-2385 shillyard@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Santini, Jennifer A. Assoc Dev Engr (858) 534-0538 jsantini@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Wu, Victoria L. Asst Physician vlwu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Dale, Anders M. Professor (858) 822-6671 amdale@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Das, Utpal Asst Project Sci udas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Hogan, Jeremy L. HS Assoc Clin Prof jhogan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Metcalf, Jeffrey N. Staff Res Assoc jmetcalf@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Meyer, Brett C., Dr. Prof Clinical (619) 543-6867 bcmeyer@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Miller, Arnold L. Prof Emeritus armiller@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Coughlin, David G. Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-0856 dacoughlin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Chen, Xu Asst Professor (858) 822-4057 x1chen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Headley, Alison J. Assoc Physician ajheadley@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Hu, Junru Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-4583 juhu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Hu, Leticia Dir-Fin/Res Admin lehu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Morrison, Rosemary G. Clin Res Proj Mgr (858) 246-1350 rgmorrison@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Illum, Benjamin E. Asst Physician billum@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Salcedo, Mathew Clin Res Coord (858) 822-3299 m5salcedo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0946 1.0
Ramirez, Gabriela A. Lab Asst (858) 822-6579 gar004@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0202 1.0
Barnet Kelly, Caroline Clin Res Coord cbarnet@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Archuleta, Kailey J. Staff Res Assoc k2archuleta@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Guo, Xiaohui Applications Programmer x1guo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Tang, Isaac Student Asst i3tang@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Rivera, Charlotte S. Staff Res Assoc c8rivera@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 9116A 1.0
Nguyen, Bella Asst Clin Res Coord ben003@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Flores, Brandon M. HR Liaison Mgr (559) 852-3969 bmflores@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Snell, Chase M. Lab Asst (858) 249-0569 cmsnell@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Pulido, Brandon Psychometrist (858) 822-4800 b1pulido@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Tan, Donna D. Staff Res Assoc dodtan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Estrada, Andrea M. Admin Spec/Fellowship Coord (858) 822-5871 aestrada@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Hofmann, Bailey L. Clin Monitor bhofmann@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Johnson, Martha R. Hosp Asst mrj006@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Gonzales, Kenneth Applications Programmer k2gonzales@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Le, Geneva Q. Staff Res Assoc gqle@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0
Usman, Alia K. Sr Fund Mgr akusman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ott, Olivia M. Staff Res Assoc o1ott@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Kruse, Jennifer Admin Asst (619) 543-7760 jkruse@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Nguyen, Tho A. Database Admin (858) 246-1393 tan032@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Alderson Myers, Austin B. Staff Res Assoc abaldersonmyers@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Talavera, Danise A. Admin Coord (858) 822-7866 dcadrianzen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0657 1.0
Perez, Alan Financial Analyst alp043@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Manday, Matthew B. Lab Asst madany@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Torreblanca Zanca, Elena A. Lab Asst etorreblancazanca@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Naylor, Lorena M. Clin Applications Profl lmnaylor@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Scarvie, Kathleen M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-5113 kscarvie@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Vaporean-Bussey, Danielle B. Clin Res Assoc (858) 246-0247 dbvaporeanbussey@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Seghers, Richard (Rick) Quality Assurance (858) 246-2636 rseghers@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Velazco, Erika I. Clin Res Crd Asst eivelazco@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Vergara, Carolyn Admin Asst (619) 543-5300 cvergara@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Shadyab, Alexandre A. Marketing Spec ashadyab@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Shayesteh, Parissa R. Clin Res Coord pshayesteh@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Shevinsky, Carly A. Lab Asst cshevinsky@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Pacheco, Lillian O. (Pacheco-Cole) Ld Clin Res Coord (858) 822-4800 (858) 822-4800 lpacheco@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Tara, Tristy K. Proj/Bus Ops Spec ttara@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7468 1.0
Sincomb, Troy M. Staff Res Assoc tsincomb@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Solomon, Lisa M. Admin Asst (858) 822-5873 ldamron@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Perez-Hall, Indra Financial Analyst iperezhall@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Quay Sugai, Susan Executive Asst (858) 534-9434 squay@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Addington, Christina E. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2537 caddington@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Jerkins, Sandra M. Psychometrist (858) 246-0679 sjerkins@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Jennings, Robin G. Statistician (858) 246-1366 rjennings@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Salcido, Alec J. Lab Asst asalcido@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Bliss, Megan C. Lab Asst m1bliss@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0946 1.0
Elliott, Carrie E. Admin Asst (619) 543-6299 c2elliott@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8465 1.0
Borchardt, Adrian W. Systems Admin aborchardt@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Kemmotsu, Nobuko Psychometrist (858) 246-1267 nkemmotsu@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Karachentsev, Dmitry Staff Res Assoc dkarachentsev@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Brock, John H. Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-2140 jbrock@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Johnson, Barbara K. Ld Clin Coord (858) 246-1303 b4johnson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Farrales, Margarita (Maggie) Prog Policy Analyst (858) 882-7346 mffox@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Gahagan, Timothy M. Programmer Analyst tgahagan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Magana, Yessenia Staff Res Assoc yemagana@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chinwattana, Patcharin Regulatory Spec pchinwattana@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Price, Mariah A. Stroke Res Coord (858) 657-7186 m2price@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7740 1.0
Linares, Laura R. Clin Res Coord (858) 246-2317 lrlinares@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Griffin, Lurenette Admin Asst (858) 822-6701 lgriffin@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0935 1.0
Gutierrez, Gilbert R. (Gil) Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2325 grg005@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0624 1.0
Marciel-Ellis, Francesca AA/HR Liaison (858) 534-9546 fmarciel@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Mishler, Elise Admin Asst (858) 534-8639 elmishler@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Flanagan, Jacqueline D. (Jackie) Regulatory Affrs Coord (858) 534-7749 jdflanagan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
De Zoysa, Kheshini R. Clin Monitor kdezoysa@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0698 1.0
Beaupre, Helen Admin Asst hbeaupre@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0752 1.0
Ditslear, Karen E. Staff Res Assoc kditslear@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Herold, Tatiana (Tati) Admin Asst (858) 246-2936 therold@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Lachica-Encinas, Nicolet M. Clin Res Crd Asst (858) 246-2324 n1lachicaencinas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8409 1.0
Andreason, Charlene M. Staff Res Assoc candreason@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0217 1.0
Dratva, Melanie A. Student Asst madratva@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0841 1.0
Elliott, Laurie S. Admin Asst lelliott@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
McQuaid, Theresa L. Stroke Res Coord (619) 543-4666 tmcquaid@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 8466 1.0
Vo, Lucy Clin Proj Coord Asst navo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Linderhof, Lexe Staff Res Assoc m1alarcon@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Fernandez, Ruth A. Lab Asst rufernandez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Jajo, Maryo J. Clin Res Coord mjajo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Fierro, Joshua A. Data Sys Analyst j1fierro@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Guterwill, Don F. Director/Clin Monitor dguterwill@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zahiri, Javad Postdoc Employee jzahiri@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Durham, Mahalia M. Admin Asst mdurham@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Wang, Xin Bioinformatics Progr xiw091@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Flores, Andrew J. Postdoc Employee ajflores@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sternson, Scott M. Professor (858) 534-1021 ssternson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0610 1.0
Herman, Michelle A. Project Mgr mherman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Looger, Loren L. Professor llooger@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0617 1.0
Pokharel, Rakshya EHS Tech rpokharel@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Lindemann, Christina R. Physician Asst clindemann@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Hadjas, Lotfi C. Postdoc Employee lhadjas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Celso, Janelle A. Clin Res Coord jacelso@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0831 1.0
Hall, Andrew C. Lab Asst achall@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Rodriguez, Janelle Clin Res Coord jar040@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Lifset, Ella T. Student Asst ellifset@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Truver, Bryce K. Asst Clin Res Coord btruver@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Vargas, Jocelyn Psychometrist j5vargas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Wiegand, Sarah E. Assoc Physician swiegand@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0984 1.0
Brill, Renee M. Clin Monitor Mgr rmbrill@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chow, Michelle Lab Asst mwchow@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mendoza, Paola Student Asst p1mendoza@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Vieth, Edyta Res Data Analyst evieth@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Gama, Antonio Clin Res Crd Asst angama@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zuo, Xinxin Postdoc Employee x3zuo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Durant, January A. Res Compliance Analyst jdurant@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Meng, Alex Lab Asst s7meng@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Hernandez, Jasmin Clin Res Coord (858) 246-2533 jah022@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0886 1.0
Hernaiz-Llorens, Marc Postdoc Employee mhernaiz@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Devor, William N. Assoc Clin Prof wdevor@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Pela, Marlena S. Res Data Analyst mpela@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Cao, Yujie Postdoc Employee yuc122@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Dowlat, Dina S. Staff Res Assoc ddowlat@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Pa, Judy Professor jpa@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Imam, Fahim Postdoc Employee mtimam@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Albrecht, Joey annette C. Res Data Analyst jaalbrecht@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zhenggang, Zhu Postdoc Employee (571) 430-9942 zzhenggang@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Isenberg, Anna L. Clin Res Supv aisenberg@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ravichandran, Roshan Res/Dev Engr rravichandran@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sakhare, Ashwin R. Info Sys Analyst asakhare@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sookiassian, Edwin D. Info Sys Analyst esookiassian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Peterson, Ashley N. Research Admin anpeterson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0041 1.0
Taha, Faten A. Apps Programmer ftaha@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0728 1.0
Fitzhugh, Megan Postdoc Employee mfitzhugh@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chan, Joyce Postdoc Employee joc026@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Kim, Tahnbee Postdoc Employee tak010@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0649 1.0
Ruiz, Carolina Lab Asst c3ruiz@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ghodsi, Hamidreza Postdoc Employee hghodsi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Fernandez, Cassandra Student Asst c5fernandez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Valdez, Kristina Admin Asst k3valdez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Muscarella, Aaron M. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr amuscarella@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Medrano, Lidia B. Psychometrist lmedrano@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mroz, Susan M. Clin Monitor smmroz@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Willardson, Matisse J. Lab Asst mwillardson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Walker, Kayla S. Staff Res Assoc kswalker@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0151 1.0
Rho, Janine H. Lab Asst jhrho@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zollman, Felise S. Asst Physician fzollman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sheikh Andalibi, Mohammadsobhan Postdoc Employee mandalibi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Stechschulte, Mariah A. Clin Res Crd Asst mastechschulte@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Espejo, Kimberly S. (Kim) Clin Res Asst (858) 246-2154 kespejo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7384 1.0
Pak, Caleb K. Student Asst capak@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Dougherty, Natalya P. Research Admin (858) 534-0276 npdougherty@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0608 1.0
Staufenberg, Eileen S. Lab Res Supv esstaufenberg@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0626 1.0
Benetatos, Joey Postdoc Employee jbenetatos@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ignelzi, Ronald J. Clin Professor rignelzi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Dong, Yilei Data Sys Analyst yid025@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bera, Kallol Staff Res Assoc kbera@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Montenegro, Maria A. Assoc Physician Dipl msantosmontenegro@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Jasti, Sneha Clin Data Mgr snjasti@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sahagian, Gregory Asst Clin Prof grsahagian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Hampson, Parker O. Info Sys Analyst pohampson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Vemuri, Keerthi Data Sys Analyst kevemuri@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Campbell, Benjamin Postdoc Employee b4campbell@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Haubenberger, Dietrich Assoc Clin Prof dhaubenberger@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sandoval, Ro L. Student Asst l6sandoval@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0304 1.0
Campbell, Melissa M., Dr. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofcr (858) 246-5287 m3campbell@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7950 1.0
Fox, Edward H. Clin Monitor ehfox@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ehlen, Katheryn S. Clin Res Crd Asst k1ehlen@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Pamujula, Srija Staff Res Assoc srpamujula@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 7950 1.0
Yadavilli, Manya Student Asst mayadavilli@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Houghtaling, Lori A. Res Compliance Analyst lhoughtaling@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ballard, Daniel C. Lab Asst dcballard@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Du, Yixing Staff Res Assoc yid027@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Silverman, James K. Clin Res Analyst jksilverman@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sprecher, Brittany N. Postdoc Fellow bsprecher@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Zacharek, Sophie E. Clin Res Crd Asst szacharek@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Aries, Savannah L. Clin Res Coord Asst saries@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Tavasoli, Azin Postdoc Employee atavasoli@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Jackson, Michelle L. Staff Res Assoc m7jackson@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Lucas, Tamesha M. Res Data Analyst t1lucas@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mertens, Jerome S. Assoc Professor jmertens@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Shabi, Tamara R. Staff Res Assoc trshabi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ager, Emily A. Proj Policy Analyst eaager@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0963 1.0
Zhou Yang, Lucia Staff Res Assoc lzhouyang@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Rekesh, Alexandra Y. Student Asst ayrekesh@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Xie, Ammie Student Asst amxie@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Traxler, Larissa Postdoc Fellow ltraxler@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0695 1.0
Namburi, Amit Student Asst amnamburi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Germain, Benjamin D. Clin Monitor bgermain@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Duarte Lemus, Keilyn I. Student Asst kiduartelemus@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Goetz, Mykayla A. Staff Res Assoc m1goetz@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Levy-Myers, Reuben E. Postdoc Employee rlevymyers@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Mackelfresh, Andrew J. Director/Informatics-Data Mgmt amackelfresh@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Guan, Dongxu Staff Res Assoc doguan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Green, Abigail Student Asst a9green@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0003 1.0
Meave Ojeda, Naomi Staff Res Assoc nmeaveojeda@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Lim, Jungeun Postdoc Employee jul153@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Chang, Amanda Student Asst amc012@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Valencia, Deisha fernanda Student Asst d4valencia@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Hargrave, Savannah J. Clin Res Crd Asst sjhargrave@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bartholomew, Paige G. Health Info Mgmt Supv pbartholomew@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Rajic, Alexander Asst Physician alrajic@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Szlaga, Agata Postdoc Employee aszlaga@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Tamura, Ryo Postdoc Employee rytamura@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bagga, Krisha Lab Asst kbagga@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Wallace, Cassidy R. Staff Res Assoc c1wallace@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Okeeffe, Jillian Staff Res Assoc jokeeffe@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Fernandez, Veronica Director/Clin Ops vefernandez@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Vijayakumar, Vishnu Student Asst v1vijayakumar@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Nodora, Julieann J. Student Asst j2nodora@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Ramento, Joaquin Student Asst joramento@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Gholipour, Taha Asst Professor tgholipour@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Chenji, Gaurav Assoc Physician Dipl gchenji@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Schorr, Emily Assoc Physician Dipl eschorr@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Varma, Aalok Postdoc Employee varmaa@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Gandy, LaKeisha Research Admin lagandy@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Nakamura, Yuji Postdoc Employee y4nakamura@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Foo, Jamie Lab Asst jafoo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Zai, Junjie Postdoc Employee jzai@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Schueler, Aaron Stu Researcher aaschueler@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Drucker, Brianna Res Compliance Analyst bdrucker@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Dove, Katherine Assoc Physician Dipl kadove@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Friese, Sasha Lab Asst safriese@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Howarth, Robyn Bioinformatics Progr rohowarth@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Castro, Brennan Financial Analyst brcastro@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Liu, Chien-Hung Postdoc Employee chl280@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Bever, Alexa Student Asst albever@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Tian, Shixiong Postdoc Employee s6tian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Garcia, Paloma J. Admin Ofcr pjg001@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Raju, Praveen Assoc Physician Dipl pbraju@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Fernando, Veenavi Staff Res Assoc vwarnakulasooriyafer@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Snyder, Angela Staff Res Assoc ansnyder@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Alskaf, Ramez Student Asst raalskaf@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Ochoa-Cipes, Tanya Clin Res Crd Asst taochoacipes@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Trotter, Justin H. Asst Professor jhtrotter@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0662 1.0
Zhang, Maggie Student Asst maz011@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Moazzma, Fnu Student Asst fnmoazzma@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Sanda, Gisele Staff Res Assoc gsanda@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Malhotra, Neha Asst Proj Sci nemalhotra@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Hovhannisian, Ani H. Student Asst ahhovhannisian@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Diunugala, Lanka N. Student Asst lndiunugala@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Cui, Rachael J. Student Asst rjcui@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Lunkova, Ekaterina Postdoc Employee elunkova@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Akerele, Adewole Student Asst adakerele@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0005 1.0
Benveniste, Natan Stu Researcher nabenveniste@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Bosch, Trinity N. Student Asst tnbosch@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Lee, Alice Student Asst all074@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Duong, Ellen Lab Asst e1duong@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Duckworth, Josh Asst Clin Prof-Vol joduckworth@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Siler, Cat P. Student Asst cpsiler@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Rowe, Ryan S. Staff Res Assoc rsrowe@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0949 1.0
Huryeva, Iryna Res Data Analyst ihuryeva@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Gardner, Adam Res/Dev Engr adgardner@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Tello, Vanessa I. Student Asst vitello@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Engi, Sheila Staff Res Assoc sengi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
He, Siyi Lab Asst sih025@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Akhoundi, Fahimeh Postdoc Employee fakhoundi@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Zale, Chelsea Asst Physician czale@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Purohit, Rohan Student Asst ropurohit@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE NA 1.0
Krishnan, Tejas Student Asst tekrishnan@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Escobedo, Britney Staff Res Assoc bsescobedo@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 1.0
Drego, Roulla V. Psychometrist (858) 622-5800 NEUROSCIENCE 0948 1.0
Pierce, Aimee L. Postdoc Fellow (858) 552-8585 a3pierce@ucsd.edu NEUROSCIENCE 0691 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.