Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Stephens, Shannon B. Postdoc Fellow OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Taylor, Kristin Asst Physician OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Tran, Vy Staff Res Assoc OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Haakmeester, Chelsea T. Clin Soc Wrk (858) 534-4490 OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Class, Quetzal A. Research Data Analyst OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Conturie, Charlotte L. Oth Post-MD OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Crouthamel, Bonnie C. Oth Post-MD OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Greenberg, Martin M. Asst Clin Prof OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Albasha, Natalie Staff Res Assoc OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Natale, David R. Asst Professor (858) 822-0758 OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Natale, Bryony V. Staff Res Assoc OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Westmoreland, Shania Lab Asst OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Meldrum, David R. Clin Professor drmeldrum@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Diaz Luevano, Carolina Res Data Analyst (858) 249-0487 cadiazluevano@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ramirez Hernandez, Luis A. Staff Res Assoc lar004@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Sanchez, Joseline Clin Res Crd Asst jos035@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Marengo-Barbick, Antoinette M. Clin Professor amarengobarbick@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Arce, Bianca Admin Asst b1arce@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Gupta, Pratima Assoc Physician Dipl p3gupta@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Klein, David A. Asst Physician daklein@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Teal, Nicole Assoc Physician Dipl enteal@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ballas, Jerasimos Assoc Physician (858) 249-1205 jballas@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Addo, Rhea-Comfort A. Grad Student raddo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Alvarado, Jorge L. Asst Physician (858) 249-1204 j3alvarado@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Cho, Kyucheol Asst Project Sci kyc059@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Averbach, Sarah H. Asst Adjt Professor (858) 657-1238 saverbach@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Tan, Kun Research Scholar (858) 405-6496 kutan@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Sutton, Alice C. Asst Clin Professor (858) 657-8435 (619) 543-7878 acsutton@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Burnett, Lindsey Resident Physician (858) 249-1206 (619) 543-7878 liburnett@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Melber, Dora HS Asst Clin Prof domelber@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lewis, Warren G. Asst Prof IR wglewis@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0687 1.0
Lewis, Amanda L. Professor a1lewis@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7894 1.0
Catanzarite, Tatiana L. Asst Clin Prof tlcatanzarite@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Gates, Grace E. Asst Clin Prof ggates@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Agarwal, Sanjay K. Clin Professor (858) 534-8977 skagarwal@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0
Jacobs, Marni B. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 249-0972 mbjacobs@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Alperin, Marianna Professor (858) 822-2703 malperin@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Shah, Nemi M. Asst Clin Prof n6shah@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Rukaj, Amber T. Clin Social Wkr (619) 471-0696 arukaj@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0885 1.0
Saenz, Cheryl C., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 822-6275 csaenz@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Stoopack, Charles E. Asst Clin Prof cstoopack@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Stupack, Dwayne G. Assoc Professor (858) 822-1150 dstupack@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0803 1.0
Su, Hui-Chun Irene Professor IR (858) 534-8977 (858) 657-8745 hisu@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0901 1.0
Pantham, Priyadarshini Asst Adjt Prof ppantham@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Ramos-Rivera, Mariana Asst Physician (619) 290-9102 mramosrivera@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Tarsa, Maryam Clin Professor (858) 249-1205 mtarsa@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Thackray, Varykina G. (Kina) Professor (858) 822-7693 vthackray@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Tonsfeldt, Karen Asst Proj Sci ktonsfeldt@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Santos, Elizabeth Director/Bus Ops (858) 249-0973 esantos@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Pferdekamper, Jan M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6635 jpferdekamper@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0673 1.0
Plaxe, Steven C., Dr. Prof Clinical (858) 822-6199 splaxe@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Schlaepfer, David D. Professor (858) 822-3444 dschlaepfer@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0803 1.0
Washington, Sierra L. Assoc Physician (858) 657-8435 slwashington@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Macaulay, Kathryn M., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 249-1204 kmacaulay@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Stanley, Valentina Clin Res Coord (858) 249-5985 vstanley@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Wilkinson, Miles F. Professor (858) 822-4819 mfwilkinson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Varon, Shira (Varon) Assoc Professor (858) 249-1204 svw001@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Woelkers, Douglas A. (Doug) Clin Professor (858) 249-1205 dwoelkers@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Wolf, Richard B., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-1207 riwolf@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ramos, Gladys A. (Sandy) Assoc Phys Dipl (858) 249-1205 gramos@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Frugoni, Gina R. Assoc Physician (858) 657-8435 (619) 543-7878 greggiardo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Resnik, Jamie , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 249-1204 jresnik@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Resnik, Robert , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 249-1207 rresnik@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ries, Maureen C. Asst Physician (858) 249-1204 mries@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Choudhury, Biswa P. Specialist (858) 534-7089 bchoudhury@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0687 1.0
Moore, Thomas R., Dr. Faculty Physician (619) 543-8300 trmoore@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8986 1.0
Morales, Miguel A. (Michael) Dept Bus Ofcr (858) 249-1203 m6morales@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Romero, Sally A. Asst Proj Sci (855) 822-1371 saromero@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0901 1.0
Duleba, Antoni J. Professor (858) 534-8977 (858) 657-8745 aduleba@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0
Kauffman, Alexander S. (Sasha) Professor (858) 246-0219 akauffman@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Nager, Charles W., Dr. Professor (858) 657-8435 cnager@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Kelly, Thomas F., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 249-1207 tkelly@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Erickson, Gregory F., Dr. Res Professor (858) 534-4808 gerickson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0
Eskander, Ramez N. Asst Clin Prof reskander@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Kingston, Jessica M., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 249-1204 jkingston@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Mody, Sheila K. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 657-1238 smody@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Mackay, Gillian Assoc Physician Dipl g1mackay@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lamale-Smith, Leah M. Assoc Physician (858) 249-1205 llamalesmith@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Binder, Pratibha S. Assoc Physician pbinder@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Laurent, Louise C. Professor (858) 246-1345 llaurent@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Lawson, Mark A., Dr. Professor IR (858) 822-4128 mlawson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Ojalill, Marjaana Postdoc Employee mojalill@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0803 1.0
Brace, Robert A. Prof Emeritus rbrace@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lindsay-Hewett, Scott A. Exec Director (858) 246-1405 slindsayhewett@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Brubaker, Linda Clin Professor (858) 657-8435 librubaker@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Boscolo Sesillo, Francesca Postdoc Employee fboscolo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0863 1.0
Gross, Erin A. Asst Professor (858) 249-1204 eagross@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lucas, William E. Prof Emeritus welucas@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8813 1.0
Lukacz, Emily S., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8435 elukacz@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Cassin, Jessica B. Postdoc Employee jcassin@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Chang, R J., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-8977 rjchang@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0
Harrison, Tracy N. HS Asst Clin Prof tnharrison@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Hoang, Mai P. HS Clin Instructor (858) 657-8435 mphoang@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Cheung, Cecilia Y. Prof Emeritus cycheung@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Martinez, Fernando I. Executive Asst (858) 657-8631 fmartinez@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lacoursiere, Daphne Y., Dr. (Yvette) Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-1205 dlacoursiere@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Hebert, Stephen A. Clin Professor (858) 657-8745 (800) 926-8273 shebert@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Fisch, Kathleen M. (Katie) Asst Professor (858) 534-9452 kfisch@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Cook-Andersen, Heidi L., Dr. Asst Professor (858) 246-2805 hcookandersen@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Cormano, Julia Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8435 (619) 543-7878 jcormano@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
McHale, Michael T. (Mike) Professor (858) 246-1187 mtmchale@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Hollingsworth, Dorothy R. Prof Emeritus dholling@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0912 1.0
Miller, Christine B., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 249-1204 cbmiller@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Deak, Pamela W., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 249-1204 pdeak@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
De Hoff, Peter Staff Res Assoc pedehoff@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Church, Kellie B. Assoc Professor (858) 534-0308 kbchurch@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Vega, Jonathan O. Chie Of Opr (858) 822-1101 jov014@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0687 1.0
Osuna, Lilliana Staff Res Assoc losuna@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0725 1.0
Kim, Jamie J. Financial Asst (858) 657-8497 jjk143@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Esparza-Galiguis, Lourdes A. Staff Res Assoc loesparza@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Hu, Jacey Clin Res Crd Asst jah004@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Afari, Nastaran CORI Prog Coord (858) 822-1281 n2afari@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Mason, Cayla N. Computational Biologist cnmason@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Dixon, Jessica L. Dir/Finance (858) 249-1292 jldixon@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Tingzon, Eunice Hlth Profns Educ Spec (858) 249-1209 etingzon@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Herrala, Kyle M. Res Compl Analyst (858) 657-6827 kherrala@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0800 1.0
Obriant, Hitomi Faculty Admin Asst (858) 249-1207 hobriant@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Vera, Jesus Residency Prog Coord (858) 249-1206 jevera@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Paulchakrabarti, Mousumi Staff Res Assoc mpaulchakrabarti@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0687 1.0
Pena, Cynthia Res Admin (858) 657-6898 cpena@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Medina Hernandez, Danahe L. (Medina) Admin Coord (858) 657-1238 dmedinahernandez@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Suttle, Carolyn C. Clin Soc Wrk csuttle@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 8433 1.0
Robarts, Evelyn K. Clin Soc Wrk erobarts@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Kreisman, Michael J. Staff Res Assoc mkreisman@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Chavez, Hector J. Res Data Analyst hjchavez@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Garcia, Paloma X. Admin Asst (858) 657-8648 pxgarcia@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Li, Danmei Staff Res Assoc dal206@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Gilstrap, Tracy N. Admin Officer (858) 822-1378 tgilstrap@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0687 1.0
Castro-Martinez, Anelizze Student Asst anc030@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0608 1.0
Kully, Gennifer J. Staff Res Assoc gkully@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Dunn, Geneva A. Staff Res Assoc gadunn@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0674 1.0
Cheung, Willi Staff Res Assoc w6cheung@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Chacon, Marisol Research Admin (858) 249-1414 m1chacon@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Gallegos, Lizeth K. (Liz) Res Faculty Asst (858) 246-1345 lkgallegos@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0965 1.0
Harvey, Scott A. Assoc Physician sharvey@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ghosalkar, Aarya M. Student Asst amghosalkar@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Selvaraj, Maya L. Clin Res Crd Asst mlselvaraj@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Gyamfi Bannerman, Cynthia Endowed Chair/Prof (858) 657-8631 cgyamfibannerman@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lomeli, Angel A. Clin Res Crd Asst a2lomeli@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Thomson, Samantha L. Assoc Physician slthomson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 07433 1.0
Routzong, Megan R. Postdoc Employee mroutzong@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Monreal, Evalina A. Exec Asst (858) 657-8631 eamonreal@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Meadows, Audra R. Assoc Physician a2meadows@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Heaton, Jason O. HS Clin Professor j2heaton@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Reyes, Breanna J. Clin Res Crd Asst bjreyes@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Rudell, John B. Lab Asst j1rudell@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Endo, Yoshinori Postdoc Employee yendo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Hearn, Erik J. Staff Res Assoc ejhearn@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Gonzalez, Beatriz V. Clin Res Coord bvgonzalez@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Armstrong, Christy N. Staff Res Assoc c2armstrong@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Driebe, Amy M. Asst Physician amdriebe@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Delcore, Laura M. Assoc Physician lmdelcore@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0974 1.0
Albano, Christine M. Research Admin (858) 657-5221 c1albano@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Sierras-Douglas, Danielle A. Admin Asst (858) 249-1205 dsierrasdouglas@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ramalingam, Veenavadhini Postdoc Employee vramalingam@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Angelides, Sophia M. Resident Physician sangelides@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Keverline, Kelsey J. Resident Physician kkeverline@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Rajan, Allison E. Resident Physician aerajan@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Roberts, Emma A. Resident Physician e5roberts@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Rogerson, Daniella M. Resident Physician drogerson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Boyer, Antonia D. (Anni) Staff Res Assoc a2boyer@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0803 1.0
Brown, Jada D. Staff Res Assoc (619) 721-9297 jdb007@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU NA 1.0
Romero, Johanna Admin Asst (858) 657-6113 jor013@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Genesen, Mark C. Assoc Clin Prof mgenesen@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Fenton, Douglas K. Asst Clin Prof dkfenton@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Pickett, Charlotte M. Asst Physician cmpickett@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Chen, Xiao lei Staff Res Assoc xic073@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Farrell, Maureen E. Assoc Physician Dipl m1farrell@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Janco, Jo marie T. Asst Clin Prof jtjanco@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Emeruwa, Ukachi N. Asst Adjt Prof uemeruwa@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0987 1.0
Chakraborty, Abhik Postdoc Employee a4chakraborty@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Brown, Lisa M. Clin Instructor l9brown@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Flores, Valerie Asst Clin Prof v3flores@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Worth, Suncica J. Comm Spec sworth@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Maratikyathanahalli Srikanta, Rukmangada Postdoc Employee rmaratikyathanahalli@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Daneshmand, Shahram S. Clin Instructor ssdaneshmand@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Hancock, Julie T. Proj Policy Analyst jthancock@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0963 1.0
Duong, Viet T. Staff Res Assoc v3duong@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Gaffud, Angelica M. Student Asst amgaffud@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Stanhiser, Jamie Asst Clin Prof jstanhiser@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Anbazhagan, Rajakumar Staff Res Assoc ranbazhagan@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Saelee, Chelsea M. Admin Asst (858) 249-5772 csaelee@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ha, Yuna Postdoc Employee y2ha@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Chen, Vivian Student Asst vic004@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0968 1.0
Perucci, Luiza Postdoc Employee lperucci@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Carrasco, Rodrigo Postdoc Employee rcarrasco@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Yang, Jason W. Staff Res Assoc jwy237@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Kolodner, Rebecca A. Resident Physician rakolodner@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Lopez, Ashley Resident Physician asl021@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Okifo, Nyerovwo F. Resident Physician nokifo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Wall, McKensie M. Resident Physician mmwall@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Yang, Emily H. Resident Physician emyang@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Garzo-Toro, Vicente G. Clin Professor vgarzotoro@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Yoo, Richard Y. Asst Clin Prof ryyoo@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Campos Siccha, Gerardo Clin Instructor gcampossiccha@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Muasau-Howard, Bethel T. Clin Instructor bmuasauhoward@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Schoolcraft, William B. Clin Professor wschoolcraft@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Capponi, Chiara Postdoc Employee ccapponi@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0
Rodriguez, Alyssa Admin Asst alr046@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Hileman, Ann Research Admin (619) 471-3805 ahileman@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Anderson, Miracle R. Lab Asst mra002@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Skemp, Alicia A. Sr Physician Asst aaskemp@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Menefee, Shawn Clin Professor shmenefee@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Equihua, Blanca Clin Res Crd Asst bekwon@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Chachere, Breanna Clin Res Crd Asst bchachere@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Reimers, Rebecca HS Asst Clin Prof rreimers@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Chandrasekaran, Gopalakrishnan Postdoc Employee gchandrasekaran@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0695 1.0
Wu, Allan Clin Professor alw047@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Bouche, Axelle Postdoc Employee abouche@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Trivedi, Neha A. Clin Instructor natrivedi@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Nhan-Chang, Chia-Ling Assoc Physician Dipl cnhanchang@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Ferrando, Cecile Assoc Physician Dipl cferrando@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Mckinney, Sara HS Asst Clin Prof smckinney@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 7433 1.0
Welch, Lindsey Admin Asst liwelch@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU NA 1.0
Twigg, Kerrin Staff Res Assoc ktwigg@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU NA 1.0
Xia, Marvin Y. Lab Asst myxia@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU NA 1.0
Ashak, Dani Asst Physician daashak@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Carson, Caree Postdoc Fellow cacarson@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 1.0
Yoshino, Osamu Visit Scholar (858) 534-8521 oyoshino@ucsd.edu OBGYN & REPRODU 0633 1.0

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