Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Walsh, Robert G. Financial Analyst Mgr (619) 543-1958 rgwalsh@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8904 1.0
Rubi, Eduardo D. Sr Accountant (619) 471-0266 e2rubi@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Sackinger, Karl W. Financial Analyst (480) 794-0545 ksackinger@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Nguyen, Lan T. Accountant (619) 543-2323 ltn005@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Li, Pao-hui P. (Pauline) Accountant (619) 543-1921 pali@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Billups, Scott A. Gen Accountant sbillups@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Keophaseut, Aenhay Programmer Analyst (858) 534-4089 aenhay@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 7211 1.0
Garcia, Severina G. General Accountant (619) 543-6822 s5garcia@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Cronk, Ronald W. Clin Informatics Spec rcronk@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8900 1.0
Davey, Cynthia Admin Asst cdavey@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Igualdo, Carlota P. Accountant (619) 543-3300 cigualdo@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Yu, Stephen L. Sr Accountant (619) 543-2246 s9yu@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Goodell, Lynn M. Gen Accountant lgoodell@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Labarinto, Philip S. Financial Svc Analyst (619) 543-2330 plabarinto@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Cano, Erica M. Gen Accountant emcano@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Cornejo, Orlando Gen Accountant orcornejo@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Norfleet, Sharon R. Gen Accountant snorfleet@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8905 1.0
Reza, Yazmin Gen Accountant yareza@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Conrad, John P. Gen Accountant jconrad@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS NA 1.0
Crittenton, Rebecca Gen Accountant recrittenton@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Burningham, Kody Reimb HC Analyst koburningham@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Hoover, Jennifer L. Gen Accountant jlhoover@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Cusolito, Mark Reimb HC Analyst macusolito@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0
Joyce, Heather L. Gen Accountant h1joyce@ucsd.edu FINANCIAL SVCS 8901 1.0

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