Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Romero, Omar W. Staff Res Assoc OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Chan, Tamara C. Staff Res Assoc OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Xiao, Ying Visit Asst Proj Sci OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Boer, Erwin R. Assoc Adjunct Prof OPHTHALMOLOGY 0239 1.0
Pineles, Stacy L. Lecturer spineles@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Huang, Alex A. Assoc Prof Clin aahuang@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Cheng, Sarah Asst Physician OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Gaeta, Vanessa Comm Educ Spec vgaetagarcia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Amel Peralta, Rene Clin Res Crd Asst ramelperalta@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hennein, Lauren M. Assoc Physician lhennein@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Arias, Juan M. Asst Director (858) 534-8760 jariasbernal@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Liu, Catherine Y. Asst Prof Clin yul107@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Camp, Andrew S. Asst Professor (858) 534-6290 a1camp@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Austin, Robyn K. Prog Mgr (858) 534-8858 rkaustin@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Christopher, Mark A. Postdoc Employee mac157@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ayyagari, Radha , Dr. Assoc Prof IR (858) 534-0197 rayyagari@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Patel, Amit K. Postdoc Employee (850) 218-9453 amp055@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Baxter, Sally L. Asst Professor (858) 246-4604 (619) 543-6244 s1baxter@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Spencer, Doran B. Assoc Physician dbspencer@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bansal, Preeti Assoc Physician Dipl pbansal@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0984 1.0
Ryan, Karen A. Dir/Comm/Business Dev (858) 534-8017 kanisko@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Haile, Aida B. Hosp Lab Tech-Supv (858) 534-1861 ahaile@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hernandez, Eric O. Asst Com Hlth Prog Rep (858) 822-2585 eohernandez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Vega, Suzanne Marie Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6670 smvega@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Inpirom, Veronica R. Clin Res Prog Mgr (858) 822-1896 vrubio@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Toomey, Christopher B. Asst Physician c1toomey@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Vasile, Cristiana G. Clin Instructor cvasile@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
McClean, Esmeralda C., Dr. Optometrist (858) 534-6290 emcclean@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nudleman, Eric D. Asst Prof Clin (858) 534-8859 enudleman@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Sample, Pamela A. Prof Emeritus psample@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Wahlin, Karl J. Assoc Professor (858) 822-7701 kwahlin@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Savino, Peter J., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 534-3516 psavino@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Weinreb, Robert N., Dr. Chairman/Prof (858) 534-8824 rweinreb@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Welsbie, Derek S. Asst Professor dwelsbie@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Shaw, Peter X. Assoc Professor (858) 822-3721 pshaw@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Xu, Wen Y. Sr Fund Mgr (858) 657-7783 wyxu@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Zangwill, Linda M., Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-7686 lzangwill@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Robbins, Shira , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-4333 srobbins@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Rudell, Jolene C. Assoc Physician jrudell@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mizoguchi, Lianne , Dr. Optometrist (858) 534-6290 lmizoguchi@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Medina, Leslie G. Admin Asst (858) 534-1861 lgmedina@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Molina, Iliana Dir/UCSD Eye Mobile/Clin Trial (858) 822-2585 imolina@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Moghimi Araghi, Sasan Assoc Adj Professor samoghimi@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Montes, Norma Res Administrator (858) 822-2934 nmontes@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Dirkes, Keri A. Staff Res Assoc-Supv (858) 822-3156 kdirkes@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Do, Jiun L. Asst Professor (858) 534-8824 jiundo@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ju, Wonkyu , Dr. (Daniel) Professor (858) 246-0452 wju@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kikkawa, Don O., Dr. Professor/Clin (858) 657-6905 dkikkawa@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nguyen, Thao P., Dr. Assoc Physician (858) 534-6290 tpn003@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Afshari, Natalie A., Dr. Professor (858) 822-1569 naafshari@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kishaba, Craig C. Admin Vice Chair (858) 534-2109 ckishaba@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Korn, Bobby S., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 534-7402 bkorn@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ferreyra, Henry A. Clin Professor (858) 822-7982 hferreyra@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Belghith, Akram Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-1465 abelghith@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Freeman, William R., Dr. Professor (858) 534-3513 wrfreeman@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kulischak, John , Dr. Optometrist-Supv (858) 534-6291 jkulischak@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bhatia, Shagun K. Oth Post-MD sbhatia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Biswas, Pooja Staff Res Assoc pobiswas@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lee, Bob B. Finance Mgr (858) 246-0835 bblee@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lee, Jeffrey E. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6222 j139lee@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 8655 1.0
Movaghar, Mansoor Assoc Physician mmovaghar@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
O'Halloran, Henry S. Assoc Physician Dipl hsohalloran@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0742 1.0
Bowd, Christopher J. Recall Non-Faculty (858) 822-4510 cbowd@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Vo, Andrew M. Optometrist amvo@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Brown, Stuart I., Dr. Professor (858) 822-2585 sibrown@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Goldbaum, Michael H. Recall Faculty mgoldbaum@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Granet, David B., Dr. Professor Clin (858) 534-7440 dgranet@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Grondek, Joel F. Staff Res Assoc jgrondek@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Yu, Carol Y. Optometrist c6yu@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bartsch, Dirk U., Dr. Adjunct Prof (858) 534-4392 dbartsch@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Cheng, Lingyun Recall Faculty l1cheng@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kline, Lanning B. Assoc Physician Dipl lakline@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Zhang, Xiaowei Staff Res Assoc xiz067@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0695 1.0
Haw, Weldon W., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 642-3298 whaw@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Heichel, Christopher , Dr. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-4848 cheichel@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Huang, Lingling Asst Physician l2huang@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lam, Anne B., Dr. Optometrist (858) 534-6291 a13lam@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Borooah, Shyamanga R. Asst Professor sborooah@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hoo, Pamela , Dr. Optometrist (858) 534-6291 phoo@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mendoza, Veronica R. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-3162 (858) 534-6290 vrmendoza@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Huffman, Kristyn B. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-2293 khuffman@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hunsicker, Maria Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-4104 mhunsicker@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hustana, Lara , Dr. Optometrist (858) 534-6291 lhustana@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nishida, Takashi Physician (858) 348-4985 tnishida@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 1.0
Lloyd, Andrea A. Admin Asst aalloyd@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Herndon, Jasmine N. Oculoplastic Div Admin (858) 249-2887 jnherndon@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 8201 1.0
Olvera, Alejandra M. Hosp Lab Tech amolvera@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Quinto, Joy Admin Asst jquinto@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lopez, Deanne E. Admin Asst d1lopez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Flores, Elizabeth Admin Asst elflores@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Gonzalez, Ruben C. Cmptl/Data Sci Res Spec r2gonzalez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Romero, Minerva I. Admin Asst (858) 822-3028 mromero@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Virgen, Marlene Admin Asst (858) 534-8824 mvirgen@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Parker, Onnie Admin Asst (858) 822-4848 oparker@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Chang, Grace Admin Asst (858) 822-5549 huyoo@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0963 1.0
Martinez, Janely Admin Asst (858) 246-0382 jam092@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Thomas, Riley Admin Spec (858) 534-6899 riley@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Espinoza, Leslie G. Asst Com Hlth Prog Rep (858) 822-2585 lge001@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Rodriguez, Sasha A. Asst Medical (858) 534-1861 sar004@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Salgado, Francisco Admin Asst (858) 822-1539 fsalgado@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Valencia, Teresita Admin Asst tevalencia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Oeinch, Steven C. Hosp Lab Tech soeinck@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Siqueiros Garcia, Walter I. Glaucoma Res Assoc (858) 822-1643 wsiqueirosgarcia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Parr-Hasten, Alychia L. Admin Asst (858) 246-0383 aparrhasten@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Reyes, Mercedes G. Admin Asst (858) 534-7195 m8reyes@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Pena, Sonia R. Admin Asst (858) 822-3028 ppena@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bishop, Allison J. Admin Asst (858) 534-8824 ajprice@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Moreno, Reynaldo A. Programmer Analyst (858) 822-2556 rmoreno@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Booth, Nancy Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-3176 (858) 822-3170 nbooth@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Freeman, Maria laura G. Optometrist lagomez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Colmenero, Nicole R. Admin Asst nrcolmenero@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Gischler, Lilian C. Admin Asst lgischler@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hogan, Aura Financial Svcs-Supv (858) 534-7405 amarcos@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Haight, Marta Clin Res Coord Asst (858) 534-8413 mhaight@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Meza-Beltran, Aaron Admin Asst amezabeltran@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Milosevic, Aleksandra (Alex) Admin Asst (858) 246-0266 amilosevic@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Sanchez, Stacey Clin Work Ld (858) 534-6290 sa2sanchez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0926 1.0
Maspat, Edwin M. Central Svc-Supv (858) 822-5190 emaspat@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bahramipour, Julian Staff Res Assoc jbahramipour@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Carroll, John P. Staff Res Assoc jcarroll@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Castaneda, David Hosp Asst dacastaneda@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY NA 1.0
Kalaw, Fritz G. Visit Asst Proj Sci fkalaw@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Enriquez, Alberto Community Educ Spec aenriquezjr@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Chew, Madison A. Staff Res Assoc m4chew@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Avila Garcia, Maria paula Postdoc Employee mavilagarcia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Walker, Evan H. Research Data Analyst ehwalker@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Munoz, Ruby Student Asst r2munoz@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Heinke, Anna D. Visit Asst Proj Sci aheinke@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 1.0
Jennings, Samalaulu V. Hosp Asst sjennings@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Berry, Anne M. Staff Res Assoc a4berry@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bhanvadia, Sonali B. Res Data Analyst sbhanvadia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Chavis, Jon C. Comm Educ Spec jchavis@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Bastola, Tonking Postdoc Employee tbastola@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kemp, Kelly L. Ambul Care Admin Supv klkemp@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kim, Philip Optometrist phk002@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Cao, Rachel J. Optometrist rjcao@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Woodard, Danae R. Postdoc Employee drwoodard@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Tavakoli, Kiana ktavakoli@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Tobon, Helia P. Admin Officer htobon@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0963 1.0
Fiatoa, Janet G. Admin Asst jfiatoa@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Sun, Mia Student Asst mis006@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hernandez Juarez, Jennifer Y. Postdoc Employee jhernandezjuarez@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Garcia, Yvette G. Admin Asst y4garcia@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Wanderer, Daniel Postdoc Fellow dwanderer@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Rios Rego, Jacqueline Admin Asst jriosrego@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ho, Thony Admin Asst thh007@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Daniels, Adriana Student Asst a3daniels@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Le, Amy Y. Admin Asst ayle@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hallock, Christopher S. Staff Res Assoc challock@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nuno, Janelle A. Clin Res Crd Asst januno@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hemmat, Sanaz Admin Asst sahemmat@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Tran, Trista Student Asst trt015@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Moor, Tracy L. Optometrist tmoor@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Jalili, Jalil Postdoc Employee jjalili@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Espinoza, Fernanda P. Admin Asst fpespinoza@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Abando, Cathlae J. Admin Asst cjabando@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Wagner, Naomi E. Genetic Counselor newagner@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ochoa, Alejandra Y. Admin Asst ayochoa@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Villalobos, Jacquilyn S. Admin Asst jvillalobs@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Valerio, Gabriel S. Asst Clin Prof gvalerio@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Tran Rein, Valerie Optometrist vrein@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Pflugmacher, Savanna J. Staff Res Assoc spflugmacher@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Shacterman, Sarah Student Asst sashacterman@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nagel, Ines D. Visit Asst Proj Sci inagel@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Faridani, Mojdeh Staff Res Assoc mfaridani@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Liang, Ashley Staff Res Assoc asliang@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Garcia, Sandra Admin Asst sag032@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Kleinschmit, Naomi Admin Asst nkleinschmit@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Agnihotri, Akshay Visit Asst Proj Sci aagnihotri@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Nguyen Medina, Alexander Student Asst anguyenmedina@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Sanchez, Sabrina Student Asst sas044@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Downing, Grace E. Admin Asst gdowning@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Rivero, Sonia Staff Res Assoc sorivero@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mackey, Connor Student Asst c2mackey@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hwang, Sinwoo Postdoc Employee sinwoohwang@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Shen, Ziyao Stu Researcher zis017@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Rodriguez, Angela S. Admin Asst asr002@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ho, Amiee Optometrist amh023@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mercado, Luciana Admin Asst l1mercado@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Ha, Stephanie L. Student Asst s3ha@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Avina, Anthony R. Tutor aravina@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Yong, Yu X. Cmptl/Data Sci Res Spec x1yong@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mehta, Nehal N. Visit Asst Proj Sci nnmehta@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Jang, Esther Postdoc Employee esjang@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hong, Jay Financial Analyst jah078@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lopez Lizaola, Xochitl Admin Asst xlopezlizaola@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Oraha, Kathy M. Staff Res Assoc kmoraha@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Mendez, Aaron J. Admin Asst ajm010@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Pompeya, Ursula Admin Asst upompeya@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Hu, Kylee Student Asst kyh002@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Lopez, Daniela Admin Asst dal087@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Huang, John Student Asst joh061@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Alashwal, Shadi M. Visit Proj Scientist salashwal@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Russo, Andrea Optometrist anrusso@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY NA 1.0
Chanthavong, Victoria M. Admin Asst vmchanthavong@ucsd.edu OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0
Falkenstein, Iryna Res Fellow (858) 534-3842 OPHTHALMOLOGY 0946 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.