Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Stucki, Lane Proj Policy Analyst lstucki@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0611 1.0
Salazar, Erik Student Asst e5salazar@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Melendrez, Alondra I. Student Asst aimelendrez@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Robinson, Foxy P. Student Asst f1robinson@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Luu, Bao K. Hlth Profns Educ Spec b3luu@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Le, Aaron H. Info Sys Analyst ahl012@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Mora, Cristina N. Student Asst cnmora@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Wilcox, Erin L. Anatomical Svc Profl (858) 534-8627 ewilcox@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0627 1.0
Santacruz, Maricela Financial Aid Ofcr (858) 534-4665 msantacruz@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Aldecoa, Ramon J. Dir/Medical Careers (858) 534-0366 raldecoa@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Zeglen, Brian M. Dir/Admis (858) 534-1515 bzeglen@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Summers-Torres, Daphne M. Director (858) 534-4888 dmsummerstorres@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Farace, Jennifer A. Asst Dean/Curr Affrs/Accredita (858) 822-5553 jfarace@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Pryor, Russell A. Sr Museum Sci rpryor@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Randerson, Maria Health Profns Educ Spec (858) 822-3860 mranderson@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Zatarain, Felipe E. (Eddie) Ofc Mgr/Spec Proj Coord (858) 534-4124 fzatarain@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Jimenez-Negrete, Rosie Stu Prog/Admis Coord (858) 534-7696 r7jimeneznegrete@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Kingston, Paul A. Sr Lrng Sklls Cnslr (858) 534-8599 pkingston@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Krenzer, Lisa Staff Res Asst (858) 534-1531 lkrenzer@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Benefield, John Financial Aid Mgr (858) 534-1514 jobenefield@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Zandstra, Helena E. Director-Learning/Dev hzandstra@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 1.0
Ober, Burton T. Program Rep-Supv (858) 534-6614 bober@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Quiambao, Emilou B. (Emi) Director-Fin/Prog Initiatives (858) 534-3272 equiambao@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Froehlich, Elvee mae V. Sr Admin Analyst (858) 246-0398 emborgonia@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Gary, Mark D. Curator (858) 534-4126 mdgary@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0627 1.0
MacAulay, Robert Dir/Sim Education (858) 822-1385 rmacaulay@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Barton, Scott T. Dir/Anatomical Scvs (858) 534-8280 stbarton@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0627 1.0
Hallisy, Kathleen S. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 246-0514 khallisy@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Colmenar, Cristina R. Exec Dir/Business/Fiscal Affrs crcolmenar@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Hernandez, Ramon A. Proj Policy Analyst (619) 681-0650 rah003@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0927 1.0
Hillery, David F. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 534-1138 dhillery@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Gole, Lisa T. Director (858) 534-6002 lgole@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Mueller, Ariana N. Stu Life Dev Spec (858) 534-3702 anmueller@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Azzoo, Isabelle C. Prog Coord (858) 822-0463 izepeda@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Wood, Ricardo P. Trauma Tech r2wood@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 8665 1.0
Johnson, Nigel J. Med Ed Tech Dir (858) 534-4313 njj003@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Bartlett, Victoria L. Curricular Svcs Coord (858) 822-5843 vbartlett@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Carroll, Kevin F. Hlth Profns Educ Spec kfcarroll@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0963 1.0
Bray, Ann M. Admin Asst a1bray@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Ibarra, Anahi M. Student Asst a4ibarra@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Nye, Jamie P. Stu Life Dev Spec (858) 246-0716 jnye@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Seebold, Moriah A. Curriculum Planner (858) 822-2987 mseebold@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Oneal, Lacey Hlth Profns Educ Spec l1oneal@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Palafox, Noah Hlth Profns Educ Spec nepalafox@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Pechman, Gregory D. Bus Techl Supp Analyst gpechman@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 8935 1.0
Soto, Anabel Program Rep (858) 534-5764 a1soto@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Fencyk, Taylor J. Stu Affrs Ofr (858) 534-3882 tfencyk@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Pittroff, Cynthia L. (Cindi) Bus Operations Mgr (858) 534-4703 cpittroff@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Pryor, Thomas M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-5471 tmpryor@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Shelley, Cynthia F. (Raasch) Admin Analyst (858) 534-2620 craasch@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Youhanna, Dema E. Master Prog Advisor (858) 534-9100 dyouhanna@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0404 1.0
Bennett, Claire E. Registrar (858) 534-1393 cebennett@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Hughes, Suzanne Evaluation Spec schughes@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0831 1.0
Borer Cobb, Sandra J. (Heather) Admin Asst sborercobb@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Dovi, Sarah N. Curriculum Planner (858) 534-1519 sdovi@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Bayisa, Wossene Elctvs/Acad Committee Coord (858) 822-5334 wbayisa@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Fox, William F. Admin Asst wfox@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Gilman, Rebecca L. (Becky) Rm Sched/Test Analysis (858) 822-5741 rgilman@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Cobb, Sammy M. Admin Asst scobb@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Harasty, Sarah Program Rep (858) 822-3523 sharasty@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Longacre, Rosa Y. Proj Policy Analyst rlongacre@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Denson, Jennifer L. Exec Asst (858) 822-4565 jdenson@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Diaz, Laura J. Program Rep (858) 534-3603 ldiaz@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 9116A 1.0
Maury, John M. (Michael) Learning Sklls Cnslr (858) 534-0334 jmaury@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Igualdo, Emily G. Master Prog Advisor (858) 246-3037 egigualdo@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0404 1.0
McGilvray, Judith Admin Asst (858) 822-3964 jabastillas@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Anaya, Diane Admin Asst d2anaya@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0963 1.0
Cwik, Kendall N. Stu Life Dev Spec k1cwik@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Ramirez, Chrys Financial Svc Analyst crr004@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Fernandez Tobias, Alexa Student Asst alfernandeztobias@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Brual, Marinel F. Hlth Profns Educ Spec mfbrual@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0963 1.0
Gierok, Sarah M. Student Asst smgierok@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Dooley, Andrea M. Asst Dean adooley@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Kirchhevel, Betty S. Executive Asst (858) 534-9192 bkirchhevel@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Shackleton, Derek A. Admin Asst dashackleton@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Ayala Ocegueda, David A. Proj Policy Analyst d3ayala@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0963 1.0
Quach, Rebecca N. Stu Affrs Spec (858) 534-2906 requach@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Galindo, Carolina S. Financial Analyst csgalindo@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Phillips, Matthew C. Financial Analyst (858) 534-3272 mcphillips@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Lee, Jamie L. Museum Prep jll008@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Bush, Kenneth W. Research Admin kwbush@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0831 1.0
Steward, Thomas J. Hlth Profns Educ Spec tjsteward@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Bengen, Cassandra T. Admin Ofcr (858) 246-3491 cbengen@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0616 1.0
Locascio, Deb Stu Life Dev Spec dlocascio@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Sours, Jordan P. Bus Sys Analyst jsours@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Hood, Sarah R. Hlth Profns Educ Spec srhood@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Dandignac, Mitchell E. Acad Achievement Cnslr mdandignac@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Carmichael, Breanna Hlth Profns Educ Spec becarmichael@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0963 1.0
Sarebanha, Marjaneh Admin Asst msarebanha@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Mejia, Carilu Registrar Spec c2mejia@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Wismer, Ella Student Asst elwismer@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Griffiths, Whitney A. Financial Aid Ofcr wgriffiths@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Gutierrez, Rodrigo Admiss Recrmt Spec r9gutierrez@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Jaimes, Shiva M. Curriculum Planner smjaimes@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Wedekind, Lauren Student Asst lawedekind@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0
Moore, Debra Admin Asst dem020@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC NA 1.0
Abeyta, Marissa N. Student Asst mnabeyta@ucsd.edu MEDICAL EDUC 0606 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.