Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Shyy, John , Dr. Professor (858) 534-3736 jshyy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613K 1.0
Kamdar, Biren B. Assoc Clin Prof bkamdar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Choi, Soo I. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6248 s6choi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Bolano, Marielle C. HS Asst Clin Prof mcbolano@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gupta, Tripti HS Asst Clin Prof trgupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Suri, Rajat HS Asst Clin Prof rsuri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Shapiro, Hilary A. HS Asst Clin Prof hashapiro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fejleh, Mohammad P. Asst Clin Prof mfejleh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Farley, Emma K. Asst Professor (858) 246-2552 efarley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0655 1.0
Atwal, Ravinder S. Clin Apps Professional ratwal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Hogarth, Michael A. Professor (916) 817-9951 mihogarth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Ramsis, Mattheus HS Asst Clin Prof mramsis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Balu, Arthi Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 abalu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Pedersen, Brian Asst Clin Prof brpedersen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Singh, Abha G. Asst Professor (858) 534-2359 (858) 657-6110 abs022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Rogers, Thomas F. Asst Adjt Prof trogers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Tan, Gene B. Asst Adjt Prof gstan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Chen, Melinda HS Asst Clin Prof mec060@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah S. Asst Professor earonoffspencer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Ayers, John W. Assoc Adj Prof jwayers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Gold, Kathryn A. Professor kagold@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Asudani, Deepak G. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 dgasudani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Kaufman, Dan S. Professor (858) 822-1777 dskaufman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
An, Jing Professor jan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Diaz, Joseph Asst Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 jod018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Zhou, Qinwen HS Asst Clin Prof q3zhou@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lin, Erica Asst Clin Prof e4lin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Avalos, Joseph A. Assoc Clin Prof j6avalos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Kim, Paul J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8530 pjk017@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Zhou, Jenny Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-5382 jez033@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Cho, Yoshitake Asst Professor cyoshitake@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Moore, Alison A. Professor (858) 534-4020 (858) 249-2500 alm123@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0664 1.0
Tang, Michael E. Asst Clin Prof m1tang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Ahuja, Karuna Asst Clin Prof kahuja@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Patel, Hitendra Clin Professor hip003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Wong, Melissa A. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-5400 maw007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Chang, Michael A. Assoc Clin Prof mac063@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Ho, Gordon Asst Professor (858) 246-2972 goho@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Cruz, Dinna N. Professor Clin (619) 543-6397 dncruz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Smith, Laramie R. Assoc Prof lrs003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Hsu, Jonathan C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 jch031@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Tsai, Matthew HS Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5088 matsai@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Patel, Sandip P. Clin Professor (858) 822-2372 spatel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Rubin, Joshua Asst Clin Prof j4rubin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Goodman, Aaron Assoc Professor (858) 657-7000 a1goodman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Cowell, Anne N. Asst Professor acowell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0879 1.0
Ajayi, Toluwalase A. (Lase) Asst Clin Professor tajayi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Martinez, Jordan Asst Clin Prof jam088@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Webster, Luke A. HS Asst Clin Prof lawebster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gaines, Dirk J. HS Asst Clin Prof djgaines@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Antonucci, Stephen Asst Clin Prof santonucci@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Owens, Robert L. Professor/Medicine (619) 657-5258 (844) 757-5337 rowens@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ajmera, Veeral H. Assoc Prof/Dir-Liver Transpl v1ajmera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Gupta, Naveen Clin Professor n6gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Raj, Anita Professor (858) 246-0066 anraj@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Mcintyre, Jonathan S. Assoc Professor (619) 471-9185 j4mcintyre@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
King, Kevin R. Asst Professor krking@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0412 1.0
Peters, Bjoern Assoc Adjunct Prof bjp018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Martin, Natasha Professor (858) 822-4802 nam007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Shen, Jia Asst Professor jis346@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Kuo, Tsung-Ting Asst Professor tskuo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Yang, Jenny Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-7150 jey052@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Wilkinson, Michael J. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2989 mjwilkinson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Smith, Chelsey J. HS Asst Clin Prof cjs018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Park, Janice Asst Professor j5park@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Chavez Kuss, Lukas W. Asst Adjt Prof luc042@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0815 1.0
Singh, Siddharth Asst Prof Clin (858) 246-2352 sis040@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Park, Soo J. Asst Professor (858) 657-7000 sjp047@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Sweeney, Daniel A. Clin Professor dasweeney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Meyers, Stephanie A. Asst Adjt Prof s3meyers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Abdelmalek, Joseph A. HS Clin Assoc Prof jabdelmalek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Abeles, Shira Asst Clin Professor sabeles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Jiang, Qingfei Asst Professor (858) 246-5089 q1jiang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Middleton, Gregory D. (Gregg) HS Clin Prof (858) 657-8200 (858) 657-8200 g1middleton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Miller, Aaron M. Assoc Clin Prof ammiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Tanaka, Tiffany N. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6848 tntanaka@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Schultz, Christina Y. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 cyle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Adamson, John W. Clin Professor (858) 642-3348 jadamson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Li, Willis X. Professor (858) 534-7824 wxli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
Ma, Lawrence Assoc Clin Prof lma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Crouch, Daniel R. Clin Professor (855) 355-5864 dcrouch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Afshar, Kamyar Clin Professor (858) 657-7277 kaafshar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Adler, Eric Clin Professor (858) 246-0631 eradler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Silverman, Jay G. Professor (858) 534-0710 jgsilverman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Sasaki, Reid A. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 rasasaki@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Gandhi, Nikhil R. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 nigandhi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Marsh, David G. Asst Clin Prof dgmarsh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Anand, Gobind Assoc Clin Prof gsanand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9116D 1.0
Yeung, Kay T. Assoc Clin Professor k7yeung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Orr, Jeremy E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-2244 (855) 355-5864 j1orr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Bell, John F. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 jfbell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Hsu, Cynthia Asst Adjt Prof c6hsu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Hill, Deanna L. Clin Professor dlhill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Furnari, Frank B. Professor (858) 534-7819 ffurnari@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Lange, Stephan Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 822-4618 slange@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Rosenfeld, Michael G., Dr. Professor (858) 534-5858 mrosenfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Chang, Jeremy S. HS Asst Clin Prof jschang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carter, Hannah K. Assoc Professor (858) 822-4706 hkcarter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Gupta, Samir Professor IR (858) 822-4499 s1gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Wei, Jennie H. HS Assoc Clin Prof jhwei@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Malhotra, Atul Professor (858) 657-7130 amalhotra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Fang, Xi Asst Professor (858) 246-4637 xifang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Yeung, Heidi N. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-3316 hnyeung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8216 1.0
Kim, Alexander S. Asst Professor (858) 657-5350 ask011@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Beyhan Pelvan, Sinem Asst Adjt Prof sbeyhan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Rosen, Peter Prof Emeritus (619) 543-6463 perosen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8819 1.0
Ross, John , Dr. Res Prof/MEDICINE jlross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Ross, Robert S. Professor (858) 246-0624 (858) 642-3539 rross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Spilman, Samantha L. HS Asst Clin Prof sspilman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Spragg, Roger G., Dr. Professor Emeritus rspragg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Steiner Jr, Robert W. Prof Emeritus rsteiner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Jenkins, Ian H. Clin Prof (619) 471-9565 ihjenkins@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Stepnowsky, Carl J. Adjunct Professor (858) 642-1240 cstepnowsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Ziegler, Michael G., Dr. Professor (619) 543-2885 mziegler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8341 1.0
Beben, Tomasz (Tom) HS Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6268 tbeben@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Zheng, Amy M. Asst Clin Prof amzheng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Zifan, Ali Asst Adj Prof (858) 822-3110 azifan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Alotaibi, Mona A. Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-5512 m1alotaibi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ruo, Bernice Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 bruo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Sacco, Assuntina G. Assoc Professor (858) 822-6229 agsacco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Saltiel, Alan R. Director IDMH/Professor (858) 534-5953 asaltiel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0757 1.0
Stanford, Stephanie M. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 246-2397 ststanford@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Stockman, Jamila K. Assoc Professor (858) 822-4652 jstockman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Strathdee, Steffanie A. Professor (858) 822-1952 sstrathdee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Goren, Alon M. Assoc Professor agoren@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Stuenkel, Cynthia A. HS Clin Prof castuenkel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0659 1.0
Zuniga De Nuncio, Maria L. Assoc Adjt Prof (619) 681-0689 mzuniga@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0927 1.0
Akuthota, Praveen Professor (855) 355-5864 pakuthota@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Gupta, Roopali Assoc Clin Prof rog007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Sweiss, Natalie Asst Clin Prof nsweiss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Tamayo, Pablo Professor (858) 246-2385 ptamayo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Taremi, Mahnaz Assoc Professor mtaremi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Taub, Pam R. Professor (858) 657-8530 ptaub@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7414 1.0
Templeman, James R. Asst Clin Prof jtempleman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Thomas, Colin M. Clin Professor (858) 642-3489 cmthomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Thomson, Scott C., Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-7528 sthomson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Thorisdottir, Hilda K. HS Assoc Clin Prof hthorisdottir@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Thota, Supraja Assoc Clin Prof sthota@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Dave, Shravan S. Asst Clin Prof s2dave@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Mandel, Jess Professor (858) 657-7125 jmandel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Tiu, Alfredo B. HS Assoc Clin Prof atiu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Tsimikas, Sotirios , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 534-6109 stsimikas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Daniels, Gregory A. Professor (858) 534-3804 gdaniels@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Tsuyuki, Kiyomi Asst Professor ktsuyuki@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Urada, Lianne A. Asst Professor lurada@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Urey, Marcus A. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8530 murey@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Vallon, Volker Professor (858) 552-8585 vvallon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Vande Casteele, Niels B. Asst Adjunct Prof nvandecasteele@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Varughese, Jay Assoc Professor (619) 471-9186 jvarughese@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Farkhondehpour, Ali (Ali) Assoc Clin Professor mfarkhondehpour@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Vijayanand, Pandurangan Assoc Adjunct Prof p1vijayanand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Penny, William F. Professor/Clin wpenny@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Chao, Edward C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 ecchao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Peterson, Kirk L. Prof Emeritus (858) 246-1354 klpeterson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Pettus, Jeremy H. Asst Professor (858) 246-2160 jpettus@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Sanchez, Amber P. Clin Prof (858) 249-3030 a6sanchez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7330 1.0
Sandborn, William J. Prof Emeritus wsandborn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sani, Armelia Clin Professor amsani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
von Drygalski, Annette Dir/Hem/Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-6401 (858) 657-5947 avondrygalski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Davis, Natalie V. Clin Professor n5davis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wachsman, William , Dr. Prof Clin Med/HEM-ONC (858) 552-8585 wwachsman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Vodkin, Irine E. Assoc Clin Prof ivodkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Wagner, Gabriel A. Assoc Professor gawagner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Wagner, Peter D., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4190 pdwagner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Wang, Angela C. HS Clin Prof (855) 355-5864 acwang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Pilz, Renate B., Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-8805 rpilz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Poch, David S. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 dspoch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Saphire, Erica O. Adjunct Prof (858) 752-6500 esaphire@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Savoia, Maria C. Prof Emeritus msavoia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Schnabl, Bernd Professor IR (858) 822-5311 beschnabl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Schooley, Robert T. (Chip) Prof/Infectious Disease (858) 246-2693 rschooley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0030 1.0
Ward, David M., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 249-3030 dmward@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7300 1.0
Wasserman, Stephen I. Prof Emeritus swasserman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0628 1.0
Wastila, Lisa J. Prof Emeritus lwastila@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Webster, Nicholas J., Dr. Prof/Div Chief (858) 534-6275 nwebster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Powell, Frank L., Dr. Professor (858) 534-4191 fpowell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Mccowen, Karen C. HS Assoc Clin Prof kmccowen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Prisk, Gordon K. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-4192 kprisk@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Prussak, Natalie Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 nrprussak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Sebasky, Meghan M. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 mmsebasky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Segar, Sandeep Asst Professor ssegar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Seifert, Marva Asst Professor mseifert@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Choi, Michael Y., Dr. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 534-1765 mychoi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Serio, Kenneth J. Asst Clin Prof kjserio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0176B 1.0
Barman, Pranab M. HS Assoc Clin Prof pbarman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Wertheim, Joel O. Asst Professor (619) 543-5069 jwertheim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
West, John B. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4192 jwest@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Quan, Anna P. HS Clin Prof apquan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Quartarolo, Jennifer M. Professor (619) 471-9186 jquartarolo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Raisinghani, Ajit , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8198 araisinghani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Sette, Alessandro Adjunct Professor asette@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Seymann, Gregory , Dr. Professor (619) 471-9186 gseymann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Shah, Nilesh H. HS Clin Prof nhshah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Shah, Mita M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8043 (858) 657-7729 mshah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Shattil, Sanford J. Prof Emeritus sshattil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Servin, Argentina E. Asst Professor (858) 822-4630 arservin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Shatsky, Rebecca Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-3781 rshatsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Mitchell, William M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-6280 wmmitchell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Dhar, Debanjan Asst Adj Prof ddhar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Witztum, Joseph L., Dr. Professor (858) 534-4347 jwitztum@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Ramos, Pedro R. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 prramos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Randall, James M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 jrandall@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Rapaport, Samuel I., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 454-2914 srapaport@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Raz, Eyal , Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-5444 eraz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Reeves, Ryan R. Asst Prof/Medicine (858) 246-2973 rreeves@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Signer, Robert Assoc Professor (858) 534-0732 rsigner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Wong-Sefidan, Ida C. Asst Professor (858) 552-8585 icwong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Woytowitz, Manjulika S. HS Clin Prof mwoytowitz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Wynn, Adriane M. Asst Professor awynn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Huang, Bryan J. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 bjhuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Yadlapati, Rena Assoc Prof/Clin Med ryadlapati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Reid, Erin G. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-6276 egreid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Reid, Tony R. Prof Emeritus treid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Richman, Douglas D. Professor Emeritus drichman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Riedl, Marc A. Professor (858) 657-5350 mriedl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Ries, David C. Asst Professor (619) 471-9186 dries@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Rifkin, Dena E. Assoc Adj Prof (858) 552-8585 drifkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Simonson, Tatum S. Assoc Professor (858) 534-1524 tsimonson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Sitapati, Amy M. Prof/Chief-Biomed Infor (Inter (858) 822-4931 asitapati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Skaathun, Britt P. Asst Professor bskaathun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Smith, David M., Dr. Professor (858) 552-7439 d13smith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Karris, Maile A. (Young) Assoc Professor (619) 543-5039 m1young@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Yourman, Lindsey , Dr. Asst Clin Prof lyourman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Yu, Pearl S., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 psyu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Yung, Gordon L., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-5050 gyung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Zanetti, Maurizio , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-5412 mzanetti@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0815 1.0
Zarrinpar, Amir Asst Professor (858) 246-1665 (858) 552-8585 azarrinpar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Ramnath, Venktesh R. Assoc Clin Prof vramnath@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ritter, Michele L., Dr. HS Assoc Clin Prof mlritter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Rivera-Nieves, Jesus Adjunct Prof jriveranieves@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Rodwell, Timothy C. (Tim) Assoc Professor (858) 822-4353 trodwell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Kalmaz, Denise Clin Prof/Prog Dir (858) 657-5272 dkalmaz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Ix, Joachim H. (Joe) Professor (858) 552-8585 joix@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Sunwoo, Bernie Y. Professor (844) 757-5337 besunwoo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Jarrin, Diego F. Assoc Clin Prof djarrin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Jassal, Simerjot K. Clin Prof/Dir-Intl Med (619) 543-3692 sjassal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Miracle, Cynthia M., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 cmiracle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Mittal, Ravinder K. Professor (858) 534-3328 rmittal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Kwan, Brian K. Asst Clin Prof bkkwan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Cederquist, Lynette C., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 lcederquist@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Moinizandi, Tarlan Asst Clin Prof tmoinizandi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Montazeri, Michael B. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 mmontazeri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
DeMaria, Anthony , Dr. (Tony) Professor (858) 246-1349 ademaria@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Dillmann, Wolfgang H., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-9933 wdillmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0618 1.0
Docherty, Michael J. Clin Professor mdocherty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Jones, Oliver W., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4307 ojones@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Jong, Pamela M., Dr. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 pjong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Chang, John T. Professor (858) 822-5795 jtc007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Choueiri, Michel Assoc Phys/Prof mchoueiri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Joshua, Jisha K. Assoc Clin Prof jjoshua@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Montgrain, Philippe R., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 pmontgrain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Boles, Sarah G. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-3249 sboles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Gupta, Vineet Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 v1gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Morris, Timothy A., Dr. Professor Clin (619) 543-5972 t1morris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8378 1.0
Mudaliar, Sunder , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 sumudaliar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Dollarhide, Adrian W., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 adollarhide@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Dresselhaus, Timothy , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 552-8585 tdresselhaus@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9153 1.0
Dulbecco, Renato Prof Emeritus rdulbecco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0612 1.0
Kahn, Andrew M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-5378 akahn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8411 1.0
Kalunian, Kenneth C., Dr. Prof Clin Med (858) 657-7049 kkalunian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Kanter, Simone E. Asst Clin Prof skanter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Karl, Bethany E. Asst Clin Prof bkarl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Kavanaugh, Arthur (Arthur) Professor (858) 246-2382 (858) 246-2382 akavanaugh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Mullaney, Scott R., Dr. Professor (619) 543-5512 smullaney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Morris, Sheldon Clin Professor (619) 543-4761 (619) 657-8600 shmorris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Mehta, Sanjay R. Assoc Clin Prof/Pathology (858) 552-7446 srmehta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Narezkina, Anna Assoc Clin Professor (858) 657-5381 anarezkina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Eckmann, Lars , Dr. Professor (858) 534-0683 leckmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Edelman, Steven V. Prof Emeritus sedelman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Edmonds, Kyle P. Clin Professor (619) 471-9424 (858) 534-7079 kpedmonds@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8216 1.0
Effron, Harris G. HS Clin Prof heffron@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
El-Kareh, Robert E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-7776 relkareh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Elmaraachli, Wael Assoc Clin Professor (619) 543-3232 welmaraachli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Kenmore, Sean HS Asst Clin Prof skenmore@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kerr, Kim M., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-7140 kmkerr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Kim, Hyong S., Dr. (Nick) Clin Prof (858) 657-7150 h33kim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Naviaux, Robert K. Prof Emeritus rnaviaux@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Blanchard, Jennifer N., Dr. (Gigi) Clin Professor (619) 543-6131 jblanchard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Nemati, Shamim Assoc Professor snemati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Nguyen, Katherine H. HS Assoc Clin Prof khn022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Bazhenova, Lyudmila A. HS Clin Prof (858) 822-6189 lbazhenova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Cheng, George Z. Assoc Prof Clin gcheng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Sheikh, Farah Assoc Professor (858) 246-0754 fasheikh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Fanta, Paul T. Clinical Professor (858) 822-7973 pfanta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Kirmani, Saeeda , Dr. Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 skirmani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Kiyono, Hiroshi Adjunct Professor hkiyono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Knowlton, Kirk U. Prof Emeritus kknowlton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Kono, Yuko Clin Professor (858) 534-7071 ykono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Jamieson, Catriona H. Professor (858) 246-1453 cjamieson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Nguyen, Khai H. Assoc Professor khn059@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Smith, Tukisa D. HS Asst Clin Prof tusmith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Fehmi, Syed (Abbas) Clin Prof sfehmi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Feld, Gregory K. Professor (858) 246-2972 gfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Felicio, Leda Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 lfelicio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8411 1.0
Feramisco, James R. Prof Emeritus jferamisco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0619 1.0
Fernandes, Timothy M. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 tfernandes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Firestein, Catherine E. Assoc Clin Prof cfirestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Firestein, Gary S., Dr. Professor (858) 822-0591 gfirestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0990 1.0
Bazhenov, Maksim V. (Maxim) Professor mbazhenov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7374 1.0
Koola, Jejo D. Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2563 jkoola@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Krcmarik, Kevin M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 kkrcmarik@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Krinsky, Mary L., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 642-1114 (619) 543-2347 mkrinsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Hamidi, Vala HS Asst Clin Prof vhamidi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Boland, Brigid S. Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 246-2353 bboland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Oxman, Michael N., Dr. (Mike) Professor (858) 642-1420 mnoxman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Begovic, Adnan Assoc Clin Prof abegovic@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8998 1.0
Bejar, Rafael Assoc Professor (858) 534-5204 (858) 822-5485 rabejar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0803 1.0
Beletsky, Leonid (Leo) Asst Adjt Prof (619) 543-0882 lbeletsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0849 1.0
Bell, Kristin M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 k1bell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Beliakova-Bethell, Nadejda Asst Adj Prof nbeliakovabethell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Bellinghausen, Amy L. HS Asst Clin Prof albellinghausenstewart@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Benner, Christopher W. Asst Professor (858) 534-9449 cbenner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Horman, Sarah F. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 shorman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Bortniker, Ethan HS Asst Clin Prof ebortniker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Freire, Marcelo A. Asst Adjt Prof mfreire@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Kulasa, Kristen M. HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-3814 kkulasa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kwong, Wilson T. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-9447 wtkwong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Kunkel, David C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5088 (619) 543-2347 dkunkel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Krummen, David E. Professor (858) 642-3889 (858) 657-8530 dkrummen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Lam, Michael T. Asst Prof IR mtlam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Lam, Kentson Asst Prof/Clin Med k8lam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0816 1.0
LaMere, Sarah A. Asst Adjunct Prof salamere@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Landsberg, Judd W. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 jlandsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Papamatheakis, Demosthenes G. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 dpapamatheakis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Parker, Barbara A. Professor/Clinical baparker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Parmer, Robert J., Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-8585 rparmer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Patel, Derek R. Clin Professor (619) 543-2347 drpatel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Bharti, Ajay R. Professor (619) 543-8091 abharti@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Birgersdotter-Green, Ulrika M. Clin Professor (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 ubgreen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Blanchard, Daniel G., Dr. Prof Clin Med (858) 246-1354 (858) 657-8530 dblanchard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Bluestein, Harry G., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-2359 hbluestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Boeder, Schafer HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2161 sboeder@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Fuster, Mark M., Dr. Professor IR (858) 699-8935 mfuster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Asimakopoulos, Fotis (Fotis) Professor (858) 246-5223 fasimakopoulos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Gaines, Tommi L. Asst Professor (858) 246-0600 togaines@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Blumenthal, Jill S. Assoc Professor (619) 543-3995 (619) 543-3995 jblumenthal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Garimella, Pranav Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6397 pgarimella@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Lee, Daniel , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-3995 dalee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Lee, Susan J. Assoc Clinic Professor (858) 642-3247 s2lee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Lee, Yun Sok Asst Professor ysl004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Obonyo, Marygorret Asst Professor (858) 822-6687 mobonyo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
O'Byrne, Margaret Asst Clin Prof mobyrne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Olefsky, Jerrold M., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6651 jolefsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Mimoto, Mizuho S. Asst Professor mimimoto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Moran, Ryan J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 rjmoran@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Boland, Clement R. Adj Prof Emeritus (858) 249-0772 crboland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Bordin-Wosk, Talya HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 tbordinwosk@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Boss, Gerry R., Dr. Professor (858) 657-7245 gboss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Borquez, Annick Asst Professor aborquez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Botta, Gregory P. Assoc Clin Prof gbotta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Bouland, Daniel L. Prof Emeritus dbouland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Boyle, David L. Professor (858) 822-0784 dboyle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Gass, Arnold P. Prof Emeritus agass@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Gianella Weibel, Sara Asst Adj Prof sgianellaweibel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Gigli, Irma Prof Emeritus igigli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8420 1.0
Letendre, Scott L. Professor (619) 543-4730 sletendre@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Lewinski, Mary K. Asst Adj Prof mlewinski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Juang, Patricia S. Asst Professor (858) 657-6920 psjuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Lippman, Scott M. AVC/Prof (858) 822-1222 slippman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Brenner, David A. Prof Emeritus dbrenner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Broide, David H., Dr. Professor/Allergy (858) 534-2374 dbroide@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0635 1.0
Buckholz, Gary T. Clinical Professor (858) 657-7539 gtbuckholz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Gill, Gordon N. Prof Emeritus ggill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Ginsberg, Mark H. Professor (858) 822-6432 mhginsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Goldenberg, Shira M. Asst Adjt Prof sgoldenberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Golomb, Beatrice A., Dr. Professor IR (858) 558-4950 bgolomb@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Gopal, Srila Assoc Clin Prof (858) 534-0929 (858) 822-6276 srgopal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Little, Susan J., Dr. Professor IR (619) 543-8080 slittle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Bryan, Ru L. Adjunct Professor ruliu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111K 1.0
Juang, Derek K. Assoc Clin Prof djuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Llorente, Cristina Assoc Professor (858) 366-3173 allorenteizquierdo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Logan, Cathy L. Professor (858) 822-6260 c1logan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Lonergan, Joseph T., Dr. Clin Professor (619) 543-3995 jlonergan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Loomba, Rohit Professor (858) 246-2201 roloomba@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Looney, David J., Dr. Assoc Prof IR (858) 552-8585 dlooney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Lopez, Tony P., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 tplopez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Lopez Ramirez, Miguel A. Asst Professor malopezramirez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Lovetro, Blaine K. Asst Clin Prof blovetro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 06155 1.0
Barker, Kathryn M. Asst Professor k1barker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Cachay, Edward R. (Lalo) Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-3995 ecachay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Goulian, Mehran Prof Emeritus (858) 459-0088 mgoulian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Gordts, Philip L. Asst Professor (858) 246-0994 pgordts@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0687 1.0
Greenberg, Barry Professor (858) 246-2987 bgreenberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Lunde, Ottar V. Clin Professor olunde@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Lundgren, Rebecka I. Assoc Adjunct Prof rlundgren@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Mahmud, Ehtisham Prof/Clin/Chair (Interim) (858) 657-8030 emahmud@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Macedo, Etienne M. Asst Adjunct Prof (858) 246-2085 emmacedo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0892 1.0
Molina, Anthony J. Professor (858) 246-5930 ajmolina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Carson, Dennis A. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-5408 dcarson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Casteel, Darren E. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 534-8805 dcasteel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Catanzaro, Antonino Prof Emeritus acatanzaro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0643 1.0
Cavenee, Webster K. Prof Emeritus wcavenee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0660 1.0
Chaillon, Antoine Asst Adj Prof achaillon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Grunvald, Eduardo L., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-7237 egrunvald@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0837 1.0
Burgoyne, Adam M., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-3092 aburgoyne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Guatelli, John C., Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 jguatelli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Guiney, Donald G. Prof Emeritus dguiney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Guma, Monica Assoc Professor (858) 822-6523 mguma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Gymrek, Melissa A. Assoc Professor (858) 246-0895 mgymrek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Mahata, Sushil K. Adjunct Professor (858) 552-8585 smahata@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0732 1.0
Majithia, Amit R. Asst Professor (858) 822-0727 amajithia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Madlensky, Lisa Prof Clin Med (858) 822-6831 (858) 822-3240 lmadlensky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0901 1.0
Malhotra, Rakesh Asst Prof Clinic Med r3malhotra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Malinak, David J. HS Asst Clin Prof dmalinak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Charat, Stacy T. Asst Clin Prof scharat@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9153 1.0
Chen, Jessica J., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 j38chen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Chen, Ju Professor (858) 822-4276 juchen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Chi, Neil C. Professor (858) 822-1842 nchi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613J 1.0
Chien, Kenneth R. Prof Emeritus kchien@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Chojkier, Mario , Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-8585 mchojkier@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Choe, Charles H. Clin Prof/Medicine (858) 552-8585 (858) 657-1636 cchoe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Hammond, H. Kirk , Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 khammond@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Hanson, Courtney C. HS Asst Clin Prof cchanson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8938 1.0
Hardison, William G. Prof Emeritus whardison@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Martin, Leslie M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 lmartin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Richardson, Angelique E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-3248 a2richardson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Christiansen, Sandra C. Prof/Med (858) 657-5350 (858) 657-5350 scchristiansen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Chun, Victor S. Asst Clin Prof vchun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ginsberg, Charles Asst Prof Clin cginsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Clay, Brian J. Clin Professor (858) 249-0139 bclay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8935 1.0
Helsten, Teresa Clin Professor (858) 249-3249 thelsten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Heinz, Sven W. Asst Professor (858) 534-9492 sheinz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Hepokoski, Mark L. Professor (858) 552-8585 mhepokoski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Ghosh, Pradipta Professor (858) 822-7633 prghosh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0651 1.0
Mc Cutchan, J. Allen , Dr. Prof Emeritus (619) 543-5052 amccutchan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Conrad, Douglas J., Dr. Professor (858) 657-7073 dconrad@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Copur-Dahi, Nedret Clin Professor (619) 543-3783 necopurdahi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Corr, Mary P. Professor (619) 543-2859 mpcorr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Costello, Caitlin L. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6600 ccostello@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Cotter, Bruno R., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5378 bcotter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Covell, James W., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 453-5489 jcovell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613J 1.0
Cowling, Randy T. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 822-0325 rcowling@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Aslam, Saima Assoc Professor (858) 657-7643 saslam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Heyman, Benjamin M. Asst Clin Professor (858) 246-3038 bheyman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Heyworth, Leonie K. HS Assoc Clin Prof lkheyworth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Hirst, Jeremy M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-5381 jhirst@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Hlavin, Patricia S. Clin Professor phlavin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
McKay, Rana R. HS Clin Professor (858) 822-6185 rmckay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Albers, Unna , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 ualbers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Mcveigh, Elliot R. Professor emcveigh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0412 1.0
Mehta, Gita Prof Emeritus (858) 657-6130 gmehta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8501 1.0
Crews, Leslie A. Asst Professor (858) 822-5785 lcrews@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Crotty, Shane Asst Adjt Prof scrotty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Crotty Alexander, Laura E. Assoc Professor lcrotty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Cunard, Robyn A., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 rcunard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Dang, Tuan C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 tcdang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Daniels, Lori (Krummen) Professor (858) 246-2995 lbdaniels@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Darquenne, Chantal , Dr. Adjunct Professor (858) 534-9171 cdarquenne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Hofflich, Heather L. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 hhofflich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Hofmann, Alan F., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-3811 ahofmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Hogan, Michael C., Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-2773 mchogan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Holmes, Edward W. Prof Emeritus ewholmes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Hose, Michal I. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6170 mhose@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Hostetler, Karl Y., Dr. Adjunct Professor (858) 246-3072 khostetler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0676 1.0
Howell, Stephen B., Dr. Professor (858) 822-1112 showell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0819 1.0
Mendler, Michel H. HS Clin Prof Emeritus (619) 543-6953 mmendler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Mesarwi, Omar A. Assoc Clin Prof omesarwi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Mesirov, Jill P. Professor (858) 534-5096 jmesirov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Michelsen, James W. HS Clin Prof (619) 543-6737 jmichelsen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8422 1.0
Li, Jinghong HS Assoc Prof jil055@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Millard, Frederick E., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 fmillard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Millen, Marlene M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 mmillen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Miller, Yury Professor yumiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Ally, Maryann T. HS Clin Prof mally@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Stewart, Tyler F. Asst Professor (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 tstewart@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Davidson, Peter J. Asst Professor (415) 271-9474 pdavidson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Deconde, Jennifer B. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 jdeconde@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Huang, Ziwei H. Professor zhuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Hulley, Benjamin J. HS Asst Clin Prof bhulley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Hupfeld, Christopher J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 chupfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Husain, Hatim Clin Professor hhusain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Ideker, Trey Professor (858) 822-4558 tideker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Baker, Michael , Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-8317 mbaker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0693 1.0
Bump, Carolina Hlth Profns Educ Spec cabump@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Triplett, Maria D. Hlth Profns Educ Spec m1triplett@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Thomas, Janice A. Hlth Profnl Edu Spec jathomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Abeles, Ruth H. Asst Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 rabeles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Dube, Karine M. Adj Assoc Professor kdube@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Bamford, Laura P. HS Assoc Clin Prof lbamford@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Curtius, Kathleen (Kit) Asst Professor kcurtius@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Sachdev, Namita Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 n2sachdev@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Han, Benjamin H. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 246-2245 b2han@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Patel, Niral M. Asst Clin Prof nmp004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
Borok, Zea Chair/Professor (858) 246-0449 zborok@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Matro, Jennifer M. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-3781 jmatro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Goyal, Ravi Asst Adjt Prof r1goyal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Goodson, Ruth Asst Clin Prof rugoodson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Shankar, Megha Asst Clin Prof meshankar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Tincopa, Monica A. HS Asst Clin Prof mtincopa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Castaldi, Alessandra Asst Professor acastaldi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0707 1.0
Vyas, Dhwanil V. Asst Clin Prof dvyas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Restaino, Nivedita G. Assoc Clin Prof ngrestaino@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ock, Jennifer Hlth Profns Educ Spec jeock@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Lacharite-Roberge, Anne-sophie Asst Professor (858) 246-2972 alachariteroberge@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Cohen, Shiran (Gur) Asst Professor (858) 534-1323 sgurcohen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Duchman, Bryce J. Asst Clin Prof brduchman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Bressler, Daniel J. Assoc Clin Prof dbressler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kohani, Roya Assoc Clin Prof rokohani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Nguyen, Richard T. HS Assoc Clin Prof rtn003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mende, Christian W. Clin Professor cmende@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hunt, Gordon C. Assoc Clin Prof gchunt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Tilghman, Myres W. Asst Clin Prof mwtilghman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lin, Christine M. Assoc Professor cml008@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Bender, Matthew T. HS Asst Clin Prof mtbender@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Geary, Kyle M. HS Asst Clin Prof kmgeary@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Alsaigh, Tom Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 talsaigh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Kim, Hyun sil Clin Professor hsk011@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Pacal, Adam Asst Clin Prof apacal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yu, Joseph G. Asst Clin Prof jgyu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Finch, Christina E. HS Asst Clin Prof cefinch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Temple, John L. HS Asst Clin Prof j1temple@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Noormahomed, Emilia V. Asst Clin Prof evnoormahomed@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carter, Thomas L. Assoc Clin Prof t2carter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Levine, Matthew J. Asst Clin Prof mlevine@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Simon, Paul M. HS Asst Clin Prof pmsimon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Barnes, Meredith HS Asst Clin Prof m5barnes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Mao, Jenny T. Professor IR j5mao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Huynh, Doquyen H. HS Assoc Clin Prof dhh001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Middlebrooks, Jenna A. Hlth Profns Educ Spec jmiddlebrooks@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Yang, Holly B. Assoc Clin Prof hbyang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Keating, Richard M. Clin Professor rmkeating@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Liang, Ni-cheng Asst Clin Prof n4liang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Dahms, Eric B. Asst Clin Prof edahms@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Martin, Michael C. Assoc Clin Prof mcmartin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Han, Paul Asst Clin Prof p4han@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Jamil, Shazia M. Clin Professor sjamil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Feigenbaum, Bernard Asst Clin Prof bafeigenbaum@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Weiskopf, Daniela Asst Adjt Prof dweiskopf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chen, Kay HS Asst Clin Prof kac050@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chen, Yu-Wei HS Asst Clin Prof yuc209@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sahu, Peggy HS Asst Clin Prof pesahu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Munoz Pineda, Jorge HS Asst Clin Prof jmunozpineda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
Lyons, Jonathan Professor IR j3lyons@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0678 1.0
Einav, Tal Asst Adjt Prof teinav@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ono, Yosuke Visit Asst Prof yoono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Slayden, Tanner A. Asst Clin Professor tslayden@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Appel, Ashley Hlth Profns Educ Spec asappel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Von Gunten, Charles Clin Professor chvongunten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sun, Wei Asst Prof Clin (858) 822-1364 wes001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Ferris, Frank Clin Professor-Vol frferris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wood, Katie J. Hlth Profns Educ Spec k1wood@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nguyen, David Asst Clin Prof-Vol dan041@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Macfarlane, Matthew P. Asst Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 mmacfarlane@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Seumois, Greg Assoc Clin Prof-Vol grseumois@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Albarracin, Zaida HS Asst Clin Prof zalbarracin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ries, Andrew L. Professor (619) 543-7333 MEDICINE 8377 1.0
Jain, Paul A., Dr. Asst Professor (619) 543-6268 p2jain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Wertheim, Vanessa Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2318 vwertheim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Patton, Heather Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 hpatton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.