Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Amberg, John R. Prof Emeritus RADIOLOGY 8756A 1.0
Sung, Andrew J. Oth Post-MD RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Alsaikhan, Naif H. Resident Physician RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Aryafar, Hamed Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6698 haryafar@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Huey, Atia M. Admin Spec (619) 543-6494 RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Min, James J. Oth Post-MD RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Marsh, Jerel D. Technologist PD THN RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Tsai, Nathan H. Student Asst RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Bauman, Michael R. Hosp Lab Tech (858) 657-7171 THN RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Broderick, Thomas W. Assoc Physician Dipl RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Bussell, Robert G. Assoc Dev Engr (858) 822-0519 RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Fisher, Julie A. Hosp Asst (619) 543-7965 THN RADIOLOGY 8754 1.0
Froyd, Eva M. Nurse Svc Mgr THN RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Greer, Edward D. IT Manager (619) 471-0730 RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Ho, Yoona K. Resident Physician RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Kakos, Lena Staff Res Assoc RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Narayan, Sreenath P. Resident Physician RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Niemela, Melissa A. Technologist PD THN RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Rupe, Eric S. Resident Physician RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Pringle, Lauren C. Oth Post-MD RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Al-Garadi, Mohammed A. Postdoc Employee RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Vanleeuwen, Kim M. Prog Analyst (619) 543-6760 RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8754 1.0
Delfanti, Rachel L. Resident Physician RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Vezeridis, Alexander M. Postdoc Employee RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Wenceslao, Danilo A. Technologist PD THN RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Yamin, Ghiam Oth Post-MD RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Zhang, Le Bioinformatics Progr lez020@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Karow, David S. Assoc Physician Dipl dkarow@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Chozinski, Caitlin Gen Accountant cchozinski@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Weeks, Jake T. Staff Res Assoc j1weeks@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Loehfelm, Thomas W. HS Assoc Clin Prof tloehfelm@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Chang, Jennifer HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-3913 jenchang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Yu, Hon J. Staff Res Assoc hjy004@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Bolden, Erika C. Res Data Analyst ebolden@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Zapala, Matthew A. Assoc Clin Prof mazapala@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Rudie, Jeffrey D. Asst Adjt Prof jrudie@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Ma, Yajun Asst Adjt Professor (619) 358-0291 yam013@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Ahrens, Eric Professor (858) 246-0279 eahrens@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0695 1.0
Schwartz, Amy B. Staff Res Assoc abschwartz@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0695 1.0
Elchico, Melanie C. Asst Physician mec078@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Fowler, Keir A. Assoc Physician Dipl kafowler@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Bae, Won C. Assoc Professor (858) 246-2240 wbae@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0997 1.0
Bahador, Farshad M. Clinical Instr fbahador@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Friend, Christopher J. HS Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 cfriend@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9114 1.0
Anaya, Sonia Assoc Bus Ofcr/Fin Dir (619) 543-2322 sanaya@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Fan, Chun C. Asst Adjt Prof c9fan@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Jacobson, Aaron D. MRI Physics Lab Mgr ajacobson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Andre, Michael P., Dr. Adjt Professor (858) 249-3285 mandre@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Quinto, Anne A. (Quinto) Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-2352 adangeles@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Ritchie, David J. Asst Physician djritchie@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Cheng, Karen Y. Asst Prof Clin (619) 471-3339 kcheng@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Gioioso, Valeria HS Asst Clin Prof vgioioso@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Mcnamee, Cairine Asst Physician cmcnamee@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Chen, James Y. Assoc Physician Dipl jyc042@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Chen, Chi-Hua Assoc Adj Prof (858) 822-3865 chc101@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Hahn, Michael E. Asst Clin Professor (619) 543-6768 mehahn@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Murphy, Paul M. Asst Clin Prof pmmurphy@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Jacobs, Kathleen E. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-0577 kjacobs@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Sirlin, Claude B. Professor (858) 246-2203 csirlin@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Stark, Paul Prof Emeritus psstark@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9116A 1.0
Statum, Sheronda M. Imaging Lab Mgr (858) 822-1174 sstatum@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0997 1.0
Stroud, Stephen V. Pr Radiologic Tech (619) 543-6553 sstroud@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Taddonio, Michael A. Asst HS Clin Prof mtaddonio@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Tamayo-Murillo, Dorathy E. Oth Post-MD dtamayomurillo@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Tang, Qingbo Staff Res Assoc q1tang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9114 1.0
Sampath, Srinath C. Assoc Physician s1sampath@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Gonzalez, Blanca E. Hlth Professional Edu Spec (619) 543-5493 b3gonzalez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Hall, David J. Professor (858) 822-0893 djhall@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0819 1.0
Valji, Karim Prof Emeritus kvalji@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8755 1.0
Searleman, Adam C. Assoc Physician asearleman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Handwerker, Jason Clin Prof (619) 543-3913 jhandwerker@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Vera, David R., Dr. Prof IR (858) 822-2574 dvera@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0819 1.0
Pecheva, Diliana A. Postdoc Employee dpecheva@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Salas, Yanira (Yani) Gen Accountant (619) 543-5705 ysalas@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Santillan, Cynthia S. Clin Professor (619) 543-6768 csantillan@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Schlein, Alexandra Liver Imaging Group Mgr (858) 246-2199 a1schlein@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Aganovic, Lejla Professor laganovic@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Ward, John F. Prof Emeritus jfward@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0610 1.0
Weihe, Elizabeth HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-0577 eweihe@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Pretorius, Dolores , Dr. Professor IR (619) 543-6768 dpretorius@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Seagren, Stephen L. Prof Emeritus sseagren@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8755 1.0
Elmi, Azadeh Assoc Physician (858) 249-3286 aelmi@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Covarrubias, Yesenia Clin Res Analyst (858) 246-2198 ycovarrubias@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Rakow-Penner, Rebecca Assoc Professor (858) 534-8259 rrakowpenner@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Redmond, Jonas W. HS Assoc Clin Prof jredmond@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Wong, Wade H. Prof Emeritus whwong@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Huang, Brady K. Clin Professor (619) 471-3339 b4huang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Reicher, Murray A. HS Clin Instructor mreicher@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0606 1.0
Renner, John W. Clinical Professor jrenner@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Resnick, Donald L., Dr. Professor Emeritus (619) 471-3339 dresnick@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Sinha, Shantanu , Dr. Prof IR/VC Acad Prsnl (858) 534-2004 shsinha@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Smitaman, Edward , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-3339 esmitaman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Yen, Andrew C. Clin Professor (619) 471-0577 acyen@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Robles, Angelica M. (Fuller) Admin Officer (619) 543-6607 arobles@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Sampath, Srihari C. Assoc Physician srsampath@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Minocha, Jeet Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6698 jminocha@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Miyazaki, Mitsue Adjunct Professor mimiyazaki@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Mcconville, Patrick J. Adjunct Professor pmcconville@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0695 1.0
Ji, Zhengwei Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6871 z2ji@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Jerban, Saeed Postdoc Employee (858) 246-2230 sjerban@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Dorros, Stephen M. HS Clin Prof sdorros@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0868 1.0
Du, Jiang Professor (858) 246-2248 jiangdu@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Dubowitz, David J. Prof Emeritus ddubowitz@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Eghtedari, Mohammad Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-3286 meghtedari@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Nelson, Thomas R., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-1433 tnelson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0610 1.0
Newton, Isabel G., Dr. Oth Post-MD inewton@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Farid, Nikdokht Professor (619) 543-3913 nfarid@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Kinney, Thomas B. Clin Professor (858) 657-6698 tbkinney@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Kligerman, Seth J. Assoc Physician Dipl skligerman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Fazeli, Soudabeh (Dehkordy) Oth Post-MD (858) 249-3286 sfazelidehkordy@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Kotta, Kishore kumar Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-2862 kkotta@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0846 1.0
Halgren, Eric Professor ehalgren@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Belezzuoli, Ernest V., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-1985 ebelezzuoli@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8758 1.0
Berman, Zachary Resident Physician zberman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Fliszar, Evelyne A. Professor (619) 471-3339 efliszar@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Frank, Lawrence R., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6332 lrfrank@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0854 1.0
Kuperman, Joshua M. Asst Project Sci (858) 534-4999 jkuperman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Ladd, William A. Assoc Physician Dipl wladd@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Pathria, Mini N., Dr. Professor/Clin (619) 471-3339 mpathria@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Lasser, Elliott C. Prof Emeritus elasser@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0632 1.0
Lee, Roland R. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-4404 rrlee@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Ojeda-Fournier, Haydee Clin Professor (858) 249-3286 hojeda@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Olson, Linda K. Prof Emeritus lolson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Olson, Scott E. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5540 seolson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7893 1.0
Bolar, Divya S. Asst Prof IR dbolar@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Gentili, Amilcare , Dr. Professor/Clin (619) 471-3339 agentili@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Ghobrial, Eman Info Sys Analyst eghobrial@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Leopold, George R. Prof Emeritus gleopold@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8755 1.0
Liau, Joy Asst Prof Clin jliau@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Lim, Vivian Assoc Physician Dipl vlim@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0846 1.0
Brouha, Sharon S. HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-0577 sbrouha@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Brown, Dion Program Admin (619) 543-3534 dibrown@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Bui, Mai N. Assoc Dev Engr mnbui@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0226 1.0
Liu, Thomas Tao-Ming Professor (858) 822-0542 ttliu@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Buxton, Richard B. Prof Emeritus rbuxton@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Bydder, Graeme M. Prof Emeritus gbydder@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Marek Bykowski, Julie L. Professor (619) 543-3913 jbykowski@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Gosink, Barbara B. Prof Emeritus bgosink@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0176B 1.0
Hagler, Donald J. Asst Adj Prof (858) 534-1083 dhagler@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Makowski, Carolina S. Postdoc Fellow cmakowski@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Chen, Conan Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-0431 coc004@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Chang, Eric Y. Clinical Professor (858) 642-1221 e8chang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9114 1.0
Hamilton, Gavin Project Sci (858) 246-2194 ghamilton@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Marinkovic, Ksenija Assoc Prof IR (858) 246-0575 kmarinkovic@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Yang, Rongguang Bioinformatics Progr roy002@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Chung, Christine B., Dr. Prof/Chair (Interim) (619) 543-2890 cbchung@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0997 1.0
Henderson, Walter C. Imaging Grp Lab Mgr (858) 246-2209 wahenderson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Mattrey, Robert F. Prof Emeritus rmattrey@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Conlin, Christopher Postdoc Employee cconlin@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Hesselink, John R., Dr. Professor (619) 543-2949 jhesselink@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Hiller, Lucas P. Assoc Physician Dipl lhiller@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Meisinger, Quinn C. Asst Professor (858) 552-8585 qmeisinger@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Garcia, Angelica Y. Admin Supv (619) 471-0262 aygarcia@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Cypro, Alexander Resident Physician acypro@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8425 1.0
Hopkins, Susan R. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-0762 shopkins@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Horowitz, Michael J. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-0577 mjhorowitz@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Dietrich, Rosalind B. Prof Emeritus (619) 543-6766 rdietrich@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Middleton, Michael S. Recall Non-Fac Acad msmiddleton@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Hahn, Lewis D. Asst Prof Clin (619) 471-0577 lehahn@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Hsiao, Albert Professor IR (619) 471-0577 a3hsiao@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Huang, Mingxiong , Dr. Prof/Co-Dir MEG (858) 534-1254 mxhuang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0852 1.0
Wendorf, Chloee C. Nuclear Medicine Mgr cwendorf@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Ainsworth, Delissa M. Physician Asst PD dmainsworth@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0976 1.0
Zimmerman, David T. Staff Res Assoc dtzimmerman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0848 1.0
Balanay, Michelle Res Ops Coord (858) 246-2195 mbalanay@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Novak, Nicole Staff Res Assoc nile@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Dang, Myra Fellowship Coord (619) 543-5493 mndang@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Keane, Audrey D. Executive Asst (619) 543-3913 adkeane@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Roberson, Mary M. Research Coord (858) 534-8259 m02roberson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Munoz Olivares, Delia P. Student Asst dmunozolivares@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0997 1.0
Sasena, Erin Admin Asst (619) 543-6564 esasena@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8756 1.0
Louis, Jessica M. Radiol Svc Supv jlouis@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Niese, Adam T. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-0549 aniese@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0427 1.0
Shirai, Tamami Staff Res Assoc tashirai@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0804 1.0
Wagstaff, Shawn M. Physician Asst swagstaff@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Vazquez, Fabiola Lead Mammog Techno (858) 822-7879 f3vazquez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0846 1.0
Steel, Charnise M. Programmer Analyst csteel@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8756 1.0
Cruz, Jeannie L. Ld MRI Technologist (858) 657-5883 jcruz@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0868 1.0
Quintanar, Monica D. Rad Supv/Clin Instructor (858) 249-3786 mdquintanar@ucsd.edu THN RADIOLOGY 7318 1.0
Yanez, Mariana Exec Admin Asst (619) 471-3339 m4yanez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Lu, Xing Staff Res Assoc xil135@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Batakis, Danielle Admin Asst dbatakis@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Zhang, Qin Bioinformatics Progr qiz001@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0515 1.0
Jordan, Stephan J. Lab Asst sjjordan@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Bookstein, Joseph J. Prof Emeritus jbookstein@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Nguyen, Matthew T. Applications Programmer mtn227@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Carmona, Susana Mgr/Ultrsnd Tech (619) 543-2620 scarmona@ucsd.edu THN RADIOLOGY 8759 1.0
Brueckner, Tammie N. Physician Asst tbrueckner@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Batasin, Summer joyce Staff Res Assoc sjbatasin@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Mariaca Luque, Cristi Proj Policy Analyst (619) 471-9083 cmariaca@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Falcon, Abigail Hosp Asst afalcon@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8756 1.0
Daniell, Thomas R. Image/Scheduling-Supv (619) 543-3405 tdaniell@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8754 1.0
Anderson, Lauren N. Sr Ultrasnd Techno PD (858) 657-6662 lhanderson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8759 1.0
Decastro, Alexander E. Info Sys Analyst adecastro@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
De Guzman, Eliza D. Programmer Analyst eddeguzman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8756 1.0
Hernandez, Olivia Executive Asst (619) 543-2890 ohernandez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8224 1.0
Lanier, Brian M. Programmer Analyst (858) 534-9442 blanier@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0855 1.0
Hernandez, Alma Gen Accountant (619) 543-2301 alhernandez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Utt, Whitney M. Nurse Svc Mgr wutt@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8754 1.0
Tadros, Anthony S. Assoc Physician (858) 657-6698 atadros@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Ghahremani, Gary G. Clin Professor gghahremani@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Ceriani, Lael K. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2193 lceriani@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Abad, Shermaine A. Research Data Analyst sabad@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0725 1.0
Hansen, Hayden B. Staff Res Assoc hhansen@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Sharp, Matthew J. HS Asst Clin Prof mjsharp@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Loubrie, Stephane Postdoc Employee sloubrie@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Cho, Aaron A. Assoc Physician a6cho@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Branch, Cody R. Assoc Physician cbranch@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Saxon, Richard R. Assoc Physician Dipl rsaxon@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Athertya, Jiyo S. Postdoc Employee jathertya@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8746 1.0
Li, Amanda Research Data Analyst lil033@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0405 1.0
Pham, Ryan H. Assoc Physician (858) 249-3286 rhpham@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9115 1.0
Donaldson, Johnsie R. Admin Asst (858) 822-0513 jdonaldsonii@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Forcier, Nancy J. Assoc Physician Dipl nforcier@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8746 1.0
Tutton, Sean M. Professor stutton@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Yang, Yunpeng Staff Res Assoc yuy053@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Latterich, Debby Admin Director (858) 822-0527 dlatterich@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0677 1.0
Ramirez, Lorena Radiology Svc Mgr l5ramirez@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8754 1.0
Valencia-Avendano, Isaac D. Exec Admin Asst (619) 543-6641 ivalenciaavendano@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Baligh, Asef-joseph Research Data Analyst abaligh@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8746 1.0
Guo, Yueyang HS Asst Clin Prof yug037@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Marks, Robert M. Assoc Physician rmarks@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Plesa, Amanda K. Staff Res Assoc aplesa@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Sankaran, Roshun R. Postdoc Employee rsankaran@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Sadat, Sayed W. Asst Physician swsadat@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Kipper, Michael S. Assoc Physician Dipl mskipper@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0861 1.0
Hawk, Kristina E. Assoc Physician (858) 249-3286 khawk@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8746 1.0
Jaffray, Paul M. HS Assoc Clin Prof pjaffray@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Farah, Nazih Clin Professor nafarah@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Brenner, Richard J. Clin Professor rjbrenner@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Parikh, Rupal HS Asst Clin Prof ruparikh@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Westerland, Megan R. Staff Res Assoc mwesterland@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0819 1.0
Vucevic, Diana Res Data Analyst dvucevic@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Anderson, Caroline Research Assoc (858) 246-2196 caa007@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0888 1.0
Pregerson, Heather A. Sr Physician Asst (619) 471-0320 hpregerson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Wells, Jonathon J. Radiol Svc Supv j1wells@ucsd.edu THN RADIOLOGY 7756 1.0
Hawley, Daniel B. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-3913 dhawley@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8749 1.0
Zhang, Fang Admin Officer (858) 534-7317 faz003@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Ingraham, Christopher Assoc Physician Dipl cingraham@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Sweet, Jason D. Asst Physician jdsweet@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Boswell, Gilbert Assoc Physician Dipl giboswell@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8746 1.0
Jacobson, Jon A. Assoc Physician Dipl jajacobson@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0861 1.0
Choi, Esther Assoc Physician Dipl esc004@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8755 1.0
Blazej, Chris A. Applications Programmer cablazej@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Spengler, Nathan M. HS Assoc Clin Prof nspengler@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Berman, Sammy Tchl Proj Mgmt Profl srberman@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Saucedo, Ramon P. Oth Post-MD rpsaucedo@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Rad, Amir H. HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 246-3286 ahrad@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Elhalwagi, Shereef B. Oth Post-MD selhalwagi@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Pugmire, Brian S. Asst Clin Prof bpugmire@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Stepenosky, James E. Assoc Physician Dipl jstepenosky@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 7316 1.0
Ziemer, Laura Res Data Analyst laziemer@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Mesa, Anya Staff Res Assoc anmesa@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8226 1.0
Das, Biplabendu Bioinformatics Progr bidas@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Todd, Joshua P. Radiol Svc Supv jptodd@ucsd.edu THN RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Hero Chung, Jonathan HS Clin Professor jherochung@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Chewning, Rush Assoc Physician Dipl rchewning@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Khurana, Aman Assoc Physician Dipl a1khurana@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Sung, Lily Assoc Physician l2sung@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Truong, Thien Lab Asst tht019@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Shojaeiadib, Niloofar Staff Res Assoc nshojaeiadib@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0997 1.0
Tian, Xiaoguang Res Data Analyst x6tian@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0841 1.0
Berkness, Tyler Staff Res Assoc tberkness@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Tang, Keith Postdoc Employee ket020@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
York, John Assoc Physician Dipl joyork@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Hauschildt, John Clin Professor jhauschildt@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Gergen, Sandra A. Radiology Svc Mgr sgergen@ucsd.edu EC RADIOLOGY DI NA 1.0
Gamie, Sherief Assoc Physician Dipl sgamie@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Federhart, Jay Assoc Physician Dipl jfederhart@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Garduno, Luis Apps Programmer lgarduno@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
El Kaffas, Ahmed Assoc Professor aelkaffas@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Yoo, Raphael Assoc Physician Dipl rayoo@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY NA 1.0
Ciriello, Jonathan Asst Physician jciriello@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 0834 1.0
Parra, Carmela Sr Physician Asst c3parra@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Spector, David A. Student Asst d1spector@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY NA 1.0
Green, Doris Patient Biller (619) 294-6438 RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Robinson, Sarona J. Hosp Asst (619) 543-3405 RADIOLOGY ADMIN 8754 1.0
Mendes, Luiz F. PG Research (619) 543-3534 RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Wiers, Ted MRI Tech (619) 543-2944 RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Favian, Monica HA Asst (619) 657-6671 RADIOLOGY 8756 1.0
Cassidy, Fiona , Dr. Assoc Professor (858) 642-3899 fhughes@ucsd.edu RADIOLOGY 9114 1.0
Russell, Michael E. Imaging Svcs Supv (858) 249-4259 m7russell@ucsd.edu COMM CARE RADIO 8303 0.25
Moss, Katie Nurse Manager (760) 574-3296 kmoss@ucsd.edu LJ INTERVENT RA 7756 0.25
Schrader, Rachel M. Sr Radiol Tech (619) 543-5215 rschrader@ucsd.edu HC INTERVENT RA 8756 0.25
Simo, Ricksonjay P. Clinical Nurse rsimo@ucsd.edu LJ INTERVENT RA 8642 0.25
Nelson, Brianna L. Nurse Svc Mgr bsasovetz@ucsd.edu HC INTERVENT RA 8749 0.25

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.