Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Meeks, Jason E. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5297 ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Bullock, Robert A. HS Asst Clin Prof ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Henry, Austin J. Resident Physician (858) 657-6510 ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Carella, Gabrielle J. Physician Asst ANESTHESIOLOGY 0847 1.0
Fiallo, Alfredo A. Oth Post-MD ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Lund, Odd harald Postdoc Fellow ANESTHESIOLOGY 0818 1.0
Abanobi, Maryann U. HS Asst Clin Prof ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Slotto, James G. Resident Physician ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Somal, Jaspreet S. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5754 ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Oswald, Jessica C. Asst Clin Prof jeoswald@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Alaei, Susan T. Clin Instructor salaei@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Hernandez, Alexa Clin Res Coord (858) 208-0542 ahernandez04@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 1.0
Tully, Jeffrey L. Assoc Physician jtully@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Vaughn, Doug Assoc Physician d2vaughn@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Suydam, Steven M. Assoc Physician ssuydam@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Dougherty, Jessica R. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5754 jrblack@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Alexander, Brenton S. Assoc Physician bsalexander@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Meyer, Megan S. Resident Physician (619) 543-5297 msmeyer@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Phillips, Coti R. Assoc Physician (858) 657-7072 c1phillips@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Nguyen, Quoc-sy K. Asst Clin Prof q6nguyen@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Bruno, Kelly A. Asst Clin Prof kbruno@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Castellanos, Joel P. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-7072 jcastellanos@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Banks, Dalia A. Clin Professor (858) 657-6510 dabanks@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Mclaughlin, Chris J. Bus Tech Supp Ana (619) 543-2012 cjmclaughlin@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Martin, Erin I. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5754 eim002@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Lam, Arthur M. Assoc Physician aml150@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Wang, Shanshan Asst Proj Sci shw049@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Reddy, Rajiv D. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 657-6035 rdreddy@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Meier, Angela Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 anmeier@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Soria, Claire S. HS Asst Clin Prof cssoria@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Zhou, Ying Q. Resident Physician (619) 543-5297 yqz001@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Cronin, Brett H. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 bcronin@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Gabriel, Rodney A. Oth Post-MD ragabriel@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
O'Brien, Edward O. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6240 e1obrien@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Ahadian, Farshad M., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 822-0776 fahadian@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Chen, Jeffrey L. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-3800 (858) 249-3800 jlc021@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Tran, Minh H. HS Asst Clin Prof mht013@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Said, Engy T. Assoc Physician (619) 543-6240 esaid@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Meitzen, Sara E. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5297 smeitzen@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Mun, Christie Y. Assoc Physician chmun@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Srejic, Una Clin Professor usrejic@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Zemljic-Harpf, Alice E. Assoc Res Sci (858) 552-8585 azemljicharpf@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9151 1.0
Saidman, Lawrence J. Prof Emeritus lsaidman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0815 1.0
Zeidan, Fadel Assoc Professor (858) 246-2391 fzeidan@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0719 1.0
Zuniga Hertz, Juan P. Postdoc Employee j2zunigahertz@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Suresh, Preetham J. Assoc Dean/MedEd Simulation (619) 246-0409 pjsuresh@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Swisher, Matthew W. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 mwswisher@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Sztain, Jacklynn F. Resident Physician (619) 543-5297 jsztain@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Schuster, Nathaniel M. Assoc Physician (858) 657-7072 nmschuster@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Tzeng, Eric Assoc Physician ertzeng@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Vaninetti, Michael A. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 657-6035 mvaninetti@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Vig, Sanjana Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5754 svig@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Pearn, Matthew L. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 mpearn@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Hylton, Diana J. Assoc Physician dhylton@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Sanchez, Ramon A. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-5754 rsanchez@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Sanghvi, Reema Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5754 rsanghvi@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Wallace, Mark S., Dr. Professor/Clin (858) 822-0776 mswallace@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Platoshyn, Oleksandr Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-7380 oplatoshyn@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0695 1.0
Schmidt, Ulrich H. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-5754 uschmidt@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Weinstein, Lawrence Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 lsweinstein@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Polston, Gregory R. Clin Prof (858) 657-6069 gpolston@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Rafaat, Karim T. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 krafaat@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Rahman, Pariza Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 p1rahman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Shapiro, Harvey M. Prof Emeritus hshapiro@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Shubayev, Veronica I., Dr. Professor/Res (858) 534-5278 vshubayev@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Yaksh, Tony L., Dr. Professor Emeritus (619) 543-3597 tyaksh@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0818 1.0
Naganuma, Junichi Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6240 jnaganuma@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Sorkin, Linda S., Dr. Prof Emeritus (619) 543-3498 lsorkin@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0818 1.0
Minokadeh, Anushirvan (Anush) Clin Professor (619) 471-0670 aminokadeh@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Miyanohara, Atsushi , Dr. Dir/Vector Lab (858) 534-6485 amiyanohara@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Khatibi, Bahareh Resident Physician (619) 543-6240 bkhatibi@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Chang, Leon C. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-5754 lchang@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Dos Santos, Fernando Postdoc Employee fedossantos@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Drummond, John C., Dr. Professor (858) 642-3062 jdrummond@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Katz, Jordan Prof Emeritus jkatz@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
El-Ftesi, Samyra Asst Physician (858) 657-6510 selftesi@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Waterman, Ruth S. Assoc Clin Prof/Chair (Interim (619) 543-5560 rwaterman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Khoche, Swapnil Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 skhoche@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Newhouse, Beverly J. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5297 bnewhouse@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Beal, Benjamin R. Assoc Physician (619) 543-6240 bbeal@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Shaw, Susanna J. Assistant s1shaw@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Fairbanks, Kristin E. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 kfairbanks@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Kistler, Erik B. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 ekistler@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Nguyen, Liem C. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 lcn002@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Fergerson, Byron D. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 bfergerson@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Filipovic, Maya Assoc Physician mafilipovic@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Finneran, John J. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5297 jfinneran@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Kaplan, Joel A. Clin Professor jkaplan@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Benumof, Jonathan L. Prof Emeritus jbenumof@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Patel, Piyush M., Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 ppatel@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Patel, Hemal Professor (858) 642-3052 hepatel@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Frugoni, Brian J. Assoc Physician (619) 543-5754 bfrugoni@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Furnish, Timothy J. Clin Professor (858) 657-7072 tfurnish@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Lee, Daniel E. Asst Dean-GME/Clin Prof (619) 543-8254 d8lee@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8829 1.0
Lemkuil, Brian P. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 blemkuil@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Okamoto, Vincent R. Assoc Physician vokamoto@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0946 1.0
O'Leary, Richard J. HS Clin Instructor roleary@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Huynh, Karen F. Program Admin (619) 543-5297 kfhuynh@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Gibbs, Michael W. MSP Faculty Physician (317) 750-9983 mwgibbs@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7325 1.0
Leung, Albert Y., Dr. HS Clin Prof (858) 657-7033 ayleung@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Lerman, Imanuel R. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6035 ilerman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Aleck, Amalia K. HS Asst Clin Prof aaleck@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Brzenski, Alyssa B. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-5290 abrzenski@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Abramson, Wendy B. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 wbabramson@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Campana, Wendy M. Professor (858) 822-3767 wcampana@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Greenberg, Mark , Dr. Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 mgreenberg@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Danforth, Dennis J. Resident Physician (619) 543-5297 ddanforth@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Cano, Sarah J. HS Asst Clin Prof sjcano@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Case, Laura K. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 246-4968 lcase@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0719 1.0
Manecke, Gerard R. Clin Professor (619) 543-3162 gmanecke@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Mandyam, Chitra D. Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 552-8585 cmandyam@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9151 1.0
Chernov, Andrei V. Asst Research achernov@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Choi, Christine Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 c1choi@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Marsala, Martin , Dr. Professor (858) 822-3805 mmarsala@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0695 1.0
Ellis, Jonathan D. Assoc Physician j4ellis@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Ellis, Sarah M. Assoc Physician s3ellis@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Maus, Timothy M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-6510 tmaus@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Curran, Brian P. Regional Fellow bpcurran@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Robbins, Kimberly S. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 krobbins@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Mcmillan, Zeb A. Assoc Physician (619) 543-6240 zamcmillan@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Meineke, Minhthy N. Asst Physician (619) 543-5754 mmeineke@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Lewis, Marc Assoc Physician m4lewis@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Schwartz, Mark D. Assoc Physician m5schwartz@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0946 1.0
Cuomo, Raphael Res Grant Prog Ofr racuomo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0170P 1.0
Hosalkar, Hetal H. Assoc Physician hhosalkar@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Merritt, Sidney K. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6240 skmerritt@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Barak, Ron Resident Physician (619) 543-5297 rbarak@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Head, Brian P. Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 642-3051 bhead@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Ilfeld, Brian M. Professor IR (858) 822-2171 bilfeld@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Mello, Betsy Hosp Asst emmello@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Mateo, Megan G. Executive Asst (619) 543-3597 mgmateo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0818 1.0
Flores, Colleen N. Admin Asst (619) 471-0670 cnflores@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Boyd, Lisa N. Physician Asst lnboyd@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0924 1.0
Ramirez, Ileana Fellowship Coord ilramirez@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Miller, Jennifer A. Unclassified ** jam093@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0980 1.0
Medeiros, Melissa M. (Missy) Executive Asst (858) 822-0776 m1medeiros@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Palugod, Brandon Sr Clin Res Crd (619) 537-9426 bmpalugod@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY NA 1.0
Abdullah, Baharin Clin Res Analyst (858) 220-5714 baabdullah@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Withrow, Beth A. Bus Ops Analyst (619) 543-5560 bwithrow@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Esshaki, Yasmeen R. Clin Res Coord (858) 822-2908 yesshaki@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0990 1.0
Anchondo, Yuvicza N. Staff Res Assoc yanchondo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0818 1.0
Luansing, Jean C. Physician Asst-SICU (858) 249-6396 jcluansing@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7110 1.0
Mendenhall, Sara J. Admin Asst smendenhall@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0801 1.0
Chuss, Dawna C. Admin Asst (858) 642-3150 dchuss@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 9125 1.0
Duong, Marie Staff Res Assoc mpduong@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
D'Angelo, Nicole L. Executive Asst (858) 657-7072 ndangelo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Halter, Kenneth N. Asst Physician (858) 249-3800 khalter@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7328 1.0
Millen, Amber M. Executive Asst (858) 534-3865 amillen@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Dolkas, Jennifer Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-0010 jdolkas@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Calderon, Lorena Admin Asst localderon@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7701 1.0
Simpson, Sierra M. Asst Proj Sci (760) 500-5759 sisimpson@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0603 1.0
Kleshchevnikova, Natalia Y. Staff Res Assoc nakleshchevnikova@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Devulapalli, Swetha Staff Res Assoc s1devulapalli@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0629 1.0
Dean, Jon G. Postdoc Employee j1dean@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Martellucci, Stefano M. Postdoc Employee smartellucci@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Krause, Martin Assoc Physician makrause@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Chitteti, Ramamurthy Postdoc Employee rchitteti@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Fundingsland, Brent W. Assoc Physician bfundingsland@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Ross, Jacob D. Student Asst jdross@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY NA 1.0
Bonds, Jacqueline A. Postdoc Employee jbonds@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Moreira, Nathalia J. Postdoc Employee nmoreira@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY NA 1.0
Iyer, Sneha Staff Res Assoc s1iyer@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Li, Jing Lab Asst xil187@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Borges Paes Lemes, Julia Postdoc Employee jborgespaeslemes@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Franco Malange, Kaue Postdoc Employee kfrancomalange@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Deshpande, Kaivalya S. Assoc Physician (858) 657-7072 kdeshpande@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7651 1.0
Miller, Kenneth S. Assoc Physician Dipl ksm004@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Soghikian, Max O. Assoc Physician msoghikian@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Alvarez Jimenez, Laura Postdoc Employee laalvarezjimenez@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Macias, Alvaro A. HS Assoc Clin Prof a4macias@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Farmer, Patrick E. Assoc Physician pfarmer@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Pasca, Ioana Assoc Physician ipasca@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Nieman, Christine C. Asst Clin Prof cnieman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Zimmerman, Andrew Asst Clin Prof anzimmerman@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Wang, Hongxia Staff Res Assoc how021@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Hertzka, Robert E. Asst Clin Prof rhertzka@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Stanley, Clay A. Clin Instructor castanley@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Newell, Ana Clin Instructor annewell@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Frankville, David Assoc Clin Prof dfrankville@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Farrell, Thomas R. Clin Instructor tfarrell@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Nguyen, Duong Jr Specialist dun006@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Ulma, George A. Clin Instructor gaulma@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Sears, Daniel Asst Clin Prof dasears@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Chien-Hsiang, Chow Clin Instructor cchienhsiang@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Varshney, Nundini Student Asst n1varshney@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Fowler, Blake Clin Instructor blfowler@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Hamrick, Jennifer Clin Instructor j1hamrick@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Guo, Kasumi P. Student Asst kpguo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Konganda, Shaun S. Student Asst sskonganda@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Gambling, David R. Clin Professor d2gambling@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Watanabe, Noriyuki Postdoc Employee nowatanabe@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Kanj, Ekrayyem F. Student Asst efkanj@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Shay, Dennis C. Asst Clin Prof dshay@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Hwang, Gloria Clin Instructor glhwang@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Woodhall, Courtney J. Student Asst cjwoodhall@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Nations, Ryan L. Nurse Anesthetist Supv r1nations@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Kefalopoulos, Gus Clin Instructor gkefalopoulos@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Quick, Alexander Clin Instructor alquick@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Gray, Jonathan Asst Clin Prof j8gray@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Vecchitto, Miles R. Res Data Analyst mrvecchitto@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Albinni, Benedetta Postdoc Employee balbinni@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Jacobs, Paul Assoc Physician Dipl pajacobs@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Evans, Kristen Staff Res Assoc kre001@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Polk, Vincent Clin Res Crd Asst vpolk@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 0898 1.0
Tran, An Clin Instructor ant059@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Narla, Vinod Assoc Physician Dipl vinarla@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Ngo, Donald Assoc Physician Dipl don014@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Barboza, Richard (Rich) Assoc Physician Dipl (614) 403-0020 rbarboza@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Tu, Monique Assoc Physician Dipl motu@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Vedamani, Shawn Assoc Physician Dipl svedamani@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Peralta, Gaston M. Lab Asst gmperalta@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Ghobrial, Mina Assoc Physician Dipl mighobrial@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7314 1.0
Chi-Bew, Chan Assoc Physician Dipl cchibew@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Sedrak, Sara Assoc Physician Dipl ssedrak@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Saha, Devjani Assoc Physician Dipl desaha@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Truong, Co Clin Instructor cotruong@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Pardo, Patricia Assoc Physician Dipl ppardo@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 7770 1.0
Saw, Sandra Assoc Clin Prof sasaw@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Morado-Urbina, Carlos Postdoc Employee cmoradourbina@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Bockstahler, Krista G. Clin Professor kgbockstahler@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Moellenhoff, Michael Assoc Physician Dipl mmoellenhoff@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY NA 1.0
Garrett, Riley Assoc Physician Dipl rigarrett@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Dochnal, Sara A. Postdoc Fellow (224) 425-3555 sdochnal@ucsd.edu ANESTHESIOLOGY 8770 1.0
Quiambao, Raymundo Hosp Unit Svc Coord (619) 543-5751 raquiambao@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC ANESTH 8795 0.25

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.