Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Smith, Hamilton O. Adjunct Professor MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Alvarado, John A. Lab Asst MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Lin, Felice Fellow MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Williams, Paul L. Assoc Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Patel, Janki GI Fellow MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Fernandez, Lynley A. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Gonzalez, Monica P. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-1394 MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Yap, Meghan S. Research Manager (858) 246-5935 MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Lorenzo, Antonia C. Student Asst MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Jones, Eric Postdoc Fellow MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Tang, Judy T. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-4058 MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Nguyen, Van Hematol/Oncol Fellow (858) 657-7000 MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Villanueva, Nicolas A. Hem/Onc Fellow (858) 657-7000 MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Garcia Carbonell, Ricard Postdoc Scholar MEDICINE 0723 1.0
Liu, Zhizhao Postdoc Employee MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Anguiano, Joselyne M. Admin Asst (858) 246-0006 MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Lopez, Joanna I. Asst Com Hlth Prog Rep MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Kim, Jin young Jr Specialist MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Parnell, Amelia S. Lab Asst MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Wang, Dongjie Jr Specialist MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Aquino, Abigail C. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Huang, Xianshu Lab Asst MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Avalos, Liliana Student Asst MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Ortiz, Jesus S. Lab Asst MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Berger, Kathryn R. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-0006 MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Bustamante, Amanda V. Student Asst MEDICINE 0739 1.0
Chan, Megan Y. Student Asst MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Anaya, Emely Student Asst MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Thomas, Gregory S. Resident Physician FAMILY MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Bal, Soma Lab Asst MEDICINE 0838 1.0
Bains, Nainjot K. Lab Asst MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Ng, Richard P. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Weisberg, Bethany Staff Res Assoc FAMILY MEDICINE 0811 1.0
Hansen, Tara M. Res Data Analyst MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Zhang, Qian Postdoc Employee MEDICINE 0856 1.0
Alcorta, Marcelino M. Community Educ Spec MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Baham, Jonny M. Lab Asst MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Lee, Longines Student Asst FAMILY MEDICINE 0607 1.0
Baxi, Sunita C. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Aparnath, Malaygiri J. Assoc Physician Dipl MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Bullen, Alexander L. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 MEDICINE 9151A 1.0
Bienkowska, Jadwiga R. Adjunct Professor MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Maricic, Igor Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0637 1.0
Blum, Robert Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Broder, Kevin W. Specialist MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Butchko, Robert C. Student Asst FAMILY MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Bavafa, Nicholas F. Student Asst MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Cadman, Peter E. Asst Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Ablack, Jailal N. Asst Proj Sci MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Caplin, Michelle T. Student Asst MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Carter, Steven M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-8585 MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Castro, Januario E., Dr. BMT Phys (858) 822-6600 MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Catabay, Christina J. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Pinkele, Cyrielle M. Visit Asst Proj MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Chau, Diane L. Assoc Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Cheroutre, Hilde M. Adjunct Professor MEDICINE 8897 1.0
Choi, Jin H. Resident Physician FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Correll, Daniel P. Resident Physician FAMILY MEDICINE 0811 1.0
Garcia Cortes, Robertino C. Assoc Physician Dipl MEDICINE 8485 1.0
De Leon Marquez, Ernesto Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Delong, Stephanie M. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Catolico, Carlie A. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Elahimehr, Reza Assoc Physician MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Fontanesi, John M. Assoc Adjt Prof MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Fouts, Josephine K. (Josie) Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Floreth, Timothy J. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 657-5050 MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Gao, Mei H. Asst Adjt Prof MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Gee, Tiffany Lab Asst MEDICINE 7410 1.0
Hawksworth, Anthony W. Res Compliance Analyst MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Galicia, Michelle Student Asst FAMILY MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Jan, Theo M. Jr Specialist MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Jain, Paul A. Asst Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Javors, Jennifer M. Assoc Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Ji, Lynn L. Assoc Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Jordan, Parris S. Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-7439 MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Kamel, Hajar A. Student Asst FAMILY MEDICINE 0607 1.0
Kasimsetty, Sashi kanth G. Postdoc Employee MEDICINE 0621 1.0
Koslik, Hayley J. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Kratochvil, Jade G. Student Asst MEDICINE 0838 1.0
Kunkel, Jill A. Admin Nurse (619) 543-3094 MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Mittal, Yash R. GI Fellow (858) 657-5278 MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Holdbrook-Smith, Arielsela R. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Okamoto, Sharon N. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Onyimba, Frances GI Fellow MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Perry, Christine M. Assoc Clin Prof MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Pokhrel, Bhupesh Asst Physician MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Qiu, Yutong Student Asst MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Belza, Caitlyn C. Lab Asst MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Novo, Megan Assoc Physician MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Rocha Jimenez, Teresita Asst Com Hlth Prog Rep FAMILY MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Ross, Lola R. Prof Emeritus FAMILY MEDICINE 0106 1.0
Ellorin, Eric E. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Steinell, Daniel R. (Danny) Sr Analyst (858) 534-3265 MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Leininger, Daniel Fellowship Phys MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Macheret, Fima Assoc Physician Dipl MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Jose, Rupa Postdoc Employee MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Stieber, Andrew C. Community Educ Spec MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Tse, Edison S. Lab Asst MEDICINE 0348 1.0
Van Espen, Benjamin F. Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Weiss, Lauren A. Asst Proj Scientist MEDICINE 0828 1.0
Winchell, Morgan H. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2387 MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Deen, Saima Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Besnard, Pascal F. Financial Analyst (858) 822-7438 MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Xian, Su Student Asst MEDICINE 0699 1.0
Yelin, Rodrigo Staff Res Assoc MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Zvaifler, Nathan J. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-2359 MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Chandiok, Suvesh Assoc Physician schandiok@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kei, Jonathan Clin Instructor jokei@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Shyy, John , Dr. Professor (858) 534-3736 jshyy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613K 1.0
Mebust, Donald P. Clin Professor dpmebust@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Chavez, Paloma P. Survey Worker pacortez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Gross, Ben J. Postdoc Fellow b1gross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kamdar, Biren B. Assoc Clin Prof bkamdar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Choi, Soo I. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6248 s6choi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Hakim, Miriam N. Asst Physician (858) 657-8000 mhakim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Thai, Stephanie H. Admin Supv (858) 246-5212 shthai@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Suri, Rajat HS Asst Clin Prof rsuri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Shapiro, Hilary A. HS Asst Clin Prof hashapiro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fejleh, Mohammad P. Asst Clin Prof mfejleh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Hussain, Maryam Research Data Analyst m2hussain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Joyce, Katelyn E. Research Admin k1joyce@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Pascal, Nico Organizational Cnslt npascal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Campbell, Danielle M. Staff Res Assoc d5campbell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Mindry, Deborah L. Research Data Analyst dmindry@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yeh, Pei-yi Research Admin p2yeh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Dias, Shamali Research Admin sdias@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1671 1.0
Martinez, Alma A. Staff Res Assoc aam019@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Mazrouee, Sepideh Postdoc Employee smazrouee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0407 1.0
Cabre Casares, Noemi Postdoc Employee ncabrecasares@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gil, Jesus Clin Res Crd Asst (858) 246-2405 jegil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7410 1.0
Tang, Kimberly Clin Res Crd Asst kit009@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Li, Gui L. Resident Physician gll007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Farley, Emma K. Asst Professor (858) 246-2552 efarley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0655 1.0
Matsuo, Aline Y. Research Admin aymatsuo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Jaffe, Gilad Assoc Physician Dipl gmjaffe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Evans, Sarah S. Pallative Care Phys (858) 534-9061 s5evans@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Mao, Patrick Apps Programmer pmao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Danak Bhatt, Vira S. Clin Informatics Spec vdanakbhatt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lal, Neeraj K. Postdoc Employee nelal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Torres Barba, David Resident Physician dtorresbarba@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Gonzales, Marco L. Clin Informatics Spec m7gonzales@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Claypool, Bill Apps Programmer jclaypool@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Anderson, Robin R. (Rob) Apps Programmer roanderson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Atwal, Ravinder S. Clin Apps Professional ratwal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Hazewski, Lauren E. Executive Asst (619) 543-5475 lhazewski@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
Kunkel, Kevin Info Sys Analyst kkunkel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fontenot, Micheal D. Clin Informatics Spec mdfontenot@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hogarth, Michael A. Professor (916) 817-9951 mihogarth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Kumar, Tannavee Student Asst t2kumar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Serrano, Sabrina J. Clin Res Crd Asst s6serrano@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Jordan, Shannon Unclassified ** sjordan@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Calderon, Jason Staff Res Assoc jjcalderon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Brazel, Danielle Assoc Physician dbrazel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sevelius, Jae M. Faculty Consultant jsevelius@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ramsis, Mattheus HS Asst Clin Prof mramsis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Johns, Nicole E. Staff Res Assoc nejohns@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Ball, Edward D., Dr. BMT Dir/Chief (858) 822-6600 tball@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Balu, Arthi Assoc Physician (858) 657-8000 abalu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Pedersen, Brian Asst Clin Prof brpedersen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Singh, Abha G. Asst Professor (858) 534-2359 (858) 657-6110 abs022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Robinson, James Programmer Analyst jar108@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0765 1.0
Ang, Lawrence W., Dr. Physician (858) 657-5328 lang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Reddy, Divya K. Asst HS Clin Professor direddy@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Bamrick-Rosenblatt, Anne C. Program Admin (619) 543-6287 abamrickrosenblatt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Armstrong, Adrienne J. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2151 a3armstrong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0897 1.0
Cheng, Terri L. HS Asst Clin Prof tlcheng@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Rogers, Thomas F. Asst Adjt Prof trogers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Chen, Melinda HS Asst Clin Prof mec060@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah S. Asst Professor earonoffspencer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Ayers, John W. Assoc Adj Prof jwayers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Gold, Kathryn A. Professor kagold@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Ruiz, Rosa Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-8111 ror024@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0909 1.0
Asudani, Deepak G. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 dgasudani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Kaufman, Dan S. Professor (858) 822-1777 dskaufman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
An, Jing Professor jan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Diaz, Joseph Asst Physician (858) 657-8000 jod018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Das, Manasi Postdoc madas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Zhou, Qinwen HS Asst Clin Prof q3zhou@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bhatia, Harpreet S. Resident Physician hsbhatia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Amann, Christopher J. Oth Post-MD camann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Lin, Erica Asst Clin Prof e4lin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Chen, Kenneth P. Assoc Physician Dipl kpc005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Pearce, Alex K. Assoc Physician Dipl apearce@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Bhatia, Prerana Postdoc Fellow p3bhatia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Macmillen, Caitlin L. Asst Physician clmacmillen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Johnson, Elizabeth J. (Liz) Admin Director (858) 246-2103 ejj001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
Avalos, Joseph A. Assoc Clin Prof j6avalos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Kim, Paul J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8530 pjk017@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Zhou, Jenny Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-5382 jez033@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Cho, Yoshitake Asst Professor cyoshitake@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Moore, Alison A. Professor (858) 534-4020 (858) 249-2500 alm123@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0664 1.0
Tang, Michael E. Asst Clin Prof m1tang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Khan, Adnan A. HS Clin Instructor (858) 657-7558 (858) 657-7729 a6khan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Shah, Nandi M. Assoc Physician nms002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Shukla, Nikunj Assoc Project nishukla@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Ahuja, Karuna Asst Clin Prof kahuja@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Kim, Jong Wook (William) Asst Adjt Professor (858) 246-2148 wkim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Sharp, Alexzander R. Postdoc Fellow arsharp@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Patel, Hitendra Clin Professor hip003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Wong, Melissa A. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-5400 maw007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Chang, Michael A. Assoc Clin Prof mac063@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Adams, Hazelruth L. Assoc Dir/Sponsor Proj Ofc h1adams@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Ho, Gordon Asst Professor (858) 246-2972 goho@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Cruz, Dinna N. Professor Clin (619) 543-6397 dncruz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Smith, Laramie R. Assoc Prof lrs003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Tan, Yuliang Asst Proj Sci yut020@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Wright, Shannon M. Research Admin s4wright@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Hsu, Jonathan C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 jch031@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Rahman, Akbar A. Assoc HS Clin Professor a6rahman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Ray, Partha Research Data Analyst pray@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lynch, Allison M. Asst HS Clin Professor allynch@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Cohen, Ezra E. Assoc Physician ecohen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Li, Steven T. Assoc Physician (858) 657-8000 stli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Tsai, Matthew HS Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5088 matsai@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Patel, Sandip P. Clin Professor (858) 822-2372 spatel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Tran, Hao A. Assoc Physician (858) 246-2965 hatran@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Rubin, Joshua Asst Clin Prof j4rubin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Goodman, Aaron Assoc Professor (858) 657-7000 a1goodman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Cowell, Anne N. Asst Professor acowell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0879 1.0
Li, Yang Staff Res Assoc yal084@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0368 1.0
Zhang, Jing Asst Proj Sci jiz389@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Ajayi, Toluwalase A. (Lase) Asst Clin Professor tajayi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Kaneko, Fumi Asst Project Sci fukaneko@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Balaian, Larisa Asst Project (858) 822-5785 lbalaian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Yun, Karen M. Assoc Physician Dipl k5yun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Jiang, Aiyang Assoc Physician Dipl aij004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Joseph, Bilgimol (Bilgi) Postdoc Employee bijoseph@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Martinez, Jordan Asst Clin Prof jam088@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Webster, Luke A. HS Asst Clin Prof lawebster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Singh, Seema Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-9241 ses060@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Gaines, Dirk J. HS Asst Clin Prof djgaines@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Antonucci, Stephen Asst Clin Prof santonucci@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Barry, Jeffrey R. Asst Physician j3barry@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Wooten, Darcy A. Assoc Physician (619) 543-6146 dawooten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Feng, Wei Postdoc Employee w1feng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613K 1.0
Andrew, William W. Asst Physician wandrew@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Owens, Robert L. Professor/Medicine (619) 657-5258 (844) 757-5337 rowens@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ajmera, Veeral H. Assoc Prof/Dir-Liver Transpl v1ajmera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Carter, Nicole S. Research Mgr (619) 471-0796 nscarter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Gupta, Naveen Clin Professor n6gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Raj, Anita Professor (858) 246-0066 anraj@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Kwak, Kevin W. Assoc Physician kekwak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Vuong, Nhan D. Assoc Physician ndvuong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Mcintyre, Jonathan S. Assoc Professor (619) 471-9185 j4mcintyre@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Miller, Russell J. Assoc Physician Dipl r1miller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
King, Kevin R. Asst Professor krking@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0412 1.0
Alshawabkeh, Laith Assoc Physician lalsh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Peters, Bjoern Assoc Adjunct Prof bjp018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Araneta, Maria Rosario G. (Happy) Professor (858) 822-3559 haraneta@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0628 1.0
Houston, Christopher Staff Res Assoc chouston@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Li, Wenqing Postdoc Employee wel152@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Terry, Jeffrey R. Sponsored Proj Admin (858) 657-7141 jterry@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Martin, Natasha Professor (858) 822-4802 nam007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Li, Ting Postdoc Employee til258@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Shen, Jia Asst Professor jis346@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Ng, Joey Financial Analyst jon019@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Kuo, Tsung-Ting Asst Professor tskuo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Barnes, Laura A. Assoc Physician labarnes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Yang, Jenny Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-7150 jey052@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Truong, Alex Assoc Physician alt081@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Wilkinson, Michael J. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2989 mjwilkinson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Smith, Chelsey J. HS Asst Clin Prof cjs018@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Horton, Lucy E. Assoc Physician lhorton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Park, Janice Asst Professor j5park@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Chavez Kuss, Lukas W. Asst Adjt Prof luc042@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0815 1.0
Singh, Siddharth Asst Prof Clin (858) 246-2352 sis040@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Park, Soo J. Asst Professor (858) 657-7000 sjp047@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Gonzalez, Veronica V. Assoc Physician vgonzalez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Sweeney, Daniel A. Clin Professor dasweeney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Cutting, Elena R. Assoc Physician ecutting@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kamath, Thejas P. HS Clin Instructor tkamath@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mandvi, Ammar Asst Physician amandvi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Meyers, Stephanie A. Asst Adjt Prof s3meyers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Abdelmalek, Joseph A. HS Clin Assoc Prof jabdelmalek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Abeles, Shira Asst Clin Professor sabeles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Abramovitz, Daniela Pr Statistician-Supv (619) 574-1051 dabramovitz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0849 1.0
Jiang, Qingfei Asst Professor (858) 246-5089 q1jiang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Johnson, Christine L. Sr Analyst clj006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Achar, Suraj A., Dr. HS Clin Professor (858) 657-8441 sachar@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Kim, Jungsu Staff Res Assoc juk029@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Singh, Rajendra K. Asst Project rks003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Middleton, Gregory D. (Gregg) HS Clin Prof (858) 657-8200 (858) 657-8200 g1middleton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Miller, Aaron M. Assoc Clin Prof ammiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Tanaka, Tiffany N. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6848 tntanaka@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Al Banaa, Kadhim I. Assoc Physician Dipl k2albanaa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Harvey, Alicia Program Mgr alvera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Kelly, Marcus R. Postdoc Employee m3kelly@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Lee, Jeane Financial Analyst jel079@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Schultz, Christina Y. Assoc Physician cyle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Harkness, Liliana Clin Res Coord Asst lir003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Adamson, John W. Clin Professor (858) 642-3348 jadamson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Li, Willis X. Professor (858) 534-7824 wxli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
Lee, Robert Y. MSP Assoc Diplomat (858) 657-7750 ryl009@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Wang, Mary J. Assoc Physician mjw011@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Ma, Lawrence Assoc Clin Prof lma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Thorne, Christine A. HS Assoc Clin Prof cthorne@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201-A 1.0
Crouch, Daniel R. Clin Professor (855) 355-5864 dcrouch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Afshar, Kamyar Clin Professor (858) 657-7277 kaafshar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Adler, Eric Clin Professor (858) 246-0631 eradler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Silverman, Jay G. Professor (858) 534-0710 jgsilverman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Sasaki, Reid A. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 rasasaki@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Gandhi, Nikhil R. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 nigandhi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Eastman, Amelia S. Assoc HS Clin Professor (858) 657-8200 aseastman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Osborne, Chad N. Assoc HS Clin Professor cosborne@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Ibrahim, Islam M. Assoc Physician Dipl imibrahim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Rana, Deborah T. Assoc HS Clin Professor drana@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0631 1.0
Hobbs, Lorraine M. Unclassified ** lmhobbs@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0170R 1.0
Marsh, David G. Asst Clin Prof dgmarsh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Walker, Amanda L. Research Assoc alw038@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0631 1.0
Yore, Jennifer B. Sr Program Mgr jyore@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Liu, Xiao Staff Res Assoc xil094@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Anand, Gobind Assoc Clin Prof gsanand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9116D 1.0
Jin, Chunyu Postdoc Employee c3jin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Yeung, Kay T. Assoc Clin Professor k7yeung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Orr, Jeremy E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-2244 (855) 355-5864 j1orr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Bell, John F. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 jfbell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Hsu, Cynthia Asst Adjt Prof c6hsu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Wang, Jinzhao Staff Res Assoc jiw177@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hill, Deanna L. Clin Professor dlhill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Furnari, Frank B. Professor (858) 534-7819 ffurnari@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Lange, Stephan Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 822-4618 slange@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Merrill, Sarah E. Assoc HS Clin Professor semerrill@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0817 1.0
Rosenfeld, Michael G., Dr. Professor (858) 534-5858 mrosenfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Romero, Jairo A. Recall Faculty jar034@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chang, Jeremy S. HS Asst Clin Prof jschang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carter, Hannah K. Assoc Professor (858) 822-4706 hkcarter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Allison, Matthew A. Professor/Div Chief (858) 642-3289 mallison@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
Gupta, Samir Professor IR (858) 822-4499 s1gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Pratt, Dexter Leader/Network Bio depratt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Wei, Jennie H. HS Assoc Clin Prof jhwei@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Malhotra, Atul Professor (858) 657-7130 amalhotra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Fang, Xi Asst Professor (858) 246-4637 xifang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Yeung, Heidi N. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-3316 hnyeung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8216 1.0
Kim, Alexander S. Asst Professor (858) 657-5350 ask011@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Beyhan Pelvan, Sinem Asst Adjt Prof sbeyhan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Rosen, Peter Prof Emeritus (619) 543-6463 perosen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8819 1.0
Rosen, Rebecca L. Assoc HS Clin Professor rlrosen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Rosenblum, Elizabeth HS Clin Professor erosenblum@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Ross, John , Dr. Res Prof/MEDICINE jlross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Rosete, Erika Financial Analyst (858) 822-5689 erosete@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Ross, Robert S. Professor (858) 246-0624 (858) 642-3539 rross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Spilman, Samantha L. HS Asst Clin Prof sspilman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Spragg, Roger G., Dr. Professor Emeritus rspragg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Steiner Jr, Robert W. Prof Emeritus rsteiner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Jenkins, Ian H. Clin Prof (619) 471-9565 ihjenkins@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Stepnowsky, Carl J. Adjunct Professor (858) 642-1240 cstepnowsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Zhang, Lingzhi Staff Res Assoc l3zhang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0762 1.0
Zhuang, Shunhui Postdoc Employee (858) 534-8806 szhuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Ziegler, Michael G., Dr. Professor (619) 543-2885 mziegler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8341 1.0
Beben, Tomasz (Tom) HS Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6268 tbeben@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Zheng, Amy M. Asst Clin Prof amzheng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Zifan, Ali Asst Adj Prof (858) 822-3110 azifan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Ying, Wei Postdoc Employee weying@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Alotaibi, Mona A. Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-5512 m1alotaibi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Jindal, Granton A. Postdoc Employee gjindal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Zayets, Stanislav Assoc Physician Dipl szayets@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Rubenzik, Tamara T. Physician trubenzik@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Ruo, Bernice Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 bruo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Sacco, Assuntina G. Assoc Professor (858) 822-6229 agsacco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Saltiel, Alan R. Director IDMH/Professor (858) 534-5953 asaltiel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0757 1.0
Salzman, Holly M. HS Clin Prof hsalzman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Stanford, Stephanie M. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 246-2397 ststanford@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Stockman, Jamila K. Assoc Professor (858) 822-4652 jstockman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Stoneham, Charlotte A. Asst Proj Sci (858) 552-8585 cstoneham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Strathdee, Steffanie A. Professor (858) 822-1952 sstrathdee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Goren, Alon M. Assoc Professor agoren@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Stuenkel, Cynthia A. HS Clin Prof castuenkel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0659 1.0
Subramanian, Rupa Assoc Physician Dipl (760) 536-7700 rsubramanian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0871 1.0
Sugathan, Renu Clin Informatics Spec (619) 543-8348 rsugathan@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Dhokarh, Rajanigandha Assoc Physician Dipl rdhokarh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Zuniga De Nuncio, Maria L. Assoc Adjt Prof (619) 681-0689 mzuniga@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0927 1.0
Zuraw, Bruce L. Div Chf-Rheum/Allergy/Immun (858) 822-6597 (858) 657-5351 bzuraw@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0732 1.0
Akuthota, Praveen Professor (855) 355-5864 pakuthota@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Sun, Nina N. Staff Res Assoc nnsun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Sunshine, Mary Jean Lab Mgr msunshine@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Gupta, Roopali Assoc Clin Prof rog007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Sweiss, Natalie Asst Clin Prof nsweiss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Tabor, Thorin M. Programmer Analyst thtabor@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0765 1.0
Tai-Seale, Ming Professor (858) 246-1939 mtaiseale@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Tamayo, Pablo Professor (858) 246-2385 ptamayo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Taremi, Mahnaz Assoc Professor mtaremi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Taub, Pam R. Professor (858) 657-8530 ptaub@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7414 1.0
Taylor, Havilah M. Research Coord (858) 822-0380 htaylor@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Taylor, Kenneth S., Dr. HS Clin Professor (858) 657-8621 kstaylor@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Templeman, James R. Asst Clin Prof jtempleman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Suarez-Ramirez, Jorge A. Lab Asst jos065@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0719 1.0
Sudano, Laura E. Assoc HS Clin Professor lesudano@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Thomas, Colin M. Clin Professor (858) 642-3489 cmthomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Thomas, Robert L. Asst Physician rlthomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Thomson, Scott C., Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-7528 sthomson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Thorisdottir, Hilda K. HS Assoc Clin Prof hthorisdottir@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Thota, Supraja Assoc Clin Prof sthota@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Dave, Shravan S. Asst Clin Prof s2dave@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Mandel, Jess Professor (858) 657-7125 jmandel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Dan, Jennifer M. Clin Instructor jdan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Tiu, Alfredo B. HS Assoc Clin Prof atiu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Torriani, Francesca , Dr. Medical Dir (619) 543-8258 ftorriani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8951 1.0
Trejo, Raul Clin Instructor ratrejo@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Tsimikas, Sotirios , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 534-6109 stsimikas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Daniels, Gregory A. Professor (858) 534-3804 gdaniels@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Tsuyuki, Kiyomi Asst Professor ktsuyuki@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Tzachanis, Dimitrios Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 534-2185 dtzachanis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Urada, Lianne A. Asst Professor lurada@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Urey, Marcus A. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8530 murey@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Valiaeva, Nadejda R. Staff Res Assoc nvaliaeva@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Vallon, Volker Professor (858) 552-8585 vvallon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Vande Casteele, Niels B. Asst Adjunct Prof nvandecasteele@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Vanderbilt, Matthew C. Sr Director/Bus Intel (760) 822-7376 mvanderbilt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Varughese, Jay Assoc Professor (619) 471-9186 jvarughese@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Villarreal, Francisco J. Recall Faculty fvillarr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Farkhondehpour, Ali (Ali) Assoc Clin Professor mfarkhondehpour@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Vijayanand, Pandurangan Assoc Adjunct Prof p1vijayanand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Patterson, Ruth E. Prof Emeritus repatterson@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0901 1.0
Penny, William F. Professor/Clin wpenny@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Chao, Edward C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 ecchao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Pereira de Sa, Rui Carlos Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-3504 rcpereiradesa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0852 1.0
Peterson, Kirk L. Prof Emeritus (858) 246-1354 klpeterson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Pettus, Jeremy H. Asst Professor (858) 246-2160 jpettus@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Sanchez, Amber P. Clin Prof (858) 249-3030 a6sanchez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7330 1.0
Sandborn, William J. Prof Emeritus wsandborn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sani, Armelia Clin Professor amsani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Sannidhi, Deepa Asst HS Clin Professor dsannidhi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0811 1.0
Santos Cavaiola, Tricia K. Faculty (858) 246-2158 tksantos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Sasik, Roman BioInfo Scientist rsasik@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Brost, Elizabeth R. Financial Mgr erbrost@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
von Drygalski, Annette Dir/Hem/Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-6401 (858) 657-5947 avondrygalski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0878 1.0
Davis, Natalie V. Clin Professor n5davis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Vu, Peter Hem/Oncol Fellow (858) 657-7000 p0vu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Wachsman, William , Dr. Prof Clin Med/HEM-ONC (858) 552-8585 wwachsman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Vodkin, Irine E. Assoc Clin Prof ivodkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Wagner, Gabriel A. Assoc Professor gawagner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Wahl, Melissa M. Program Rep (619) 543-2165 mmwahl@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
Wagner, Peter D., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4190 pdwagner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Slater, Daniel R. Prof Emeritus drslater@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Wan, Lori J. Dir/Med/Ped Prog (619) 543-3757 lwan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Wang, Angela C. HS Clin Prof (855) 355-5864 acwang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Nguyen, Dieu-Hien T. (Dieu) Research Analyst dtn008@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Pillich, Rudolf T. Comptr Resc Spec rpillich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Pilz, Renate B., Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-8805 rpilz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Pimentel, Jachelle O. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-6636 jpimentel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Poch, David S. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 dspoch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Saphire, Erica O. Adjunct Prof (858) 752-6500 esaphire@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Savides, Thomas , Dr. Chief Exper Ofr/GI Chief (Inte (858) 657-5278 tsavides@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Savoia, Maria C. Prof Emeritus msavoia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Saxe, Gordon A., Dr. Assoc Physician (858) 657-8600 gsaxe@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Sazegar, Payam P. HS Clin Instructor psazegar@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Schairer, Sara J. Unclassified ** sschairer@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Schangali, Amir Admin Vice Chair aschangali@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Schnabl, Bernd Professor IR (858) 822-5311 beschnabl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Schmickl, Christopher N. Postdoc Fellow (858) 246-2602 cschmickl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Schooley, Robert T. (Chip) Prof/Infectious Disease (858) 246-2693 rschooley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0030 1.0
Wang, Regina M. Assoc HS Clin Prof rmwang@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Wang, Lin Res Assoc (619) 543-5790 liw004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8467 1.0
Ward, David M., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 249-3030 dmward@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7300 1.0
Wasserman, Stephen I. Prof Emeritus swasserman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0628 1.0
Wastila, Lisa J. Prof Emeritus lwastila@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Webster, Nicholas J., Dr. Prof/Div Chief (858) 534-6275 nwebster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Weldy, Kimberly (Kim) Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5567 kweldy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 5372 1.0
Portera, Ariel M. MSP Asst Physician aportera@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Post, Kai W. Bioinformatics Progr (858) 822-4388 k1post@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Potok, Olivia (Alison) Asst Physician (858) 552-8585 opotok@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0151A 1.0
Powell, Frank L., Dr. Professor (858) 534-4191 fpowell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Mccowen, Karen C. HS Assoc Clin Prof kmccowen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Prisk, Gordon K. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-4192 kprisk@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Prohaska, Thomas A. Assoc Physician tprohaska@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Prussak, Natalie Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 nrprussak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Scott, Brian T. Lab Res Supv/Dept Safety Ofr btscott@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0707 1.0
Searles, Robert C. (Chris) HS Clin Prof (619) 543-6770 rsearles@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Secrest, Patrick D. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-2214 psecrest@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0687 1.0
Sebasky, Meghan M. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 mmsebasky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Segar, Sandeep Asst Professor ssegar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Seifert, Marva Asst Professor mseifert@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Choi, Michael Y., Dr. Instructor (858) 534-1765 mychoi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Le, Helene T. Sr Regulatory Analyst (619) 543-3116 (619) 543-8080 htl002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Serio, Kenneth J. Asst Clin Prof kjserio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0176B 1.0
Barman, Pranab M. HS Assoc Clin Prof pbarman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Werb, Daniel M. Visit Scholar dwerb@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Wertheim, Joel O. Asst Professor (619) 543-5069 jwertheim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
West, John B. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4192 jwest@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Wettersten, Nicholas W. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 822-2620 nwettersten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Whisenant, Thomas C. Cmptl/Data Sci Res Spec twhisenant@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Widhopf, George F., Dr. Project Scientist (858) 534-5410 gwidhopf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Heimler, Graham C. Asst Physician gheimler@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Pujji, Anjoulie Assoc Physician apujji@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Putnam, Christopher D. Asst Investigator/Ludwig (858) 534-5125 cdputnam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0660 1.0
McLaughlin, Wilma P. Lab Manager (858) 822-6490 wmclaughlin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Quan, Anna P. HS Clin Prof apquan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Quartarolo, Jennifer M. Professor (619) 471-9186 jquartarolo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Que, Xuchu , Dr. Project Sci (858) 534-4407 xque@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Li, Sheng Res Sci (858) 822-0180 s4li@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Qin, Huifang Pr Statistician-Supv hqin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Zunshine, Elizabeth L. Sr Res Dietitian (858) 822-6162 ezunshine@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0901 1.0
Raisinghani, Ajit , Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8198 araisinghani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Raissi Shabari, Farshad (Raissi) Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 fraissi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Rajagopal, Amutha V. Attending Physician (619) 543-3995 amrajagopal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0811 1.0
Sette, Alessandro Adjunct Professor asette@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Seymann, Gregory , Dr. Professor (619) 471-9186 gseymann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Shah, Nilesh H. HS Clin Prof nhshah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Shah, Mita M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8043 (858) 657-7729 mshah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Shattil, Sanford J. Prof Emeritus sshattil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Licon, Katherine S. (Kate) Lab Mgr (858) 822-4667 klicon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Shahtaji, Alan P. Assoc HS Clin Professor (858) 657-8492 ashahtaji@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Shang, Xiying G. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-1120 xshang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0819 1.0
Shatsky, Rebecca Asst Clin Prof (858) 249-3781 rshatsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Shekhtman, Tatyana BioMed Sci Proj Mgr (858) 642-1266 tshekhtman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0689 1.0
Wilkes, Julie A. Assoc Director jwilkes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Wilkinson, Lesley D. HS Clin Professor (858) 657-8600 lwilkinson@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Mitchell, William M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-6280 wmmitchell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Dhar, Debanjan Asst Adj Prof ddhar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Wilson, Kelley Assoc Director lwilson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Winters, Kathryn D. Assoc Physician kdwinters@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Witztum, Joseph L., Dr. Professor (858) 534-4347 jwitztum@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Herbst, Nancy L. Dir/Biomed Informatics (858) 822-2903 nherbst@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Ramos, Pedro R. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 prramos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Randall, James M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 jrandall@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Kalyanaraman, Hema Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-6928 hkalyanaraman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Rapaport, Samuel I., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 454-2914 srapaport@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Moazzam, Alan A. Assoc Physician amoazzam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Clark, Alex E. Postdoc Employee alexclark@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0756 1.0
Raz, Eyal , Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-5444 eraz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Reeves, Ryan R. Asst Prof/Medicine (858) 246-2973 rreeves@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Shokrollah, Victoria M. Staff Res Assoc vshokrollah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Shahatto, Lobna Assoc Physician lshahatto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Rossettie, John M. HS Clin Instructor jrossettie@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Mehdi, Harshal S. Assoc Physician hmehdi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Siddiqui, Fareeha Clin Instructor (760) 536-7700 fasiddiqui@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0871 1.0
Sieber, William J., Dr. HS Clin Professor (619) 543-8282 bsieber@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Signer, Robert Assoc Professor (858) 534-0732 rsigner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Hoffmayer, Kurt S. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 khoffmayer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Sills, Nancy K. Mgmt Svc Ofr/Div Admin (858) 246-1325 nsills@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Silva Enciso, Jorge E. Assoc Physician (858) 246-2969 jsilvaenciso@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Wong-Sefidan, Ida C. Asst Professor (858) 552-8585 icwong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Karim, Afsana Programmer Analyst (619) 543-2415 afkarim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Woods, Gina N. Res Phys gwoods@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Woodard, Chris Info Sys Analyst (619) 598-5466 rcwoodard@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Woodell, Tyler B. Asst Physician twoodell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Sears, Dorothy D. Professor/Adjt-FMPH (858) 534-8898 dsears@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Woytowitz, Manjulika S. HS Clin Prof mwoytowitz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Wu, Jennifer J. HS Clin Prof (619) 471-9260 j1wu@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Wynn, Adriane M. Asst Professor awynn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Huang, Bryan J. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 bjhuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Barnas, Tamara (Tami) Research Admin tbarnas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Xing, Yan Assoc Physician yaxing@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yadlapati, Rena Assoc Prof/Clin Med ryadlapati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Yang, Xiaohong Staff Res Assoc x8yang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Reichstadt, Jennifer L. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofcr jreichstadt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Reid, Erin G. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-6276 egreid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Reid, Tony R. Prof Emeritus treid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Celebi, Julie M. Asst HS Clin Prof (619) 471-9260 jcelebi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Richman, Douglas D. Professor Emeritus drichman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Richter, Alexander Bioinformatics Progr rrichter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Riedl, Marc A. Professor (858) 657-5350 mriedl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Ries, Andrew L., Dr. Assoc VC/Acad Affrs (619) 543-2021 aries@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Ries, David C. Asst Professor (619) 471-9186 dries@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Rifkin, Dena E. Assoc Adj Prof (858) 552-8585 drifkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Simonson, Tatum S. Assoc Professor (858) 534-1524 tsimonson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Sitapati, Amy M. Prof/Chief-Biomed Infor (Inter (858) 822-4931 asitapati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Skavinski, Kira A. Assoc Physician (858) 534-9061 kskavinski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Skorobogatko, Yuliya Postdoc Employee yskorobogatko@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0762 1.0
Skaathun, Britt P. Asst Professor bskaathun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Smith, David M., Dr. Professor (858) 552-7439 d13smith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Yeang, Calvin Fellow (858) 657-5328 cyeang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Karris, Maile A. (Young) Assoc Professor (619) 543-5039 m1young@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Yourman, Lindsey , Dr. Asst Clin Prof lyourman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Youssef, Fady Assoc Physician fayoussef@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Yu, Pearl S., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 psyu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Nagelberg, Jodi B. Assoc Physician jnagelberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yung, Gordon L., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-5050 gyung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Zanetti, Maurizio , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-5412 mzanetti@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0815 1.0
Zarrinpar, Amir Asst Professor (858) 246-1665 (858) 552-8585 azarrinpar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Ramnath, Venktesh R. Assoc Clin Prof vramnath@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ritter, Michele L., Dr. HS Assoc Clin Prof mlritter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Rivera-Nieves, Jesus Adjunct Prof jriveranieves@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Robles, Angela M. (Angie) Res Finance Mgr (619) 543-8178 amrobles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Rock, Cheryl L. Recall Faculty clrock@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0901 1.0
Rodriguez, Natalie Assoc HS Clin Professor nrodriguez@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0696 1.0
Rodwell, Timothy C. (Tim) Assoc Professor (858) 822-4353 trodwell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Smith, Zachary A. Programmer Analyst (858) 246-2207 z4smith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0949 1.0
Promer, Katherine Fellow kpromer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Sladek, Emily E. Asst Physician esladek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Sozanski, Jesse Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 657-8600 jsozanski@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Kallenberg, Gene A. Prof Emeritus gkallenberg@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0628 1.0
Kalmaz, Denise Clin Prof/Prog Dir (858) 657-5272 dkalmaz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Isaac, Roi Postdoc Employee risaac@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Ix, Joachim H. (Joe) Professor (858) 552-8585 joix@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Sunwoo, Bernie Y. Professor (844) 757-5337 besunwoo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Jaladat, Yasaman , Dr. Clin Faculty (858) 534-7696 yjaladat@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Jain, Shamini Asst Adjt Prof sjain@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE NA 1.0
Jarrin, Diego F. Assoc Clin Prof djarrin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Jassal, Simerjot K. Clin Prof/Dir-Intl Med (619) 543-3692 sjassal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Miracle, Cynthia M., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 cmiracle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Ceponis, Arnoldas Res Phys (858) 822-5715 aceponis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Mittal, Ravinder K. Professor (858) 534-3328 rmittal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Miyamoto, Yukiko Project Sci (858) 534-9860 ymiyamoto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Kwan, Brian K. Asst Clin Prof bkkwan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Kviatkovsky, Milla J. Assoc Physician mkviatkovsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Cederquist, Lynette C., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 lcederquist@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Miller, Stephen H. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6770 s1miller@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Moinizandi, Tarlan Asst Clin Prof tmoinizandi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Montazeri, Michael B. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 mmontazeri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Gutierrez, Aireen L. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 767-4584 aigutierrez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8501 1.0
DeMaria, Anthony , Dr. (Tony) Professor (858) 246-1349 ademaria@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Demb, Joshua B. Postdoc Employee jdemb@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 111D 1.0
Destici, Evgin Staff Res Assoc edestici@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Deiss, Robert G. Assoc Physician rgdeiss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Diggle, Karin L. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5339 kdiggle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Dillmann, Wolfgang H., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-9933 wdillmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0618 1.0
Ritchie, Janis Staff Res Assoc (858) 558-4950 jdinnel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Docherty, Michael J. Clin Professor mdocherty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Doherty, Taylor A. Div Chief-Allergy/Immunology (858) 822-7563 tdoherty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0678 1.0
Johnson, Jennifer L. (Jen) Mgmt Svcs Ofr jljohnson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Johnson, Michelle L. HS Clin Professor (858) 534-6160 mlj001@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0696 1.0
Jones, Oliver W., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-4307 ojones@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Jong, Pamela M., Dr. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 pjong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Chang, John T. Professor (858) 822-5795 jtc007@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Choueiri, Michel Assoc Phys/Prof mchoueiri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Joshua, Jisha K. Assoc Clin Prof jjoshua@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Montgrain, Philippe R., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 pmontgrain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Boles, Sarah G. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-3249 sboles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Moore, Ericka E. Assoc Dir/Fiscal Affrs emoore@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Gupta, Vineet Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 v1gupta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Harth, Noriko M. Managing Director (858) 249-6893 nmorita@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8998 1.0
Morn, Cassandra B. HS Clin Professor (858) 657-7750 cmorn@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Morris, Timothy A., Dr. Professor Clin (619) 543-5972 t1morris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8378 1.0
Motarjemi, Ramin Assoc Physician rmotarjemi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Moya Cespedes, Esteban A. Postdoc Employee emoyacespedes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Moyo, Steven Assoc Physician smoyo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Mudaliar, Sunder , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 sumudaliar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Xie, Jialei Postdoc Employee j1xie@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Dollarhide, Adrian W., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 adollarhide@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Dresselhaus, Timothy , Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 552-8585 tdresselhaus@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9153 1.0
Dulbecco, Renato Prof Emeritus rdulbecco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0612 1.0
Dullano, Cheryl Staff Res Assoc cdullano@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
da Silva, Marcia Division Coord (858) 534-2359 mdasilva@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Kahn, Andrew M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-5378 akahn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8411 1.0
Kalunian, Kenneth C., Dr. Prof Clin Med (858) 657-7049 kkalunian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Kanter, Simone E. Asst Clin Prof skanter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Karl, Bethany E. Asst Clin Prof bkarl@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Kasirer-Friede, Ana Project Scientist (858) 534-9910 akasirerfriede@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0707 1.0
Kato, Shu Mei Assoc Physician smkato@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Hillery, Naomi M. Field Researcher (858) 622-1771 nhillery@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0994 1.0
Katz, Yisrael Assoc Physician ykatz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kavanaugh, Arthur (Arthur) Professor (858) 246-2382 (858) 246-2382 akavanaugh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Kean, Gary W. Bioinformatics Progr gkean@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Mullaney, Scott R., Dr. Professor (619) 543-5512 smullaney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8781 1.0
Scandalis, Lina M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 361-5848 lscandalis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Mulroney, Carolyn BMT Physician (858) 822-6600 camulroney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Morris, Sheldon Clin Professor (619) 543-4761 (619) 657-8600 shmorris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Murillo Saich, Jessica D. Lab Asst jdmurillosaich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Mehta, Sanjay R. Assoc Clin Prof/Pathology (858) 552-7446 srmehta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Myhovich, Laura M. Admin Spec-Supv (858) 534-9017 lmyhovich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0643 1.0
Mulero Roig, Maria C. Asst Proj Sci maroig@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0375 1.0
Narezkina, Anna Assoc Clin Professor (858) 657-5381 anarezkina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Dutcher, Neil CFAR Bus Ops Analyst (858) 534-5545 ndutcher@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
DeWolf, Sean Postdoc Fellow sedewolf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Eckmann, Lars , Dr. Professor (858) 534-0683 leckmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Edelman, Steven V. Prof Emeritus sedelman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Edmonds, Kyle P. Clin Professor (619) 471-9424 (858) 534-7079 kpedmonds@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8216 1.0
Effron, Harris G. HS Clin Prof heffron@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Edi, Rina S. Asst HS Clin Prof redi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0905 1.0
Ekanayake, Preethika S. Assoc Physician pekanayake@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
El-Kareh, Robert E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-7776 relkareh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Elmaraachli, Wael Assoc Clin Professor (619) 543-3232 welmaraachli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Kenmore, Sean HS Asst Clin Prof skenmore@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kerr, Kim M., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-7140 kmkerr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Khang, Ser J. Staff Res Assoc skhang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Kipps, Thomas J., Dr. Director/CNT (858) 534-5400 (858) 822-0863 tkipps@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Kim, Hyong S., Dr. (Nick) Clin Prof (858) 657-7150 h33kim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Gonzalez, Rebecca J. Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-5021 rjg001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Neel, Ian C. Physician ineel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8631 1.0
Blanchard, Jennifer N., Dr. (Gigi) Clin Professor (619) 543-6131 jblanchard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Nemati, Shamim Assoc Professor snemati@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Nguyen, Katherine H. HS Assoc Clin Prof khn022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Bazhenova, Lyudmila A. HS Clin Prof (858) 822-6189 lbazhenova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Davis, Helen E. Unclassified ** hedavis@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Cheng, George Z. Assoc Prof Clin gcheng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Beadle, James R. Recall Non Faculty jbeadle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Dozier, Stephen G. Staff Res Assoc sdozier@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Fanestil, Darrell D. Prof Emeritus dfanestil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0693 1.0
Sheikh, Farah Assoc Professor (858) 246-0754 fasheikh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Fanta, Paul T. Clinical Professor (858) 822-7973 pfanta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Kirmani, Saeeda , Dr. Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 skirmani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111E 1.0
Kiyono, Hiroshi Adjunct Professor hkiyono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Kline, Lawrence E. Assoc Physician Dipl lekline@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Knowlton, Kirk U. Prof Emeritus kknowlton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Kolterman, Orville G. Assoc Physician okolterman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kono, Yuko Clin Professor (619) 543-2061 ykono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Jamieson, Catriona H. Professor (858) 246-1453 cjamieson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Nguyen, Khai H. Assoc Professor khn059@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Chace, Constance R. Assoc Physician cchace@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Choi, Soo-ho Asst Project (858) 534-4407 soc002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Nikanjam, Mina Assoc Physician Dipl mnikanjam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nokes, Brandon T. Assoc Physician bnokes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Nilaad, Sedtavut D. Tutor snilaad@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0947 1.0
Norcross, William A., Dr. HS Clin Prof (619) 543-6770 wnorcross@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Beck, Ellen L. Prof Emer/Fac Dir-Fac Ldr Dev ebeck@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0696 1.0
Smith, Tukisa D. HS Asst Clin Prof tusmith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Cho, Shizuko Staff Res Assoc s2cho@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Fedullo, Peter F. Recall Faculty (619) 543-7752 (858) 657-7100 pfedullo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Fehmi, Syed (Abbas) Clin Prof sfehmi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Feld, Gregory K. Professor (858) 246-2972 gfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Felicio, Leda Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 lfelicio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8411 1.0
Feramisco, James R. Prof Emeritus jferamisco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0619 1.0
Fernandes, Timothy M. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 tfernandes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Fine, Janelle Res Dev Engineer (858) 534-8199 jfine@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Finkelstein, Solomon Clin Instructor sfinkelstein@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Fiorella, Melanie R. Assoc HS Clin Prof (619) 471-9260 mfiorella@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Firestein, Catherine E. Assoc Clin Prof cfirestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Firestein, David J. Programmer Analyst (858) 534-4269 dfirestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0990 1.0
Firestein, Gary S., Dr. Professor (858) 822-0591 gfirestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0990 1.0
Komsoukaniants, Arkady Assoc Physician akomsoukaniants@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Bazhenov, Maksim V. (Maxim) Professor mbazhenov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7374 1.0
Koola, Jejo D. Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2563 jkoola@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Krcmarik, Kevin M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 kkrcmarik@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Krinsky, Mary L., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 642-1114 (619) 543-2347 mkrinsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Hamidi, Vala HS Asst Clin Prof vhamidi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Boland, Brigid S. Assoc Adjt Prof (858) 246-2353 bboland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Oxman, Michael N., Dr. (Mike) Professor (858) 642-1420 mnoxman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Pacheco, Deedee M. Clin Res Lab Mgr (619) 543-5606 dmpacheco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Palinski, Wulf Recall Faculty wpalinski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Bruner, Heather Assoc Physician (858) 534-9061 hbruner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Begovic, Adnan Assoc Clin Prof abegovic@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8998 1.0
Bejar, Rafael Assoc Professor (858) 534-5204 (858) 822-5485 rabejar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0803 1.0
Beletsky, Leonid (Leo) Asst Adjt Prof (619) 543-0882 lbeletsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0849 1.0
Bell, Kristin M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 k1bell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Beliakova-Bethell, Nadejda Asst Adj Prof nbeliakovabethell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Bellinghausen, Amy L. HS Asst Clin Prof albellinghausenstewart@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Benner, Christopher W. Asst Professor (858) 534-9449 cbenner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Ben-Yehuda, Ori Assoc Physician obenyehuda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8411 1.0
Bergstrom, Jaclyn N. (Nikki) Sr Statistician jbergstrom@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0659 1.0
Martineau, Amber J. Staff Res Assoc (619) 471-0817 ajm002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8381 1.0
Horman, Sarah F. Clin Professor (619) 471-9186 shorman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Bortniker, Ethan HS Asst Clin Prof ebortniker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Fraser, Michele L. Director-Fac/Staff Affrs mlfraser@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Freire, Marcelo A. Asst Adjt Prof mfreire@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Churas, Christopher P. BioInfo Prog (858) 822-0536 cchuras@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Kurisu, Michael J. Clin Instructor-Vol mkurisu@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Kuo, Sam Program Analyst (858) 246-2090 eskuo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0892 1.0
Kulasa, Kristen M. HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-3814 kkulasa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kwong, Wilson T. Asst Clin Prof (619) 471-9447 wtkwong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Kumaraswamy, Monika Assoc Physician (858) 642-3019 mkumaraswamy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Kunkel, David C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5088 (619) 543-2347 dkunkel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Kuruvilla, Aneesh Assoc Physician akuruvilla@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Agsolid, Adrianne Jean R. Bioinformatics Progr (858) 534-8250 aagsolid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Lago Hernandez, Carlos A. Faculty Physician (619) 471-9198 clagohernandez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Krummen, David E. Professor (858) 642-3889 (858) 657-8530 dkrummen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Lam, Michael T. Asst Prof IR mtlam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Lam, Kentson Asst Prof/Clin Med k8lam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0816 1.0
LaMere, Sarah A. Asst Adjunct Prof salamere@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Landsberg, Judd W. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 jlandsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Pal China, Shyamsundar Postdoc Employee spalchina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Pardee, Perrie E. Assoc Prog Dir ppardee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Papamatheakis, Demosthenes G. Clin Professor (858) 657-7150 dpapamatheakis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Parker, Barbara A. Professor/Clinical baparker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Parmer, Robert J., Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-8585 rparmer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Patel, Derek R. Clin Professor (619) 543-2347 drpatel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Atala-Doocy, Luisa Unclassified ** lataladoocy@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Bettencourt, Richele (Ricki) Sr Statistician rbettencourt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Bharti, Ajay R. Professor (619) 543-8091 abharti@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Bharne, Anjali A. Assoc Physician Dipl (760) 536-7700 abharne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0871 1.0
Birgersdotter-Green, Ulrika M. Clin Professor (858) 246-2972 (858) 657-8530 ubgreen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Blanchard, Daniel G., Dr. Prof Clin Med (858) 246-1354 (858) 657-8530 dblanchard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Bluestein, Harry G., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-2359 hbluestein@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Boal, Peter A. MSO (619) 543-5478 pboal@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Boeder, Schafer HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2161 sboeder@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Bogomolovas, Julijus Visit Asst Proj Sci jbogomolovas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613K 1.0
Fu, Zhenxing , Dr. Res Proj Sci (858) 534-4713 zfu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Fuster, Mark M., Dr. Professor IR (858) 699-8935 mfuster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Gabbai, Francis B. Senate Emeritus fgabbai@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Asimakopoulos, Fotis (Fotis) Professor (858) 246-5223 fasimakopoulos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Gaines, Tommi L. Asst Professor (858) 246-0600 togaines@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Ganiats, Theodore G., Dr. Prof Emeritus tganiats@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Gamliel, Amir Asst Proj Sci (858) 534-7294 agamliel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Blumenthal, Jill S. Assoc Professor (619) 471-3913 (619) 543-3995 jblumenthal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Galloway, Samuel J. Asst Physician sjgalloway@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Garimella, Pranav Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6397 pgarimella@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Lather, Tuyet T. HS Asst Clin Prof ttlather@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Layton, Tracy M. Program Manager (858) 822-0931 tlayton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Ledgerwood-Lee, Melissa M. (Ledgerwood) Postdoc Employee mledgerwood@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0061 1.0
Lee, Daniel , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-3995 dalee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Lee, Ho-Sup Project Scientist (858) 822-6490 hol001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Lee, Susan J. Assoc Clinic Professor (858) 642-3247 s2lee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Lee, Yun Sok Asst Professor ysl004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Ghannadian, Bahman VC/Cardiovasc Clin Res (858) 246-2360 bghannadian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7410 1.0
Lencioni, Joseph P. Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-2681 jlencioni@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Obonyo, Marygorret Asst Professor (858) 822-6687 mobonyo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
O'Byrne, Margaret Asst Clin Prof mobyrne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Odish, Mazen F. Asst Physician modish@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Olefsky, Jerrold M., Dr. Professor (858) 534-6651 jolefsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Ono, Keiichiro (Kei) Programmer Analyst kono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Mimoto, Mizuho S. Asst Professor mimimoto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Moran, Ryan J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 rjmoran@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Boland, Clement R. Adj Prof Emeritus (858) 249-0772 crboland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Bordin-Wosk, Talya HS Assoc Clin Prof (619) 471-9186 tbordinwosk@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Boss, Gerry R., Dr. Professor (858) 657-7245 gboss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Borquez, Annick Asst Professor aborquez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Botta, Gregory P. Assoc Clin Prof gbotta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Boyle, David L. Professor (858) 822-0784 dboyle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Brady, Patricia H. HS Clin Professor phbrady@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Breen, Ellen Assoc Research (858) 822-5859 ebreen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Gass, Arnold P. Prof Emeritus agass@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Gerdes, Cassandra M. (Casey) Assoc Director/SPO cgerdes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Geremia, Carrie M. Field Researcher cmgeremia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8918 1.0
Gianella Weibel, Sara Asst Adj Prof sgianellaweibel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Gigli, Irma Prof Emeritus igigli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8420 1.0
Letendre, Scott L. Professor (619) 543-4730 sletendre@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Leu, Amy N. Assoc HS Clin Prof (858) 657-8486 (858) 657-7750 anleu@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Lewinski, Mary K. Asst Adj Prof mlewinski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Lewis, Renee M. Admin Officer (858) 249-6894 r1lewis@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Juang, Patricia S. Asst Professor (858) 657-6920 psjuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Liao, Zhongji (Leo) Asst Proj Scientist zhliao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Lillie, Dustin M. HS Clin Professor (858) 657-7750 dlillie@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Lin, Lizhu Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-3349 lilin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Liefeld, John T. (Ted) Programmer Analyst (858) 246-1974 jliefeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0765 1.0
Lindeman, Kurtis P. Assoc HS Clin Professor klindeman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Colman, Rebecca Postdoc Employee rcolman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0643 1.0
Lingaraju, Amulya Postdoc Employee alingaraju@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Linke, Sarah E. Assoc HS Clin Professor (858) 822-1082 slinke@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Lippman, Scott M. AVC/Prof (858) 822-1222 slippman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Wang, Ke Postdoc Employee kew002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0983 1.0
Han, Frederick T. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 246-2972 frhan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Tran, Linh N. Assoc Physician Dipl lit004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Brenner, David A. Prof Emeritus dbrenner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Brickner, Howard E. Staff Res Assoc hbrickner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Broide, David H., Dr. Professor/Allergy (858) 534-2374 dbroide@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0635 1.0
Brooks, Delys C. Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-5021 dbrooks@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Brower, Erica Sr Fund Mgr ebrower@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Browne, Sara H. Recall Faculty shbrowne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Buckholz, Gary T. Clinical Professor (858) 657-7539 gtbuckholz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Gill, Gordon N. Prof Emeritus ggill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Gin, Geneen T. HS Clin Prof (858) 657-7750 ggin@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Ginsberg, Mark H. Professor (858) 822-6432 mhginsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Goldberg, Charles G. Assoc Dean/DIO (619) 543-8254 cggoldberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8829 1.0
Goldenberg, Shira M. Asst Adjt Prof sgoldenberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Golomb, Beatrice A., Dr. Professor IR (858) 558-4950 bgolomb@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Goodman, Debora K. Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-8585 dkgoodman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Gopal, Srila Assoc Clin Prof (858) 534-0929 (858) 822-6276 srgopal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Little, Susan J., Dr. Professor IR (619) 543-8080 slittle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Bryan, Ru L. Adjunct Professor ruliu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111K 1.0
Juang, Derek K. Assoc Clin Prof djuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Llorente, Cristina Assoc Professor (858) 366-3173 allorenteizquierdo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Logan, Cathy L. Professor (858) 822-6260 c1logan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Lonergan, Joseph T., Dr. Clin Professor (619) 543-3995 jlonergan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Longhurst, Christopher A. (Chris) CMO/CDO (858) 249-6880 clonghurst@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8935 1.0
Longduriyang, Yvette Clin Res Coord ylongduriyang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Loomba, Rohit Professor (858) 246-2201 roloomba@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Looney, David J., Dr. Assoc Prof IR (858) 552-8585 dlooney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Lopez, Tony P., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 tplopez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Lopez Ramirez, Miguel A. Asst Professor malopezramirez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Loredo, Jose S., Dr. Director (619) 543-5713 jloredo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8384 1.0
Lorenzi, Gayle M. Comm Hlth Prog Mgr (858) 534-5463 glorenzi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Lovetro, Blaine K. Asst Clin Prof blovetro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 06155 1.0
Barker, Kathryn M. Asst Professor k1barker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Bushway, Paul J. Asst Proj Sci (858) 449-0714 pjbushway@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Cachay, Edward R. (Lalo) Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-3995 ecachay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Callo, Nannette V. Res Analyst ncallo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Caperna, Joseph C. Assoc Physician jcaperna@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Goulian, Mehran Prof Emeritus (858) 459-0088 mgoulian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Gordts, Philip L. Asst Professor (858) 246-0994 pgordts@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0687 1.0
Greenberg, Barry Professor (858) 246-2987 bgreenberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Lunde, Ottar V. Clin Professor olunde@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Lundgren, Rebecka I. Assoc Adjunct Prof rlundgren@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Mahmud, Ehtisham Prof/Clin/Chair (Interim) (858) 657-8030 emahmud@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Macdonald, Kaimana S. Assoc Physician (619) 543-6770 ksmacdonald@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Macedo, Etienne M. Asst Adjunct Prof (858) 246-2085 emmacedo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0892 1.0
MacFarlane, Katherine (Katie) Vice Chair Admin (619) 543-5776 kmacfarlane@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
MacElhern, Lauray Managing Director (858) 249-6894 (844) 747-0474 lmacelhern@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Yao, Likun Postdoc Employee liyao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Zhang, Qingquan Asst Proj Scientist qiz014@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Molina, Anthony J. Professor (858) 246-5930 ajmolina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Carson, Dennis A. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-5408 dcarson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Casteel, Darren E. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 534-8805 dcasteel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Castellanos, Luis R. Assoc Physician (858) 657-5378 lrcastellanos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8750 1.0
Castanza, Anthony S. Asst Proj Sci (253) 347-2806 acastanza@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Catanzaro, Antonino Prof Emeritus acatanzaro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0643 1.0
Cavenee, Webster K. Prof Emeritus wcavenee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0660 1.0
Chaillon, Antoine Asst Adj Prof achaillon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Chaluvadi, Sandhya (Sun) Mgmt Svcs Ofr (858) 822-0333 schaluvadi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Chamberlin, Adam M. Facil Planning Spec achamberlin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Chan, Adriano Staff Res Assoc adchan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Chang, Max W. Bioinformatics Prog (858) 534-7259 mwchang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Grunvald, Eduardo L., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-7237 egrunvald@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0837 1.0
Burgoyne, Adam M., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-3092 aburgoyne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Gu, Yusu Proj Scientist (858) 534-4930 yogu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613s 1.0
Guatelli, John C., Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 jguatelli@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Guiney, Donald G. Prof Emeritus dguiney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0640 1.0
Gutierrez, Cecilia A. Clin Prof RTAD (858) 657-7750 cagutierrez@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Guma, Monica Assoc Professor (858) 822-6523 mguma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Gymrek, Melissa A. Assoc Professor (858) 246-0895 mgymrek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Mahata, Sushil K. Adjunct Professor (858) 552-8585 smahata@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0732 1.0
Majithia, Amit R. Asst Professor (858) 822-0727 amajithia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Madlensky, Lisa Prof Clin Med (858) 822-6831 (858) 822-3240 lmadlensky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0901 1.0
Koura, Divya T. Assoc Physician (858) 534-2170 dkoura@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Malhotra, Rakesh Asst Prof Clinic Med r3malhotra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Malinak, David J. HS Asst Clin Prof dmalinak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Agnihotri, Parag Chf Med Ofr/Hlth Svcs (858) 249-4429 pagnihotri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8501 1.0
Chen, Alice I. Asst HS Clin Professor aic003@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0811 1.0
Charat, Stacy T. Asst Clin Prof scharat@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9153 1.0
Chen, Jessica J., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 j38chen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Chen, Ju Professor (858) 822-4276 juchen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Chen, Jing Programmer Analyst (858) 246-1698 jic002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0681 1.0
Chi, Neil C. Professor (858) 822-1842 nchi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613J 1.0
Chien, Kenneth R. Prof Emeritus kchien@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Childers, Diana J. Assoc Physician dchilders@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Chojkier, Mario , Dr. Professor IR (858) 552-8585 mchojkier@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Choe, Charles H. Clin Prof/Medicine (858) 552-8585 (858) 657-1636 cchoe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0975 1.0
Hamdan, Ayad Assoc Physician Dipl ayhamdan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Hammond, H. Kirk , Dr. Professor (858) 552-8585 khammond@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111A 1.0
Hanashiro, Marvin H. Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-3740 mhanashiro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Hanson, Courtney C. HS Asst Clin Prof cchanson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8938 1.0
Hardison, William G. Prof Emeritus whardison@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Reich, Michael M. Prog Analyst-Supv (858) 534-2455 mmreich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0765 1.0
Hasan, Md Kamrul Postdoc Employee k0hasan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Mangan, James K. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 822-6381 (858) 740-7305 jmangan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Mar-Tang, Moira H. Prog Mgr (619) 471-9521 mmartang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Amirrezvani, Ali Assoc Physician aamirrezvani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Martin, Leslie M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 lmartin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Masso Silva, Jorge A. Postdoc Employee jmassosilva@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Zhu, Fugui Postdoc Employee f1zhu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Zhou, Xiaohai Postdoc Employee xiz052@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Richardson, Angelique E. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 249-3248 a2richardson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Christiansen, Sandra C. Prof/Med (858) 657-5350 (858) 657-5350 scchristiansen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Williams, Christina M. Program Mgr c4williams@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
Chun, Carrie D. Asst Clin Prof c1chun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0606 1.0
Chulaluxsiriboon, Brandon Proj Policy Analyst bchulalu@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Chun, Victor S. Asst Clin Prof vchun@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ginsberg, Charles Asst Prof Clin cginsberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7424 1.0
Clay, Brian J. Clin Professor (858) 249-0139 bclay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8935 1.0
Hatamy, Esmatullah (Esmat) HS Clin Prof (858) 657-7750 ehatamy@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Asudani, Ruchita Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6770 rasudani@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Hayashi, Tomoko Recall Proj Sci (858) 822-0253 thayashi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Helsten, Teresa Clin Professor (858) 249-3249 thelsten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7329 1.0
Helton, Derek A. Assoc Physician Dipl (760) 536-7700 dhelton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0871 1.0
Deyoung, Pamela N. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2183 pdeyoung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7384 1.0
Heinz, Sven W. Asst Professor (858) 534-9492 sheinz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Hendrickx, Steven M. Clin Nurse Supv (619) 543-6968 smhendrickx@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Hendrix, Terence R. Clin Res Coord Asst (619) 543-3198 thendrix@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Hepokoski, Mark L. Professor (858) 552-8585 mhepokoski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
May, Todd A. Program Mgr (858) 246-2169 tmay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Mayasy, Shadi Assoc Physician smayasy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Ghosh, Pradipta Professor (858) 822-7633 prghosh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0651 1.0
Law, Nancy Assoc Physician (858) 249-1990 nalaw@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0879 1.0
Mc Cutchan, J. Allen , Dr. Prof Emeritus (619) 543-5052 amccutchan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Ghia, Emanuela M. Assoc Proj Sci (858) 822-3337 eghia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0809 1.0
Mcdivit, Anna M. Assoc Physician amcdivit@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Mc Evilly, Robert Specialist (858) 534-6936 rmcevilly@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Bailey, Jacob A. Resident Physician jbailey@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Conrad, Douglas J., Dr. Professor (858) 657-7073 dconrad@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Copur-Dahi, Nedret Clin Professor (619) 543-3783 necopurdahi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8413 1.0
Cormode, Brandon C. Sr Ops Analyst bcormode@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Corr, Mary P. Professor (619) 543-2859 mpcorr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Costello, Caitlin L. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6600 ccostello@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Cottam, Howard B., Dr. Project Med Chem (858) 534-5424 hcottam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Cotter, Bruno R., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-5378 bcotter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Covell, James W., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 453-5489 jcovell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613J 1.0
Cowan, Dave M. Staff Res Assoc dmcowan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613J 1.0
Cowling, Randy T. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 822-0325 rcowling@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Aslam, Saima Assoc Professor (858) 657-7643 saslam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7745 1.0
Holt, Tiffany L. Dietitian (714) 726-0604 tholt@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Herschbach, Jack H. Staff Res Assoc jherschbach@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0732 1.0
Heyman, Benjamin M. Asst Clin Professor (858) 246-3038 bheyman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Heyworth, Leonie K. HS Assoc Clin Prof lkheyworth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Hirst, Jeremy M. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 822-5381 jhirst@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Hlavin, Patricia S. Clin Professor phlavin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111n 1.0
Mcgowan, Sonny L. Mgmt Svcs Ofr (619) 471-9185 slmcgowan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Mcguire, William C. Resident Physician wmcguire@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
McKay, Rana R. HS Clin Professor (858) 822-6185 rmckay@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Mckennett, Marianne A. HS Clin Professor (619) 691-7557 mmckennett@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Albers, Unna , Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 ualbers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Mcveigh, Elliot R. Professor emcveigh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0412 1.0
Mehta, Gita Prof Emeritus (858) 657-6130 gmehta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8501 1.0
Mehta, Ravindra L. Recall Faculty rmehta@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0892 1.0
Ma, Wen Project Scientist wma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Ma, Qi Postdoc Employee (858) 534-6392 q1ma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Zhang, Zengming Postdoc Employee z8zhang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Wu, Panyisha Postdoc Employee paw004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0673 1.0
Ninh, Van Postdoc Fellow vaninh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0636 1.0
Crews, Leslie A. Asst Professor (858) 822-5785 lcrews@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Criqui, Michael H., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-3723 mcriqui@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0628 1.0
Croll, Julie F. Sr Bus Ops Ana/Faculty Comp jcroll@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0835 1.0
Crotty, Shane Asst Adjt Prof scrotty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111F 1.0
Crotty Alexander, Laura E. Assoc Professor lcrotty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111J 1.0
Cunard, Robyn A., Dr. Clin Professor (858) 552-8585 rcunard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Dang, Tuan C. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 tcdang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Daniels, Lori (Krummen) Professor (858) 246-2995 lbdaniels@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
D'Antonio, Matteo Faculty (858) 246-0204 madantonio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0761 1.0
Darquenne, Chantal , Dr. Adjunct Professor (858) 534-9171 cdarquenne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Hofflich, Heather L. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 hhofflich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Hofmann, Alan F., Dr. Prof Emeritus (858) 822-3811 ahofmann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Hogan, Michael C., Dr. Professor IR (858) 534-2773 mchogan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Hogan, Robert W. Clin Instructor rhogan@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 1.0
Holmes, Edward W. Prof Emeritus ewholmes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Hose, Michal I. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6170 mhose@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9151 1.0
Hostetler, Karl Y., Dr. Adjunct Professor (858) 246-3072 khostetler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0676 1.0
Howell, Stephen B., Dr. Professor (858) 822-1112 showell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0819 1.0
McDougal, Lotus P. Assoc Proj Scientist lmcdougal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Mendler, Michel H. HS Clin Prof Emeritus (619) 543-6953 mmendler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Vargas, Milenka V. Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-7169 mvmeneses@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Mesarwi, Omar A. Assoc Clin Prof omesarwi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0623A 1.0
Mesarwi, Paula M. Assoc Physician pmesarwi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7196 1.0
Mesirov, Jill P. Professor (858) 534-5096 jmesirov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Michelsen, James W. HS Clin Prof (619) 543-6737 jmichelsen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8422 1.0
Li, Jinghong HS Assoc Prof jil055@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Mielke, Jenna Clin Res Supv (619) 471-0822 jmielke@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Millard, Frederick E., Dr. Clinical Professor (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 fmillard@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Millen, Marlene M. Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 mmillen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Miller, Marina Assoc Project (858) 534-2234 mamiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0635 1.0
Miller, Yury Professor yumiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Ally, Maryann T. HS Clin Prof mally@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Stewart, Tyler F. Asst Professor (858) 822-6185 (858) 657-7876 tstewart@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Bath, Tyler Prog Analyst (858) 534-7438 tbath@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Davidson, Peter J. Asst Professor (415) 271-9474 pdavidson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Davila-Martin, Wendy L. Regulatory Spec (858) 246-2343 wdavila@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7410 1.0
Deconde, Jennifer B. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 jdeconde@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Huang, Ziwei H. Professor zhuang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Zuniga, Patricia E. (Gonzalez) Postdoc Fellow pgonzalez-zuniga@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Huege, Steven F. HS Clin Professor (858) 534-7792 shuege@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0957 1.0
Hulley, Benjamin J. HS Asst Clin Prof bhulley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Hupfeld, Christopher J. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 chupfeld@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111 1.0
Husain, Hatim Clin Professor hhusain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Ideker, Trey Professor (858) 822-4558 tideker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Ignacio, Caroline Lab Instr Supv (858) 552-8585 cignacio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Gowda, Ashwin A. Assoc Physician Dipl agowda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Vieten, Cassandra E. Assoc Research cvieten1@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0352 1.0
Jolicoeur, Megan E. HS Asst Clin Prof mejolicoeur@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Romero, Mariana D. Division Coord (858) 246-2365 mdromero@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Morrell, Anna E. Dietitian HC Spec aehunter@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Pham, Jessica H. Staff Res Assoc jhp070@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Le, Helen N. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-2354 h1le@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Jones, Jenny A. Div Admin-GIM/Genetics j7jones@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Nguyen, Megan G. Fiedl Researcher mgn002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Vasquez, Mary Grace M. Executive Asst m2vasquez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7371 1.0
Stewart, Andrew B. Lab Asst a9stewart@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gao, Wanghuizi (Jessie) Business Intel Spec w1gao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Higgins, Niamh Staff Pharmacist nihiggins@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0626 1.0
Velasco Ruiz, Christian V. HR Analyst/Academic (619) 543-8349 cvr006@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Baker, Michael , Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-8317 mbaker@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0693 1.0
Conrad, Morgan D. Staff Res Assoc mconrad@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Anderson, Katherine M. (Kate) Res Proj Coord (858) 354-0381 k4anderson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Kim, Forrest D. Comptr Resc Spec (858) 246-2055 f1kim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0602 1.0
Miller, Bruce J. Staff Res Assoc b9miller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Barba, Blanca Admin Asst (858) 246-1354 bbarba@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Alexander, Lauren A. Stu Hlth Physician (858) 534-3302 l1alexander@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0039 1.0
Habte Michael, Destany A. Lab Asst dabarnett@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mathews, Jennifer M. Financial Analyst j6mathews@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
You, Hyeri Research Data Analyst h2you@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chavez, Paul S. Staff Res Assoc pschavez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Ly, Monica M. Study Coord (858) 657-7122 m3ly@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Brown, Catherine A. Clin Social Wkr (619) 543-3995 cab010@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Lorenzo, Alyssa L. Admin Asst a3lorenzo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Garcia, Enrique O. Asst Physician eog001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Tran, Shaina A. Admin Asst sat005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Matthews, Jessica A. Health Educator j7matthews@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Valdez, Angela F. Exec Asst (858) 246-5010 angelavaldez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Wells, Alan B. Statistician abwells@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0828 1.0
Nechaeva, Olesya Admin Spec (858) 657-8030 okatrikh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Wang, Yanhan Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-5311 yaw015@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Kang, Hsin (Kathy) Admin Officer (619) 471-3900 hsk032@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Cruz, Daisy A. Asst Prog Coord dacruz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Smith, Patricia R. PACE Case Mgr (619) 471-0569 prsmith@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
White, Teresa A. Admin Asst t6white@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Han, Jun H. Editor jhh002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lin, Eric (Eric) Fellowship Coord (858) 657-5281 c9lin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Benson, Courtney A. Staff Res Assoc cabenson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Becker, Michelle K. Unclassified ** mkbecker@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Witt, Christopher Physician Asst (619) 471-9186 cwitt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Hale, Jaime A. Res Program Coord (619) 543-2429 j1hale@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Polonia, Madeline Clin Instructor m1polonia@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Yin, Li Y. Financial Analyst lyyin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Bali, Prerna Postdoc Employee pbali@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Diaz, Damaris Staff Res Assoc dad003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Moore, Sue A. Exec Asst (858) 822-5800 sam022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0658 1.0
Neill, Jennifer L. Staff Res Assoc jneill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Arredondo, Marlene Staff Res Assoc (619) 543-6414 m1arredondo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8225 1.0
Concha, Brianna N. Division Coord bconcha@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Rodriguez, Mayra V. Project Manager mvrodriguez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Williamson, Amanda Fellow Prog Coord (858) 246-0938 aswilliamson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0912 1.0
Alegre, Maylene C. Sr Clin Res Crd malegre@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bump, Carolina Hlth Profns Educ Spec cabump@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Villasenor, Edith Admin Asst edvillasenor@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Lee, Jessica C. Asst Physician jcl032@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Hess, Kory A. Clin Res Crd Asst k1hess@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ma, Nichole Lab Asst n3ma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
Le, Thanh ha T. (Ha) Research Admin thl055@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Covarrubias, Elizabeth Admin Mgr (858) 246-2996 ecovarrubias@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Mohamed, Amanda A. Physician Assistant aam001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Barkley, Nova S. Proj Policy Analyst nsbarkley@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0999 1.0
Rodriguez, Rosalinda Staff Res Assoc r7rodriguez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0725 1.0
Rousseau, Dorit Admin Asst drousseau@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0639 1.0
O'Merry, Kelli A. Div Analyst kaomerry@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Justice-Royster, Velma V. Counselor (619) 543-4621 vjusticeroyster@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8681 1.0
Sampath, Nithya G. Finance Spec nsampath@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Moundi, Harleen K. Research Admin hmoundi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nassar, Jeanne Per Diem Nurse jnassar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7784 1.0
Treich, Cindy L. Admin Asst (858) 822-1364 ctreich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613K 1.0
Triplett, Maria D. Hlth Profns Educ Spec m1triplett@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Truong, Michelle Data Sys Analyst mitruong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Santos, Karina Executive Asst (858) 534-5099 ksantos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Santos, Kelly L. Division Coord (858) 657-5769 klsantos@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Ndihokubwayo, Justin A. Staff Res Assoc jndihokubwayo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Reisgies, Kathe M. Admin Ofcr kreisgies@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Uysal, Jasmine Staff Res Assoc juysal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Schoonover, Kimberly A. (Kim) Operations Coord (858) 822-3233 kschoonover@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0716 1.0
Ye, Mao Staff Res Assoc m1ye@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Segren, Kaden Proj Policy Analyst (619) 471-0424 ksegren@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Senowitz, Phoebe Health Educator psenowitz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Shakya, Sajina Asst Statistician (619) 574-1054 sshakya@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Shashikumar, Supreeth prajwal Bioinformatics Progr spshashikumar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Roberts, Gini Program Admin (858) 246-2972 giroberts@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Orosco, Sav R. Division Coord srorosco@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Muttera, Leticia M. Pharmacist (619) 543-2688 lmuttera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Villarruel, Margarita Admin Asst m3villarruel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Artamonova, Irina V. Statistician (619) 574-1056 iartamonova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0849 1.0
Wan, Fang Staff Res Assoc fwan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Relaford, Margaret A. (Margo) Fellowship Prog Coord (858) 246-1326 mrelaford@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Weaver, Steven Programmer Analyst sweaver@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Pribnow, Philayne A. Program Mgr (858) 822-7853 ppribnow@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0553 1.0
Smith, Paula K. Executive Asst (858) 534-6299 p5smith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0664 1.0
Pecoraro, Elizabeth Z. Asst Clin Res Coord/CPT (858) 265-1711 epecoraro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Web, Rosemarie A. Admin Asst rweb@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Ampudia, Mariana Educator maampudia@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Potluri, Lohith Sekhar Data Sci Analyst lpotluri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Woodworth, Brendon T. Staff Res Assoc btwoodworth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Daniels, Michael R. Staff Res Assoc mrdaniels@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
Wright, Holly J. Fund Mgr howright@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Padillo, Lienwil J. Asst Clin Res Coord (619) 471-0818 l2padillo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Zhang, Suping Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-3337 s9zhang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0820 1.0
Khafagy, Ahmed Asst Dir/SPO (858) 822-1922 akhafagy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Velde, Monique N. Hlth Profns Educ Spec mvelde@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Terrill, Evelyn Research Admin efterrill@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Jimenez, Laura Edu/Res Train Coord lajimenez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Bertin, Samuel P. Staff Res Assoc sbertin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0663 1.0
Hernandez, Christie Food Svc Wkr chh006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8801 1.0
Thomas, Janice A. Hlth Profnl Edu Spec jathomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kaehler, Hilary K. Exec Asst (619) 471-9193 hkaehler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8485 1.0
Avendano-Soto, Sonia Staff Res Assoc savendanosoto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Cyr, Cassandra L. (Casey) Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-7979 clcyr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
McCain, Julia A. Asst Physician jamccain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Evans, Marcella A. Sr Publ Coord m1evans@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0995 1.0
Kharitonova, Olga V. Admin Asst (858) 534-8805 okharitonova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0652 1.0
Hillman, Diane A. Admin Asst dhillman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Brodie, Erica M. Study Coord (858) 246-2386 ebrodie@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0943 1.0
Fernandez, Mark J. Admin Asst (619) 543-2941 mjfernandez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Fierros Gonzalez, Daisy V. Staff Res Assoc dfierrosgonzalez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
LeJeune, Jennifer (Jeny) Physician Asst (858) 421-7864 jlejeune@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kirchmer, Pete A. Unclassified ** pkirchmer@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Burks, Colleen K. Admin Asst (619) 543-8179 cburks@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Kim, Heejin Program Rep (619) 471-0434 hek017@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Bautista, Marie Angela (Angela) Sr Physician Asst (858) 657-7100 m2bautista@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Freiday, Alexandra M. (Alex) Admin Asst (858) 246-2989 afreiday@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Kozakowski, Angela M. Admin Asst (619) 543-5019 amkozakowski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Carrillo De Anda, Victor M. Lab Asst vcarrillodeanda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Carr, Sara G. (Giovanna) Clin Interventionist s3carr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Carter, Leslie D. Staff Res Assoc l2carter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Funderburk, Alexander J. Admin Asst afunderburk@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Larson, Christopher L. Hem/Onc Fellow (858) 657-7000 cllarson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0829 1.0
Leardmann, Lucas S. Unclassified ** lleardmann@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Lebensohn-Chialvo, Florencia Behavioral Hlth Counseling flebensohnchialvo@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0807 1.0
Leonardo, Nerissa M. Div Analyst/Coord (858) 534-9934 nmleonardo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0618 1.0
Tenenbaum, Tara L. Database Admin (619) 471-0622 tchaloukian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
Stallings, Andrea M. Asst Physician amgasper@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Ciaraldi, Theodore P. Proj Sci (858) 552-8585 tciaraldi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111G 1.0
Genegaling, Albert Staff Res Assoc algenegaling@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Kruszyna, Rita G. Admin Coord (858) 552-7528 rgermannkurtz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111H 1.0
Parra, Gabriela Stu Researcher gparra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
DeMoor, Patricia (Patty) Sr Physician Asst (858) 249-3000 pdemoor@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7312 1.0
Arend, William Asst Physician warend@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8784 1.0
Prager, Megan (Leuchars) Sr Com Hlth Prog Rep (619) 962-9222 mprager@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0980 1.0
Cordaro, Angelina M. Proj Mgr/DBMI (858) 534-8941 acordaro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0881 1.0
Madamba, Egbert S. Key Entry Opr (858) 246-2227 emadamba@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Cortez Moreno, Diana Staff Res Assoc dcortezmoreno@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0819 1.0
Marquez, Charlotte Executive Asst cacurtis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0688 1.0
Cusi, Vincenzo R. Lab Asst vrcusi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Lakhanpal, Sonia Physician Asst (619) 471-9186 solakhanpal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7828 1.0
Deferville, Lisa Ofc Mgr/Course Coord (858) 534-6160 ldeferville@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0696 1.0
Reich, Colleen J. Admin Officer cjreich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Hasegawa, Chris S. Physician Assistant chasegawa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lopez, Edith Staff Res Assoc e8lopez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Greytak, Madeline J. (Maddi) Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-5236 mgreytak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Martinez Ceren, Paola M. Clin Res Coord pmm001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mayo, Susan L. Clin Res Coord (858) 534-5686 smayo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Miller, Gloree D. Staff Res Assoc gdmiller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Aguilar, Oriana L. Staff Res Assoc oaguilar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Langford-Piscitell, Shauna Educator slangfordpiscitell@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Laraway, Judd M. Physician Asst jlaraway@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Bulanova, Yulia Finance Analyst (858) 534-2863 ybulanova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Hurst, Staci M. Hlth Profns Educ Spec smhurst@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Kwan, Crystal Clin Res Crd Asst c5kwan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Egea, Leticia T. Division Coord (858) 657-7269 legea@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Bosompra, Naa-Oye A. Clin Res Crd Asst nabosompra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Farr, Amanda E. Staff Res Assoc afarr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0812 1.0
Ramirez, Laura E. Admin Asst leramirez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Abeles, Ruth H. Assoc Physician (858) 657-8000 rabeles@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Dube, Karine M. Adj Assoc Professor kdube@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Hammond, Charles F. Assoc Physician cfhammond@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8415 1.0
Bamford, Laura P. HS Assoc Clin Prof lbamford@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Curtius, Kathleen (Kit) Asst Professor kcurtius@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Kafi, Aarya Assoc Physician Dipl akafi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Patton, Thomas E. Research Data Analyst tepatton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Cring, Matthew R. Postdoc Employee mcring@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Sachdev, Namita Clin Professor (858) 657-8000 n2sachdev@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Hu, Siqi Postdoc Employee sih006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gutierrez, Aaron O. Community Educ Spec aogutierrez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 88797 1.0
El-Mezain, Tasnim M. Unclassified ** telmezain@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
Barowski, Daniel Financial Analyst (619) 471-0469 dbarowski@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
Han, Benjamin H. Asst Adjt Prof (858) 246-2245 b2han@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Patel, Niral M. Asst Clin Prof nmp004@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
Vadla, Raghavendra Staff Res Assoc ravadla@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Finch, Caryl J. Assoc Director/SPO cfinch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Querido, Gabriel L. Admin Asst glquerido@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Taylor, David S. Assoc Physician dstaylor@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Zeng, Liping Postdoc Employee l2zeng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bosworth, Frine A. Clin Res Coord Asst/CPT (858) 265-1711 fbosworth@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Lee, Brian T. Applications Programmer btlee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Berg, Brinton K. Survey Worker bberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Barnett, Kristin T. Research Admin kteng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Nothum, Steven T. Financial Analyst snothum@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Phillips, Jakob P. Lab Asst j9phillips@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Chung, Saeromi Staff Res Assoc s2chung@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ingolia, Gregory M. Assoc Physician gingolia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lopez, Darnel R. Res Compl Analyst drl001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Pina, Janlin Admin Asst j1pina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ahn, Minyoung Student Asst miahn@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Dishon, Tamar Postdoc Employee tdishon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0377 1.0
Borok, Zea Chair/Professor zborok@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Johnson, Alyssa M. Admin Asst a1johnson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Goerling, Richard J. Educator rigoerling@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Yu, Chung-jui Postdoc Employee chy029@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0332 1.0
Matro, Jennifer M. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 249-3781 jmatro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0987 1.0
Pantig, Junemy Marie C. Hlth Profns Educ Spec (619) 471-9325 jpantig@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
Zhang, Vivian Z. Staff Res Assoc v2zhang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Paydar, Mehrak Staff Res Assoc mpaydar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mellah, Ines Asst CME Coord (619) 471-9119 imellah@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Antalan, Tessa M. Assoc Physician (858) 249-2500 tantalan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0877 1.0
Aguilar, Everardo F. Staff Res Assoc e1aguilar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kim, Hyun ji Postdoc Employee hjk003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carvalho Gontijo Weber, Raquel Postdoc Employee rcgweber@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Svyatskaya, Sofya Student Asst sosvyatskaya@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Cervantes, Vanessa Admin Officer vcervantes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Kim, Hyun-chung Health Educator hyk012@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
Goyal, Ravi Asst Adjt Prof r1goyal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Shah, Shailja C. Assoc Physician s6shah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Poleate, Cezara Community Educ Spec ipoleate@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Ferguson, Daina L. Clin Res Coord Asst (858) 265-1711 dlferguson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Prasanna Kumar, Catherine Sr Res Admin ckumar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Campbell, Trent D. Clin Res Crd Asst tdcampbell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Vicenzi, Silvia Postdoc Scholar svicenzi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0366 1.0
Graham, Rishi E. Info Sys Analyst regraham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Frias Anaya, Eduardo Postdoc Employee efriasanaya@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sebastian, Leslie J. Fundraiser lsebastian@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Graham, Jeffrey D. Research Admin j1graham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Amangurbanova, Maral Postdoc Employee mamangurbanova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Goodson, Ruth Asst Clin Prof rugoodson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kuo, Selena Assoc Physician Dipl sekuo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Cruz Rodriguez, Benjamin Asst Physician jcruzrodriguez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Mac Manus, Taylor T. Lab Asst tmacmanus@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Philbrick, Lauryn N. Research Admin lphilbrick@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Indralingam, Cynthia S. Staff Res Assoc csindralingam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Usher, Melanie D. Financial Analyst musher@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
James, Christine K. Asst Physician ckjames@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0876 1.0
Mitke, Asres B. Postdoc Employee amitke@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Diggs, Adrienne L. Hlth Profns Educ Spec (619) 471-9126 adiggs@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
London, Wanda L. Community Educ Spec wlondon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Wong, William H. Bioinformatics Progr whw001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mervyn-Cohen, Vanessa J. Asst Physician (858) 657-7000 vmervyncohen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8021-A 1.0
Tesfai, Kaleb N. Student Asst kntesfai@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Thangaraj, Jaya L. Postdoc Employee jlthangaraj@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Garcia, Argentina Staff Res Assoc arg016@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Avsharian, Lara C. Staff Res Assoc lavsharian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Harvey-Schmidt, Joseph R. Physician Asst jmcadams@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Pour, Hayden H. Student Asst hpour@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Atkinson, Mimi Fund Manager m1atkinson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Shindo, Yuri Assoc Physician y1shindo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Brunenieks, Shelby N. Student Asst snbrunenieks@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
De Leon, Heather R. Faculty Asst (858) 822-7965 hdeleon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Gigler, Vishakha V. Assoc Physician Dipl vgigler@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0965 1.0
Vargas, Jaclyn F. Assoc Physician javargas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0984 1.0
Albright, Kelsey A. Physician Asst kalbright@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Marian, Marian Student Asst m1marian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Murray, Elizabeth A. Health Educator elmurray@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Shankar, Megha Asst Clin Prof meshankar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Nguyen, Kevin Res Data Analyst ken031@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carnevale, Lauren Postdoc Fellow lcarnevale@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0857 1.0
Perez Escareno, Barbara S. Staff Res Assoc bperezescareno@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wei, Tong-you Postdoc Fellow t1wei@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carazo, Matthew R. Assoc Physician Dipl (858) 246-3271 (858) 246-3271 mcarazo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7411 1.0
Pearse, William B. Assoc Physician wpearse@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mejia, Erika E. Staff Res Assoc emejia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yuan, Wei Postdoc Employee w3yuan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Loader, Tasha N. Asst Physician tloader@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Aksu, Mert N. Clin Instructor mnaksu@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Blain, Arthur Asst Clin Prof ablain@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Castillo, Jose C. Clin Professor jcc010@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Damani, Samir Clin Instructor sadamani@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Good, Lori C. Clin Instructor lcgood@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Kaisey, Mushrik Asst Clin Prof mukaisey@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Lee, Sinjin Clin Instructor lsinjin@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Miller, Tessa Clin Instructor tem003@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Patel, Sheila Clin Instructor shp019@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Son, Seung hwan Postdoc Employee seson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Miyamoto, Lina Student Asst lmiyamoto@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nguyen, Anthony L. Assoc Physician aln019@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Park, Sungjoon Postdoc Employee sup015@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gallego Gutierrez, Helios A. Postdoc Employee hgallegogutierrez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Hartman, Joshua D. Staff Res Assoc j1hartman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ibarra Munoz, Dahen E. Clin Res Crd Asst dibarramunoz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Cunha E Rocha, Karina Postdoc Employee kcunhaerocha@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Gelberg, Anna Assoc Physician agelberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Djekic, Kristina Assoc Physician kdjekic@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ohgi, Kenneth A. Staff Res Assoc kohgi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Thomas, Nathan E. Postdoc Employee nethomas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Patel, Aakash Staff Res Assoc aap017@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Huang, Yung-an Postdoc Employee yuh011@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Fox, Brian E. Info Sys Analyst befox@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Katragadda, Neha S. Staff Res Assoc nskatragadda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kurstjens, Emma M. Staff Res Assoc ekurstjens@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Felix, Gabriella L. Student Asst g1felix@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Barbato, Courtney Research Data Analyst cbarbato@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Tincopa, Monica A. HS Asst Clin Prof mtincopa@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Nathwani, Nidhi Staff Res Assoc nnathwani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Porrachia, Magali E. Staff Res Assoc mporrachia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Rivera, Maria D. Staff Res Assoc mdrivera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Echeverria, Guillermo M. Student Asst gmecheverria@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0531 1.0
Sharma, Victoria Assoc Physician Dipl v5sharma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Noveno, Hilario C. Nurse Practitioner hnovenojr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Paloma, Angela Deanne R. (Alfie) Student Asst adpaloma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Keen, William D. Assoc Physician wkeenjr@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Koenig, Shannon M. Admin Asst shkoenig@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Alimohammadi, Shahrzad Staff Res Assoc shalimohammadi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0869 1.0
Wiley Cene, Crystal N. Chief Admin Ofcr (858) 249-5507 ccene@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7970 1.0
Hasty, June Admin Asst juhasty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Le, Vivian Student Asst vil003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0319 1.0
Iredell, Kevin N. Survey Researcher kiredell@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Santoro, Deborah I. Research Admin disantoro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Fowler, Rebecca E. Research Admin (508) 365-8929 refowler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Truong, Ann Student Asst ant028@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ralph, Nicholas (Nick) Financial Analyst (858) 834-3436 niralph@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8809 1.0
Gutierrez Lara, Erika joana Postdoc Employee egutierrezlara@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Ahmedyar, Susan Z. Staff Res Assoc sahmedyar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0660 1.0
Stauffer, Connor Student Asst cbstauffer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Castaldi, Alessandra Asst Professor acastaldi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0707 1.0
Sampaio De Menezes Cruz, Marina Postdoc Employee mscruz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Brevi, Arianna Postdoc Employee abrevi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Oliver, Kendall E. Clin Res Crd Asst k4oliver@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mangush, Ritaj M. Research Admin rmmangush@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Vyas, Dhwanil V. Asst Clin Prof dvyas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8201A 1.0
Kvitek, Emily L. Clin Res Crd Asst ekvitek@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Ganapathi, Mathi vathani (Mathi) Admin Officer (858) 534-7443 mvganapathi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Nasar, Aboo Assoc Physician abnasar@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Huang, Yun Asst Proj Sci yuh086@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0960 1.0
Xu, Yan Staff Res Assoc yax015@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Dashi, Arben Assoc Physician Dipl adashi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Smith, Sarah A. Staff Res Assoc sas022@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Awad, Mina F. Staff Res Assoc miawad@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Gomez-Moreno, Vanessa Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-7439 vagomezmoreno@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Weiss, Sasha V. Admin Officer saweiss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Restaino, Nivedita G. Assoc Clin Prof ngrestaino@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Davis, Claire H. Staff Res Assoc chd003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Bean, Edwin R. Apps Programmer ebean@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Le, Jamie N. Comm Spec jnl006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Feng, Xue Postdoc Employee x5feng@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Li, Mengchen Postdoc Employee (858) 534-3349 mel025@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613 1.0
Meecham, Amelia J. Postdoc Employee ameecham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Huang, Can Postdoc Employee cah009@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0612 1.0
Fu, Haipeng Postdoc Employee h7fu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lopez-Leon, Valeria G. Survey Worker vlopezleon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kong, Jungho Postdoc Employee j4kong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Priyanka, Fnu Postdoc Employee fpriyanka@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Villarreal, Elias Hlth Prfns Educ Spec (858) 534-0781 elvillarreal@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0616 1.0
Luna, Princess Admin Officer prluna@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
King, Jesse A. Geograph Info Sys Progr j8king@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Castro, Mitchell P. Physician Asst mpcastro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kim, Seongjae Asst Proj Sci/Medicine sek029@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lee, Ingoo Postdoc Employee i5lee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Delaney, Kevin J. Database Admin (858) 246-2320 kjdelaney@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Valdez, Karla E. Community Educ Spec kevaldez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Weathers, Maranda L. Research Admin maweathers@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0922 1.0
Falah, Nicca Lab Asst n2falah@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Jeelani, Ishtiaq Postdoc Employee ijeelani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Zhao, Xiaoyu Postdoc Employee xiz140@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Siddiqi, Harris H. Admin Asst hsiddiqi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Brei, Lisa A. Admin Asst lbrei@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Huang, Edwin Bioinformatics Progr edh003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Kim, Hyun young Postdoc Employee hyk047@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Jones, Monica Proj Policy Analyst mrj005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Vizcarra, Sharon Clin Res Crd Asst svizcarra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Espinoza, Vasilida E. Student Asst v3espinoza@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Wirtjes, Kendale Student Asst kmwirtjes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kurosaka, Momo C. Assoc Physician mkurosaka@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8501 1.0
Kim, Sang hoon Assoc Physician shk013@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Blackmon, Sandra Research Admin sablackmon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0951 1.0
Ock, Jennifer Hlth Profns Educ Spec jeock@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8425 1.0
Swenson, Sean R. Clin Res Crd Asst srswenson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Xian, Jie Postdoc Employee j1xian@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0698 1.0
Beltran Garcia, Jesus Postdoc Employee jbeltrangarcia@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Cohen, Shiran (Gur) Asst Professor (858) 534-1323 sgurcohen@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0695 1.0
Linville, Robin M. Physician Asst rlinville@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Gurrola, Emily-sophinie D. Clin Res Crd Asst egurrola@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Sarik, Wathnita Clin Res Crd Asst wsarik@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Zhao, Louie Student Asst loz002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kumar, Avnee J. Assoc Physician Dipl ajk010@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Klacking, Emma E. Staff Res Assoc eklacking@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Wood, Francine E. Postdoc Employee fwood@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Duchman, Bryce J. Asst Clin Prof brduchman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Lam, Eddie P. Assoc Physician (858) 249-2500 eplam@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0877 1.0
Omens, Jonathan R. Lab Asst jromens@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Preger Guida, Anna helena Survey Worker ahpregerguida@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bressler, Daniel J. Assoc Clin Prof dbressler@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kohani, Roya Assoc Clin Prof rokohani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Nguyen, Richard T. HS Assoc Clin Prof rtn003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mende, Christian W. Clin Professor cmende@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hunt, Gordon C. Assoc Clin Prof gchunt@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Tilghman, Myres W. Asst Clin Prof mwtilghman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fuller, Arlunaa S. Research Admin a1fuller@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
McCann, Diane M. Staff Res Assoc (760) 468-0525 d1mccann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Harris, Lauren N. Clin Res Coord lnharris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Lin, Christine M. Assoc Professor cml008@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7376 1.0
Bender, Matthew T. HS Asst Clin Prof mtbender@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0956 1.0
Geary, Kyle M. HS Asst Clin Prof kmgeary@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Alsaigh, Tom Asst Clin Prof (858) 657-8000 talsaigh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0945 1.0
Arnstein-Temby, Dayna G. Clin Professor darnsteintemby@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Tabassum, Mahzabin Proj Policy Analyst mtabassum@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
McLarnon, Courtney J. Res Grant Prog Ofr cmclarnon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Henao, Steven Research Admin sthenao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0922 1.0
Kim, Hyun sil Clin Professor hsk011@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Thompson, Shawna M. Research Admin smt005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0922 1.0
Danque, Garrett anthony O. Student Asst gadanque@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Offenberger, Joseph S. Lab Asst j1offenberger@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Trunfio, Mattia Jr Specialist mtrunfio@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Athavale, Ambarish M. Assoc Physician amathavale@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 1.0
Pacal, Adam Asst Clin Prof apacal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Vaidya, Sagar A. Asst Clin Prof svaidya@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Yu, Sophia Staff Res Assoc zhy035@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Stewart, Victor Asst Clin Prof vstewart@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Yu, Joseph G. Asst Clin Prof jgyu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Finch, Christina E. HS Asst Clin Prof cefinch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0848 1.0
Perryman, Alexia N. Postdoc Employee anperryman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sposito, Teresa Postdoc Employee t1sposito@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Molina, Chris Sr Res Admin cmmolina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Sampath, Neha J. Clin Instructor njsampath@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Johnson, Malieka T. Clin Instructor mtj001@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Temple, John L. HS Asst Clin Prof j1temple@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Messoline, Matt Clin Instructor mamessoline@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Cao, Michelle Clin Instructor m9cao@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Bailey, Sarah HS Clin Instructor s3bailey@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Chabot, Bailey C. Staff Res Assoc bchabot@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Syal, Gaurav Assoc Physician Dipl gsyal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0887 1.0
Sethi, Supreet Assoc Physician s1sethi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ho, Yen-hui Office Admin (619) 543-6770 yeh004@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8204 1.0
Jreije, Afaf Postdoc Employee ajreije@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Schulz, Douglas Asst Clin Prof doschulz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Truong, Tracy N. Clin Instructor tnt011@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Sato, Erick Y. Clin Instructor esato@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Mckay, Dianne Clin Professor d1mckay@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Preziosi, Rebecca Clin Instructor rpreziosi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Goparaju, Madhavi Clin Instructor magoparaju@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Matiz, Catalina Asst Clin Prof cmatiz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Kenny, Kevin M. Clin Instructor kmkenny@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Watts, Nicodemus M. Clin Instructor nwatts@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Hummeldorf, Kurt G. Clin Instructor khummeldorf@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Chen, Margaret K. Clin Instructor mkc005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Robinson, Harrison Clin Instructor h1robinson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Navab, Ghazal Clin Instructor ghnavab@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Andrade, Dennis Asst Clin Prof d1andrade@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Bautista, Luis HS Asst Clin Prof l3bautista@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ma, Benjamin Staff Res Assoc b1ma@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lopez, Cesar A. Clin Instructor cal052@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Spees, David N. Assoc Clin Prof dspees@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Khalili Tabrizi, Hessam Clin Instructor hkhalilitabrizi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Jungman, William R. Clin Instructor wjungman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ahmed, Safi Asst Physician s9ahmed@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sulikowski, Mikolaj P. Assoc Physician msulikowski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chan, Samuel K. Lab Asst skc013@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Noormahomed, Emilia V. Asst Clin Prof evnoormahomed@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Panchal, Aditi Clin Instructor apanchal@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Woo, Linda Clin Instructor lnwoo@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Bierman, Thomas F. Clin Instructor tbierman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Applestein, Jeffrey M. Clin Instructor japplestein@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Rashcovsky Schiff, Karin Clin Instructor rkarin@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Batcheller, Michael Clin Instructor mbatcheller@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sobel, Stephen V. Clin Instructor ssobel@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Ellis, Matthew W. Postdoc Employee mwellis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lu, Ethan Student Asst e8lu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Kim, Laura M. HS Clin Instructor lmk001@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Wisessaowapak, Churaibhon Postdoc Employee chwisessaowapak@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Le, Michelle K. Student Asst mkl005@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Cruz Aguilar, Frida Lab Asst fcruzaguilar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Miller, Michael J. Clin Instructor mjm003@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Cork, Kelly Clin Instructor kcork@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Rooney, Patrick J. Clin Instructor prooney@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Silverstein Kontokanis, Sarah T. Clin Instructor ssilverstein@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Scholz, Robert C. Clin Instructor rcscholz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sharma, Manisha A. Clin Instructor m2sharma@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Tripuraneni, Sravanthi Clin Instructor stripuraneni@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Wyatt, Tynan Clin Instructor twyatt@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Daniels, Sean Clin Instructor s1daniels@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Gruenberg, Eli C. Clin Res Crd Asst egruenberg@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Cuellar, Pablo L. Staff Res Assoc pcuellar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Carrera, Carlos J. HS Clin Instructor ccarrera@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lee, Sandrine Clin Instructor sal028@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Eshom, David S. Clin Instructor deshom@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Parker, Melanie Clin Instructor msparker@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Carter, Thomas L. Assoc Clin Prof t2carter@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Actis Dato, Virginia Postdoc Employee vactisdato@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Swan, Joanna E. Staff Res Assoc jswan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Formagini, Tay Postdoc Fellow tformagini@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Caballero, Hector A. Clin Instructor hacaballero@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Levine, Matthew J. Asst Clin Prof mlevine@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Goldberg, Jarrod Clin Instructor j6goldberg@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Nikolskaya, Galina V. Clin Instructor gvnikolskaya@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Heineken, Diana Clin Instructor dheineken@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7914 1.0
Sacks, Anthony H. HS Assoc Clin Prof ahsacks@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ardjmand, Homayoun Clin Instructor hardjmand@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Payne, Richard E. Clin Instructor r1payne@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Dove, Samuel D. Clin Instructor sadove@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Gardella, Nina M. Research Admin nmgardella@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0507 1.0
Rice, Andrew A. Research Admin a2rice@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Leslie, Eric Postdoc Fellow erleslie@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Durso, Sol Clin Instructor mdursomuntaner@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Aizin, Vitali Clin Instructor vaizin@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 1.0
Morris, Maisa N. Clin Instructor mnagi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Bhavimani, Guru Postdoc Employee gbhavimani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Simpson, Kelsey A. Postdoc Fellow k4simpson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Benton, Mia N. Sr Physician Asst mnbenton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Aceil, Javid Postdoc Fellow jaceil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Eagilen, Katrina Y. Clin Instructor keagilen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Riley, Alexa M. Student Asst amriley@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0022 1.0
Norby, Brynn M. Clin Res Crd Asst bnorby@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Katsnelson, Marcella Assoc Physician mkatsnelson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Gallardo, Sherwin Asst Clin Prof shgallardo@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Simon, Paul M. HS Asst Clin Prof pmsimon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sapinoso, Marichris Clin Instructor masapinoso@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Lockwood, Stephen Clin Instructor selockwood@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Iyengar, Ravi M. Assoc Physician riyengar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Navas Zuloaga, Maria gabriela Postdoc Employee mnavaszuloaga@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fernandes De Lima, Mikhael H. Postdoc Employee mfernandesdelima@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Barnes, Meredith HS Asst Clin Prof m5barnes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Mojaddidi, Kimberly S. Clin Instructor kas002@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Normand, Alexandre Postdoc Employee anormand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Menzel, Jamie L. Research Data Analyst jlmenzel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Patel, Hursch J. Staff Res Assoc phursch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ndukwe, Samuel O. Staff Res Assoc sndukwe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mao, Jenny T. Professor IR j5mao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Menendez, Monica S. Research Admin mmenendez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Korolkova, Anastasia Staff Res Assoc akorolkova@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Contrano, Darryl Clin Res Crd Asst dacontrano@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Dzotsi, Marissa F. Student Asst mfdzotsi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Tran, Taylor Y. Lab Asst tyt006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Phillips, Alexander J. Clin Instructor a7phillips@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Jalali, Maryam S. Postdoc Employee mjalali@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Samson, Carmelo J. Student Asst cjsamson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nunez, Emily Clin Res Crd Asst emnunez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Huynh, Doquyen H. HS Assoc Clin Prof dhh001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0656 1.0
Nicholls, Melanie J. Res Data Analyst mnicholls@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Middlebrooks, Jenna A. Hlth Profns Educ Spec jmiddlebrooks@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8208 1.0
De Smet, Norka R. Admin Asst ndesmet@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Eitzen, Julie K. Educator jkeitzen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Khalaf, Ahmed M. Clin Res Crd Asst akhalaf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Raya Tonetti, Maria F. Postdoc Employee mrayatonetti@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sapiro, Michael P. Educator msapiro@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Bowen, Sarah W. Educator swbowen@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Poe, Burrell A. Educator bpoe@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Aghili, Seyedeh M. Postdoc Employee maghili@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Bordenave, Joanna M. Research Admin jbordenave@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Miyake, Yohhei Postdoc Employee myohei@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lokanadham, Snigdha Clin Res Crd Asst snlokanadham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mattson, Nicole Postdoc Employee nmattson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Poudel, Muna Staff Res Assoc mpoudel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yang, Holly B. Assoc Clin Prof hbyang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Maghsoudipour, Maryam Clin Instructor-Vol mamaghsoudipour@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Dutt, Pranab K. Clin Instructor pdutt@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Kirkpatrick, Austin J. Financial Svc Analyst ajkirkpatrick@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ji, Daniel Stu Researcher d3ji@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Olivares, Alyssa M. Student Asst amolivares@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yao, Fenyong Postdoc Employee f1yao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gupta, Anant Postdoc Employee ang062@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Lapke, Brady A. Staff Res Assoc blapke@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Keating, Richard M. Clin Professor rmkeating@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Liang, Ni-cheng Asst Clin Prof n4liang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Dahms, Eric B. Asst Clin Prof edahms@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Sawhney, Parmela Clin Instructor pasawhney@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Morocco, Kristina V. Clin Instructor krmorocco@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Khorshidi, Shahram Clin Instructor skhorshidi@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Martin, Michael C. Assoc Clin Prof mcmartin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Marlowe, Anita Clin Instructor anmarlowe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Han, Paul Asst Clin Prof p4han@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Ramirez Alaniz, Andrea Stu Researcher aramirezalaniz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Davis, Deirdre S. Clin Professor dsdavis@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Jamil, Shazia M. Clin Professor sjamil@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Koi, Minoru Project ______ mkoi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Dunning, Shawn M. Educator smdunning@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Cowan, Emily K. Fiedl Researcher eburroughs@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Ibarra, Martin E. Staff Res Assoc m6ibarra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Boileau, Jennifer D. Educator jboileau@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sawyer, Courtney B. Staff Res Assoc cbsawyer@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Rojas Cuevas, Melissa Staff Res Assoc mrojascuevas@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Christopher, Michael S. Educator mschristopher@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Chandra, Shreya P. Clin Instructor spchandra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Harding, Christian D. Postdoc Employee cdharding@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Tran, Whitney T. Stu Researcher w5tran@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Barragan, Nathalie J. Staff Res Assoc njbarragan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Rivera, Matthew N. Staff Res Assoc mnr001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bacon, Isabelle S. Student Asst isbacon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gee, Terence W. Postdoc Fellow twgee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8409 1.0
Wang, Qiyang Lab Asst qiw071@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Zhong, Wuling Postdoc Employee wuzhong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Zhang, Ge Postdoc Employee gez001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kaur, Prabhdeep Postdoc Employee prkaur@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yang, Jane Postdoc Employee jay039@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wu, Angela Lab Asst anw033@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Frenzel, Anastassia Staff Res Assoc anfrenzel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sethi, Anshika S. Tutor assethi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nazarenkov, Nicolaus Staff Res Assoc nnazarenkov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Goldshear, Jesse Postdoc Fellow jgoldshear@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Beck, Alyssa Assoc Physician Dipl a4beck@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Smith, Chris A. Educator cas020@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Feigenbaum, Bernard Asst Clin Prof bafeigenbaum@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Van Der Werf, Inge Lab Res Supv ivanderwerf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Trausch, Brian Postdoc Employee brtrausch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sullivan, Jessica Assoc Physician Dipl j6sullivan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gillman, Joshua Lab Asst j1gillman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mahapatra, Gargi Staff Res Assoc gmahapatra@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wong, Henry Staff Res Assoc hew009@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Tillman, Antonia Clin Res Crd Asst atillman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Argel, Nathan Student Asst naargel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hariharan, Girija Assoc Physician ghariharan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gadiyaram, Varuna Assoc Physician v2gadiyaram@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Frankovich, Jourdan Assoc Physician jfrankovich@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Guirguis, Helpees Asst Physician hguirguis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wei, Linda Student Asst liw044@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0106 1.0
Fenerty, Anna L. Lab Asst afenerty@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bezkor, Edward W. Educator ebezkor@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Kuthuru, Tejaswini Stu Researcher tekuthuru@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Van Nostrand, Keriann Assoc Physician Dipl kvannostrand@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
Laid, Lina Postdoc Employee llaid@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Weiskopf, Daniela Asst Adjt Prof dweiskopf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Alshawwaf, Ahmed Assoc Physician aalshawwaf@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Adhanom, Teamrat Assoc Physician tadhanom@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chen, Kay HS Asst Clin Prof kac050@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ghanbari, Ghodsieh Postdoc Fellow gghanbari@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kagan, Amanda Assoc Physician Dipl amkagan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Frankeberger, Jessica Postdoc Fellow jfrankeberger@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lagal, Daniel J. Postdoc Employee dlagal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bartram, James Postdoc Employee jbartram@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lee, Tiffany Student Asst til071@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Phelps, Myiesha Field Researcher myphelps@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Saigal, Aniket Admin Asst asaigal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wei, Wenhui Postdoc Employee wew048@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Aldiwani, Haider Assoc Physician haaldiwani@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Goldberg, Sage J. Student Asst s2goldberg@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Lenkiewicz, Joanna Bioinformatics Progr jlenkiewicz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bundy, Kathleen C. Dietitian HC Spec kabundy@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0963 1.0
Chen, Yu-Wei HS Asst Clin Prof yuc209@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Massillon, Daniel Stu Researcher damassillon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Elson, Dan Postdoc Employee delson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yang, Alexander Assoc Physician Dipl aly009@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Patel, Puja Asst Physician pup002@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sahu, Peggy HS Asst Clin Prof pesahu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Tiwari, Kumud Postdoc Employee kutiwari@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fatayerji, Aayah Assoc Physician afatayerji@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Toy, Dana Assoc Physician datoy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hoopengardner, Jaqueline (Jaquie) Ld Research Admin jahoopengardner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0671 1.0
Bulloch, Edgar HS Asst Clin Prof ebulloch@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Zakowski, Joseph Clin Instructor jzakowski@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 0968 1.0
Sister, Igor Assoc Physician isister@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chau, Vivian Student Asst v3chau@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lee, Iris H. Student Asst irl003@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mercer, Anna HS Asst Clin Prof anmercer@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Zhao, Guojun Postdoc Employee g4zhao@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Abeynaike, Shawn Postdoc Employee sabeynaike@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Munoz Pineda, Jorge HS Asst Clin Prof jmunozpineda@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8380 1.0
Bourne, Nicole Research Admin nbourne@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Duran, Edward Assoc Physician Dipl edduran@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wang, Yu Q. Bioinformatics Progr yqwang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lyons, Jonathan Professor IR j3lyons@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0678 1.0
Bonakdar, Robert Assoc Clin Prof-Vol rbonakdar@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Wehner, Linsey A. Clin Res Coord lawehner@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 7381 1.0
Guerrieri, Ingrid B. Clin Soc Wkr iguerrieri@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ruths, Abigail K. Research Data Analyst aruths@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Singh, Animesh Staff Res Assoc ans078@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
De Sarkar, Tia Student Asst tidesarkar@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yassin, Hazem Assoc Physician hayassin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Fraser, Kevin Asst Physician k2fraser@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Dang, Laurel Assoc Physician (714) 213-1896 (858) 657-7750 ladang@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 8217 1.0
Luhnow, Lori Educator lluhnow@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Espinoza, Rogelio Educator r1espinoza@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Funfar, Denise Educator dfunfar@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Herbert, Hallie Educator hherbert@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Mcnichol, Matthew Educator mmcnichol@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Fong-Jean, Lorril G. Educator lfongjean@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Maher, Steve Educator stmaher@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Musick, Tiffany Educator tmusick@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Atwal, Dalbir Educator datwal@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Highley, David Educator dhighley@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Turner, Loretta Educator l3turner@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Dotta, Deanna M. Educator dmdotta@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Teslaa, Garrett Educator gteslaa@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Jonsson, Debra K. Educator dkjonsson@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Mccabe, John Educator jcmccabe@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Patterson, Jo E. Assoc Clin Prof e1patterson@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Kuo, Chien Y. Student Asst cyk006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ngo, Harrison Student Asst han025@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Thomas, Teri Ambul Care Admin Supv t4thomas@ucsd.edu EC TELEMEDICINE 8044 1.0
Hui, Tammy Lab Asst t3hui@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Carrillo-Reyes, Arianna G. Lab Asst acarrilloreyes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mangla, Neeraj Asst Physician nemangla@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Roman, Valeria Comm Spec varoman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Yu, Ingrid Lab Asst inyu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Singh, Karandeep Assoc Physician Dipl k9singh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Einav, Tal Asst Adjt Prof teinav@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Jebain, Joseph Assoc Physician jjebain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lam, Ethan J. Student Asst ejl013@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wei, Wenchao Postdoc Employee wew050@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gao, Chengzhan Bioinformatics Progr chg014@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Quejarro, Joy Staff Res Assoc jquejarro@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Joshi, Sonali Staff Res Assoc soj006@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Satovsky, Jenna R. Student Asst jrsatovsky@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Hoang, Isabella B. Staff Res Assoc i1hoang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Larson, Elizabeth Postdoc Employee ellarson@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ono, Yosuke Visit Asst Prof yoono@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lora, Jesse C. Clin Res Crd Asst jclora@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Herdman, David S. Staff Res Assoc sherdman@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Slayden, Tanner A. Assoc Physician Dipl tslayden@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Appel, Ashley Hlth Profns Educ Spec asappel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Peregrina, Felipe S. Clin Res Crd Asst fperegrina@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wu, Meixian Bioinformatics Progr mew045@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Leichman, Lawrence Clin Professor laleichman@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Urena, Stefany Stu Researcher s1urena@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kovall, Jessica Sr Physician Asst jkovall@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kim, Hyeonhui Postdoc Employee hyk069@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lu, Xiaolei Postdoc Employee xil270@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gao, Jiahao Postdoc Employee jig049@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Paz Gonzalez, Rocio Postdoc Employee rpazgonzalez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Enaworu, Oghenetanure R. Student Asst orenaworu@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gunes, Eren Postdoc Employee egunes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Beckwith, Katherine Sr Physician Asst kbeckwith@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Amudhan, Sandrine M. Student Asst smamudhan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0949 1.0
Rose, Patricia Asst Clin Prof parose@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Zong, David Staff Res Assoc dzong@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Winfield, Dominique Clin Instructor dowinfield@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sinaee, Ramesh Clin Instructor rsinaee@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Alvarado Vazquez, Perla Postdoc Employee palvaradovazquez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Beal, Amanda S. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr abeal@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Lewis, Brownie Staff Res Assoc b7lewis@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Gleason, Connor Student Asst cogleason@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Blumkin, Bianca Research Admin bblumkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wallace, Jami R. Survey Worker j6wallace@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bliss, Sarah Lab Res Supv sabliss@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Dalupang, Mary L. Res Data Analyst mdalupang@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Diego, Jade E. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr jediego@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Little, Maia Staff Res Assoc malittle@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Rodriguez Vazquez, Ferrel Stu Researcher frodriguezvazquez@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Von Gunten, Charles Clin Professor chvongunten@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Bennett, Stephen M. Educator s3bennett@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Hokutan, Kanani Staff Res Assoc khokutan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kahle, Deana Educator dkahle@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Thippeswamy, Jagadeesh Postdoc Employee jthippeswamy@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Givens, Andrea C. Educator acgivens@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Oakes, Lisa M. Educator loakes@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Streegan, Jennifer Educator jstreegan@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Karsgor, Christin Educator ckarsgor@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Mohan, Jillian Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr jmohan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Oakes, James D. Educator jdoakes@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Saxon, Leo D. Lab Asst lsaxon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Parker-Bridges, Kelly Educator kparkerbridges@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Norris, Russell Educator runorris@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ramesh, Aishwarya Student Asst a2ramesh@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Roca, Eva Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr eroca@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sun, Wei Asst Prof Clin wes001@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Levin, Marina Assoc Physician m1levin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Pegg, Janelle Clin Instructor-Vol jpegg@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Carrillo, Rita Staff Res Assoc (858) 552-7439 ricarrillo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Monteon, Marcos B. Lab Asst m2monteon@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Abanes, Aliyah Lab Asst a1abanes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kasaraneni, Nikita Clin Res Crd Asst nikasaraneni@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Salvatore, Scott Educator ssalvatore@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sharma, Subham Postdoc Employee ssubham@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Olivari, Violante Postdoc Employee volivari@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Blake, Gerard Clin Instructor-Vol g1blake@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Dahlgren, Kristin M. Fiedl Researcher kdahlgren@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ding, Shihui Postdoc Employee s9ding@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0682 1.0
Ferris, Frank Clin Professor-Vol frferris@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Zaranyika, Trust HS Clin Instructor tzaranyika@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mcfarland, Nathan A. Clin Instructor-Vol namcfarland@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Krauss, William Clin Instructor-Vol wikrauss@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Trausch, Josefina Clin Instructor-Vol jotrausch@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Chopra, Deepak Clin Professor-Vol dchopra@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Fleming, Jacob Clin Instructor-Vol jafleming@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ralph, Lee P. Asst Clin Prof-Vol lpralph@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Ray, Albert Clin Professor-Vol alray@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Schultz, James Clin Professor-Vol jaschultz@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Summers-Day, Courtney Clin Instructor-Vol csummersday@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Wood, Katie J. Hlth Profns Educ Spec k1wood@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Wong, Michelle Student Asst miw068@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kubo, Yoshimasa Postdoc Employee ykubo@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Mowry, Richard Clin Instructor-Vol rimowry@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Singh, Karmanmeet Student Asst kas012@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Horn, Matthew Asst Clin Prof-Vol mahorn@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Shain, Abraham G. Staff Res Assoc ashain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Swaim, Ruby Clin Res Crd Asst rswaim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Maves, Astrid Student Asst a1maves@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0023 1.0
Ahmed, Ali Postdoc Employee ala027@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Champaneria, Manish Assoc Physician Dipl mchampaneria@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Holguin, Jonathan Staff Res Assoc joholguin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Torres, Valentina Y. Staff Res Assoc vytorres@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Nguyen, Allison Student Asst aln048@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Pacella, Salvatore Assoc Physician Dipl spacella@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Sawaya, Richard Clin Instructor-Vol risawaya@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Huang, Hazel Student Asst yuh150@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Ratnavadivel, Sandra Postdoc Employee sratnavadivel@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Blee, Alexandra Staff Res Assoc alblee@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Zablan, Kameron M. Clin Res Crd Asst kzablan@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Chen, Katelyn Student Asst kac075@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Kelly, Pepper L. Educator plkelly@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Cardenas, Alejandra G. Admin Asst agcardenas@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Sargsyan, Suzan Student Asst s1sargsyan@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE NA 1.0
Bassett, Tod E. Educator tebassett@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Cruz, Allyson Student Asst alc093@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Williams, Leanne B. Educator lbwilliams@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE NA 1.0
Gunes, Betul Postdoc Employee bgunes@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Da Silva, Roberta D. Student Asst roduarte@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE 7314 1.0
Pierce, Catalina Educator c1pierce@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE NA 1.0
Al-Shoubaki, Heba Sr Physician Asst halshoubaki@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Dziegielewski, Claudia B. Asst Physician cdziegielewski@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 8797 1.0
Flester, Elena Student Asst elflester@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICINE NA 1.0
Novikov, Yevgeny Assoc Physician ynovikov@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Wilkin, Timothy J. Assoc Physician Dipl twilkin@ucsd.edu MEDICINE NA 1.0
Ross, Robert S. Asst VC/Hlth Sci-Acad Affrs (619) 543-2021 rross@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0613C 1.0
Ries, Andrew L. Professor (619) 543-7333 MEDICINE 8377 1.0
Firestein, Gary S. Sr AVC Health Sci (858) 822-0591 savc@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0990 1.0
Araganaraz, Enrique R. Postdoc Fellow (858) 534-7955 MEDICINE 0665 1.0
Ohgi, Kenny Lab Mgr (858) 534-0758 kohgi@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0648 1.0
Ye, Feng Postdoc Fellow feye@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0726 1.0
Jain, Paul A., Dr. Asst Professor (619) 543-6268 p2jain@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111N 1.0
Park, Young S. Visiting Scholar (858) 877-8122 MEDICINE 0063 1.0
Dela Cruz, Demetrius Admin Asst (858) 642-1620 ddelacruz@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0679 1.0
Diamond-Stanic, Maggie K. Lab Mgr (858) 822-0860 mkdiamondstanic@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0711 1.0
Ajinkya, Desai Visting Scholar (619) 471-0510 MEDICINE 8226 1.0
Meza Martinez, Pedro E. (Emilio) Bilingual Staff Res Asso (619) 543-5075 MEDICINE 0849 1.0
Pilau, Nicholas Visit Grad Student npilau@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0760 1.0
Andrew, Kathleen Lab Manager (858) 552-8585 MEDICINE 0678 1.0
Jaffe, Charles , Dr. Visit Scholar (858) 246-2294 cjaffe@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Wertheim, Vanessa Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2318 vwertheim@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Neumann, Larissa Visit Scholar (858) 822-4368 lneumann@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 0728 1.0
Patton, Heather Assoc Clin Prof (858) 552-8585 hpatton@ucsd.edu MEDICINE 9111D 1.0
Külling, Dustin Educator dkulling@ucsd.edu FAMILY MEDICIN 7314 0.25
Black, Michelle L. Postdoc Employee (858) 534-1226 RADIATION MED/A 0436 0.25
Deboever, Christopher M. Cmptl/Data Sci Res Spec INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Allison, Teresa A. Clinical Nurse PERLMAN IMG 8201A 0.25
Lim, Blaze B. Lab Asst CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Verma, Rohan Res Physician (858) 534-8858 MED HOUSE STAFF 0946 0.25
Wan, Rongxue Jr Specialist INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Han, Jee yun Staff Res Assoc CELLULAR MOLEC 0653 0.25
Almehlisi, Abdulaziz S. Res Phys (619) 543-6240 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8770 0.25
Ho, Hsuan-chung Staff Res Assoc CELLULAR MOLEC 0897 0.25
Agyekum, Kwaku B. Postdoc Employee CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Chou, Ting-fang Postdoc Fellow CELLULAR MOLEC 0347 0.25
Arora, Kanika Postdoc Employee CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Aguilar, Adriana Student Asst CELLULAR MOLEC 0694 0.25
Hayes, Kelly A. Student Asst CELLULAR MOLEC 0694 0.25
Casados, Maria G. Hosp Asst (619) 543-4614 PERLMAN MED SPE 8220 0.25
Chua, Zong ming Staff Res Assoc CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Colley, Kristen M. Clin Soc Wrk FAM MED/PUBLIC 0807 0.25
Farquhar, Marilyn G., Dr. Professor (858) 534-7711 CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Holm, Connie , Dr. Sr Lect/CMM Spec (858) 534-6336 CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Hubbard, Ronda Surgery Coord (858) 657-5286 USS CHANCELLORS 0847 0.25
Hur, Sung-Sik Asst Proj Sci INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Molenaar, Donald M. Assoc Physician Dipl OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8800 0.25
Hamil, Alexander S. Postdoc Employee CELLULAR MOLEC 0686 0.25
Tovar Hirashima, Eva Assoc Physician Dipl EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Zemke, Nathan R. Postdoc Employee (858) 534-7457 nzemke@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Buchanan, Justin I. Staff Res Assoc jbuchanan@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Coley, Mariah L. Postdoc Employee mcoley@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Kern, Joseph C. Bioinformatics Progr jckern@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Kendall-Bar, Jessica M. Postdoc Employee (858) 822-0792 jkendallbar@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Isakari, Marcia T. Medical Director (858) 657-1600 misakari@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 0.25
Algaze Gonzalez, Isabel M. Asst Clin Prof ialgazegonzalez@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8770 0.25
Love, Anna C. Postdoc Employee (858) 822-6654 a1love@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
White, Rebekah J. IGM Prog Admin (858) 246-0949 rjwhite@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Pham, Melissa Res Coord/Educ Spec (619) 543-6213 mepham@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Gu, Yajie Postdoc Scholar yagu@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Zhou, Yi Postdoc Employee yiz592@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0640 0.25
Atwood, Todd F. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-4842 tfatwood@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
White, Evan C. Asst Clin Prof (619) 502-7730 e3white@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Lenz, Alexis A. Asst Physician alenz@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Sweeney, Douglas A. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 534-7322 d3sweeney@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Hogue, Brenna L. Asst Physician blhogue@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Castro-Falcon, Gabriel A. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-2843 g6castro@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Lang, Michael A. Asst Adjt Prof m4lang@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Valencia, Jorge R. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-4231 jrv004@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Farah, Jennifer L. Assg Clin Professor jlfarah@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Aigner, Stefan Proj Scientist saigner@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Brown, Derek W. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-0886 d7brown@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Singh, Sukhdeep Assoc Physician sus058@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Alexandrov, Ludmil B. Assoc Professor (858) 246-2747 l2alexandrov@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0803 0.25
Meyers, Sandra M. Asst Clin Prof (858) 534-4705 smmeyers@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Sadler, Charlotte A. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6213 csadler@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Coffey, Christanne H. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 chcoffey@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
O'Connell, Charles W. (Chuck) Assoc Physician (619) 543-6463 cwoconnell@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Wang, Allen Y. Epigenomics Prog Analyst (858) 534-7567 a5wang@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Liu, Dongmei Postdoc Employee (858) 246-0467 d2liu@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Ye, Qiaozhen Staff Res Assoc qiye@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Advani, Sunil J. Assoc Prof IR (858) 822-7574 sjadvani@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Ackerman, Susan Professor (858) 534-8656 sackerman@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0366 0.25
Cleveland, Don W., Dr. Professor (858) 534-7811 dcleveland@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Murphy, James D. Clin Professor (858) 246-0371 j2murphy@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Fernandez, Jorge A. Asst Physician jaf014@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Kolodner, Richard Professor (858) 534-7804 rkolodner@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0669 0.25
Reck-Peterson, Samara L. Professor (858) 246-1265 sreckpeterson@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0694 0.25
Ren, Bing Professor (858) 822-5766 biren@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0653 0.25
Subramony, Rachna Assoc Physician Dipl rsubramony@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Doshi, Kinnary Fund Manager (858) 822-4520 kidoshi@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Yao, Huazhen Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-4231 h4yao@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Rose, Brenton S. (Brent) Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-2418 bsrose@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Lafree, Andrew T. Assoc Physician alafree@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Zhou, Huilin Professor (858) 534-7808 huzhou@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Zhu, Quan Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr quz014@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Straka, Christopher Asst Clin Prof cstraka@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Fallon, Timothy R. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-2846 tfallon@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Burkhardt, Immo Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6654 iburkhardt@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Tolia, Vaishal M. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6217 vtolia@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Tomaszewski, Christian A. Clin Professor (619) 543-3878 ctomaszewski@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Hoisak, Jeremy D. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 502-7732 jhoisak@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Urbanic, James J. Professor (858) 246-0500 jurbanic@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Aminlari, Amir Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 aaminlari@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Vera, Patricia (Patty) Acad Persnl/HR Mgr pvera@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Gomez-Godinez, Veronica Asst Proj Sci (858) 822-2259 vgomez-godinez@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Villano, Janna Assoc Physician jvillano@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Pawlicki, Todd A., Dr. Dir/Physics/Clin Ops (858) 822-6058 tpawlicki@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Pelucio, Maria T. Assoc Physician Dipl mpelucio@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Kreshak, Allyson A. Assoc Physician Dipl akreshak@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8925 0.25
Sanghvi, Parag R. Assoc Prof/Dir/Clin Rad Onc (858) 246-1619 (858) 822-6040 psanghvi@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Sapiro, Elaine M., Dr. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6463 esapiro@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Mcvicker, Graham P. Asst Adjt Prof gmcvicker@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Fox, Tiffany M. Dir Communications (858) 657-5291 tmfox@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 7220 0.25
Wang, Jean Y. Prof Emeritus (858) 534-6253 jywang@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Pflaum, Meylia (Mey) Asst Dept Bus Ofr (619) 543-6229 mpflaum@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Podell, Sheila B. Applications Programmer (858) 822-4600 spodell@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Scanderbeg, Daniel J. Professor (858) 822-7928 dscanderbeg@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Schlachetzki, Johannes Postdoc Employee jschlachetzki@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Schneir, Aaron B., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 aschneir@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8925 0.25
Wang, Wei , Dr. Professor (858) 822-4240 wew002@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0359 0.25
Ponganis, Paul J., Dr. Res Physiologist (858) 822-0792 pponganis@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Mell, Loren K., Dr. Professor (858) 246-0471 lmell@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Seibert, Tyler M. Asst Professor IR (858) 246-2180 tseibert@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Rahn, Douglas A. Physician (619) 502-7730 drahn@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Sharabi, Andrew Assoc Professor (858) 822-6040 ansharabi@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Shende, Vikram V. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6654 vshende@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Willert, Karl H. Professor (858) 822-3235 kwillert@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Wardi, Gabriel (Gabe) Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-4627 gwardi@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Witucki, Peter J., Dr. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 543-6463 pwitucki@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Rash, Dominique Asst Physician (858) 822-6040 (858) 822-6040 drash@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Nadolski, Adam M. Asst Physician (619) 543-4627 amnadolski@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8819 0.25
Shi, Linda Assoc Proj Sci (858) 822-2259 zshi@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Shishlov, Kirill Assoc Physician Dipl kshishlov@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Saisan, Payam A. Programmer Analyst psaisan@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0624 0.25
Simpson, Daniel R. Assoc Clin Prof (858) 534-4811 drsimpson@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Sloane, Christian M., Dr. (Chris) Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 csloane@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Yashar, Catheryn M. Professor (858) 822-5024 cyashar@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Yeo, Eugene W. (Gene) Professor (858) 534-9321 ewyeo@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Yee, Brian A. Programmer Analyst bay001@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Yuan, Hua J. Staff Res Assoc (858) 246-0467 hjyuan@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Smyres, Cameron S. Resident Physician csmyres@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Rudolf, Frances E. Resident Physician frudolf@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Snyder, Brian K., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 bsnyder@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Sandhu, Ajay Pal S. Professor (858) 822-6062 apsandhu@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Glukhov, Evgenia (Jenia) Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-9522 eglukhov@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0212 0.25
Spann, Nathanael J. Asst Proj Sci (858) 534-8867 nspann@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Spector, Deborah H. Professor (858) 336-6914 dspector@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0756 0.25
Ishimine, Paul T., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 pishimine@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Miyauchi, Sayuri (Ishida) Postdoc Employee (858) 534-2381 smiyauchi@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Minns, Alicia B. Asst Clinical Prof (619) 543-6815 aminns@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8925 0.25
Medak, Anthony J. Asst Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 amedak@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Moiseenko, Vitali Professor/Clin (858) 534-3537 vmoiseenko@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Diaz-Gay, Marcos Lecturer (858) 534-1965 mdiazgay@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0.25
Jepsen, Kristen L. Director (858) 822-2754 kjepsen@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Jones, Ying Z. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-5324 yjones@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Guittard, Jesse A. Clin Instructor jaguittard@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Lesperance, Jacqueline M. Staff Res Assoc jlesperance@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Dowdy, Steven F., Dr. Professor/CMM (858) 534-7772 sdowdy@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0686 0.25
Dunford, James V., Dr. (Jim) Prof Emeritus (619) 533-4359 jvdunford@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Kahn, Christopher A. Assoc Physician Dipl ckahn@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Kang, Jian Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-2878 jkang@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0613K 0.25
Karunamuni, Roshan A. Postdoc Employee rakarunamuni@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Mundt, Arno J. Professor/Chair (858) 822-6046 amundt@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Mukau, Leslie Assoc Physician lmukau@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Castillon, Guillaume A. Facility Mgr g5castillon@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Kajitani, Kari M. Assoc Physician kkajitani@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Killeen, James P., Dr. Clin Professor (619) 543-6463 jkilleen@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Nelson, Linda M. Mgmt Svc Ofcr/CARTA (858) 246-0847 lnelson@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0060 0.25
Esko, Jeffrey , Dr. Professor (858) 822-1100 jesko@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0687 0.25
Kim, Gwe Y. (Grace) Assoc Prof/Clin Physicist (858) 246-1507 gwk002@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Kisling, Kelly D. HS Asst Clin Prof (858) 246-5610 kkisling@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Kooyman, Gerald L., Dr. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-2091 gkooyman@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Novick, Peter J. Professor (858) 246-0465 pnovick@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Medina Munoz, Hugo cesar Postdoc Employee hmedina@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Le, Phuong B. Postdoc Employee pble@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Ray, Xenia J. Non-Physician Clin Trainee (858) 246-2049 xray@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Fenical, William H. Professor Emeritus (858) 534-2133 wfenical@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Ferro-Novick, Susan Professor (858) 246-0466 sferronovick@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0668 0.25
Bojechko, Casey E. Asst Clin Prof (858) 822-6061 cbojechko@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Oyama, Leslie C. Clin Professor (619) 543-6232 loyama@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Anderson, Caesar A. Assoc Physician (760) 452-2222 aacaesar@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 7688 0.25
Berquist, Rachel M. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-6343 rberquist@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0854 0.25
Blue, Steven M. Staff Res Assoc sblue@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0695 0.25
Bogdanov, Alexander (Alex) Staff Research Associate (858) 822-2843 abogdanov@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Friedman, Meyer J. Staff Res Assoc m3friedman@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0648 0.25
Galinsky, Vitaly L. Assoc Research (858) 534-2585 vgalinsky@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0854 0.25
Garcia, Veronica C. Dept Business Ofr (858) 246-0722 vcgarcia@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Lasoff, Daniel R. (Dan) Assoc Physician (619) 543-4627 dlasoff@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Latham, Emi M., Dr. Assoc Phys Dipl (619) 543-6463 elatham@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Karasmanis, Eva P. Postdoc Employee ekarasmanis@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0694 0.25
Abe, Yohei Postdoc Fellow yoabe@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Corbett, Kevin D. Professor kcorbett@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Bozinovski, Meri Mgr/Bus-Fin Analysis (858) 534-7993 mebozinovski@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Chidambaram, Ravi Postdoc Employee rchidambaram@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0668 0.25
Leschziner, Andres E. Professor (858) 246-1252 aleschziner@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0694 0.25
Lindholm, Karl P. Professor IR plindholm@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Liotta, Benjamin Resident Physician (619) 543-6463 beliotta@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Brennan, Jesse J. Staff Res Assoc (619) 471-3692 jjbrennan@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Glass, Christopher K., Dr. Prof/CMM/Medicine (858) 534-6011 cglass@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Godfrey, Philip MSO (858) 822-4278 phgodfrey@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Juang, Titania Asst Professor (858) 246-0991 tjuang@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Campbell, Colleen J., Dr. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 cjcampbell@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Grassi, Heather A. Business Ofcr (858) 822-3934 hgrassi@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Ly, Binh T., Dr. Clin Professor (619) 543-6463 bly@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Macewan, Iain J. Assoc Physician (858) 549-7453 imacewan@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Casas, Tamara Resident Physician tacasas@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 0828 0.25
Castillo, Edward M. Adjt Professor (619) 543-6231 emcastillo@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Chan, Theodore C., Dr. Prof Clin Med (619) 543-6463 tcchan@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Grover, Ian R., Dr. Assoc Clin Professor (619) 543-6463 igrover@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Guluma, Kama Z., Dr. Prof/Assoc Dean (858) 822-4565 kguluma@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 0606 0.25
Buschmann, Mary M. Center Director m2buschmann@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0206 0.25
Makale, Milan T. Asst Adj Prof mmakale@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0819 0.25
Mansy, Gina J. Assoc Clin Prof (619) 502-7730 gmansy@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Manger, Ryan P. Asst Clin Professor (858) 822-6057 rmanger@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0860 0.25
Hamilton, Bruce A., Dr. Professor (858) 822-1055 bahamilton@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Clark, Richard F., Dr. Clin Prof (619) 543-6463 rfclark@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Collier, Jana Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-8867 jgcollier@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Concepcion, Dorothy P. (Dot) Staff Res Assoc dconcepcion@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Hattangadi Gluth, Jona Clin Prof (858) 534-1222 jhattangadi@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Hayek, Joseph P. Assoc Physician jhayek@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Mayadev, Jyoti S. Clin Prof (858) 246-2051 jmayadev@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Tanaka, Hideaki L. Resident Physician hltanaka@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Altschuh, Lauren B. Clin Instructor lbaltschuh@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8687 0.25
Corbett, Bryan M. Res Physician bcorbett@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Adak, Sanjoy Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6654 sadak@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Coyne, Christopher J. Asst Clin Prof cjcoyne@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Carey, Maegan M. Admin Vice Chair/Anesth (619) 543-7051 mheflin@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Hindle, Kristy (Kristy) Admin Analyst (858) 822-3246 mhindle@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Chang, Chang Assoc Clin Prof (858) 549-7526 c3chang@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Cui, Xianshu Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-7778 xicui@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0686 0.25
Iizumi, Reiko I. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-9233 rcullum@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Dameff, Christian J. Asst Professor cdameff@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Hoopes, David J. Assoc Clin Professor (858) 649-5100 (858) 649-5100 dhoopes@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Noste, Erin E. Assoc Physician Dipl enoste@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Deichaite, Ida Asst Professor (858) 822-5913 ideichaite@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Dragojevic, Irena Asst Clin Prof (619) 502-7722 idragojevic@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Gerwick, Lena G. Res Emeritus/RTAD (858) 534-0566 lgerwick@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0212 0.25
Garcia, Ana K. WC Coord (858) 657-6752 akg018@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 0.25
Arnold, Amanda Clin Nurse-Supv (858) 249-0633 (858) 657-8745 amarnold@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC REPRO 0972 0.25
Cross, John E. Assoc Physician Dipl (619) 471-9210 jocross@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8799 0.25
Barnes, Mark D. Bioinformatics Progr mdbarnes@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Barash, Ilona A. Asst Physician (619) 543-6463 ibarash@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Phan, Sophal Sr Polysomnography Tech sphan@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 0848 0.25
Villegas, Ruth E. Ambul Care Admin Supv (858) 657-6587 rvillegas@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8459 0.25
Yang, Qian Staff Res Assoc qyang@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Thomas, Lauren R. Proj Policy Analyst l7thomas@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Albrecht, Mahshid Z. Ambul Care Admin Supv malbrecht@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC REPRO 0.25
Ballesteros, Douglas A. Assoc Physician doballesteros@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 8676 0.25
Eisner, Emily R. Staff Res Assoc ereisner@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0767 0.25
Santiago, Cathy (Cathy) Financial Analyst (858) 822-1941 casantiago@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Wilson, Nicole Clinical Nurse n3wilson@ucsd.edu COMM CARE REPRO 7665 0.25
Jordan, Anne Fin/Budget Asst (858) 822-6785 a6jordan@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Henson, Benjamin A. Staff Res Assoc (858) 822-4231 bhenson@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Cadriel Barajas, Moniqa M. Practice Mgr (858) 657-8005 mqcadriel@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 0975 0.25
Salcedo, Carla Clinical Dietitian c1salcedo@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 8801 0.25
Tindle, Courtney L. Staff Res Assoc ctindle@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0644 0.25
Ramirez, Jessica M. Admin Asst (619) 543-3829 jmr009@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Bazo, Jessica L. Hlth Prof Edu Spec (858) 822-0941 jlbazo@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0865 0.25
Robie, Jesse F. Prog Rep/CARTA ORU (858) 246-0849 jrobie@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0060 0.25
Neslage, Monica J. Admin Nurse-Supv (619) 471-9339 mneslage@ucsd.edu 8TH FL MED/SURG 8607 0.25
Nickl, Christian K. Staff Res Assoc cnickl@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Pasillas, Martina P. Staff Res Assoc (858) 534-8867 mpasillas@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0734 0.25
Gutierrez, Haidee V. Ambul Care Admin Supv (619) 543-5689 hvperez@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 8201A 0.25
Bock, Antonia K. Lab Asst akbock@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Kelly, Panteha D. Staff Pharmacist (858) 657-2221 pdkelly@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 8765 0.25
Fitzwater, Paige E. Nurse Admin (619) 543-7180 pfitzwater@ucsd.edu 8TH FL MED/SURG 8609 0.25
Foronda, Rosa Mgmt Svcs Ofr (858) 657-8866 rforonda@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC REPRO 0837 0.25
Malong, Maeve-Anne (Mae) Admin Asst (619) 543-4627 mmalong@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Fernandez, Kelly R. Community Edu Spec (858) 822-4048 krfernandez@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Watson, Jasmine R. Financial Analyst jrwatson@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 8900 0.25
Haller, Mark K. Project Mgr (858) 822-6046 mkhaller@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Lang, Megan E. Clin Pharmacist (619) 471-9250 melang@ucsd.edu FAC PRAC MED SP 8201 0.25
Houston, Justina S. Admin Asst (858) 534-6265 jhouston@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25
Hussman, Ryan D. Physician Asst rhussman@ucsd.edu OCCUP/ENVIR MED 0883 0.25
Rivera-Noel, Catherine (Kate) Program Coord (858) 822-1626 car032@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0412 0.25
Kuan, Sam S. Staff Res Assoc skuan@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Deep, Amar Postdoc Employee adeep@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC NA 0.25
De Luna, Naycari Staff Res Assoc n1deluna@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Li, Bin Bioinformatics Progr bil022@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Jackson, Elliot W. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-5839 ewjackson@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Xu, Ming Postdoc Employee mix013@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0448 0.25
Gutleben, Johanna Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-2843 jgutleben@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Bushin, Leah B. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6654 lbushin@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Daniel, Michelle M. Vice Dean-Med Edu midaniel@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 0606 0.25
Banegas, Matthew P. Assoc Professor (858) 534-4811 mbanegas@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0861 0.25
Pinedo, Alyssa Office Admin anand@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Attias, Jennifer Proj Mgmt/Res Admin jattias@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Padilla, Laura HS Assoc Clin Prof (858) 246-1516 lpadilla@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Segovia, Mario A. Financial Analyst msegoviajr@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0843 0.25
Laveman, Evan Resident Physician elaveman@ucsd.edu HYPERBARIC MED 0.25
Gibbs, Zane Postdoc Employee zgibbs@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Avalon, Nicole E. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 534-0578 navalon@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Staats, Katherine L. Assoc Physician kstaats@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Reeves, Chloe N. Genomics Res Assoc creeves@ucsd.edu INST GENOMIC ME 0761 0.25
Jin, Tianyun Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 534-2133 t2jin@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Griffith-Mencik, Katelyn J. Admin Officer k2griffith@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0963 0.25
Graf, Yan L. Student Asst (858) 534-0566 yagraf@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Song, Jiyeon Appointed Official jis049@ucsd.edu INST ENGINEERIN 0076 0.25
Madden, Grant A. EHS Spec gamadden@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8867 0.25
Berger, Theodore R. (Teddy) Student Asst (858) 534-0566 thberger@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Wang, Yiqun Postdoc Employee (858) 822-6579 yiw152@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Indralingam, Hannah S. Staff Res Assoc hindralingam@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0660 0.25
Nguyen, Madison Student Asst man019@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 0695 0.25
An, Je S. Student Asst s6an@ucsd.edu CELLULAR MOLEC 0.25
Virbitsky, Allison K. Admin Asst avirbitsky@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Law, Elisa W. Admin Asst e1law@ucsd.edu RADIATION MED/A 0963 0.25
Ryu, Byeol Postdoc Employee (858) 534-0578 b2ryu@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Hu, Bingren Professor bih001@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8687 0.25
Zuhars, Renee A. Student Asst (858) 534-0566 rezuhars@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0212 0.25
Olivas-Garcia, Yamileck Postdoc Employee yolivasgarcia@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8655 0.25
Liu, Chunli Staff Res Assoc chl216@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Henning, Alyssa L. Staff Res Assoc alhenning@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8687 0.25
Al-Hindy, Momen M. Vst Asst Research (858) 534-0578 malhindy@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Sadri, Roxanna HS Asst Clin Prof rosadri@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Armendariz-Baca, Alexia M. Lab Asst (858) 822-5839 amarmendarizbaca@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Burke, Ashleigh J. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6654 ajburke@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Duerr, Lara N. Postdoctoral Scholar (858) 822-6650 lduerr@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Schneider, Audrey C. Student Asst acschneider@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Nguyen, Kevin H. Student Asst (858) 822-0792 ken027@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Park, Yujung Staff Res Assoc yup019@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8665 0.25
Gurgul, Aleksandra A. Postdoc Employee (858) 534-2133 agurgul@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Osterli, Emily L. Res Data Analyst eosterli@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8665 0.25
Zafren, Victor Asst Clin Prof vzafren@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8665 0.25
Subramanyam, Kartikeyan Data Sys Analyst k1subramanyam@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Villa, Jose E. Res Data Analyst j1villa@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8665 0.25
Chen, Yingxin Project Scientist yic137@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8676 0.25
Tran, Johnny Student Asst jot025@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0202 0.25
Hyuha, Gimbo Asst Clin Prof ghyuha@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Romo, Jorge Physician Asst PD joromo@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 8665 0.25
Ghaeem, Reza Student Asst (858) 822-6650 alghaeem@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Yoon, Jae H. Student Asst jhy010@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Mei, Beverly Student Asst bemei@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Sauer, Kaley N. Student Asst k1sauer@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Segal, Lauren Asst Physician lasegal@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Quiroz, Cedrick Student Asst (858) 534-3907 cequiroz@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0218 0.25
Nguyen, Michelle Asst Physician min035@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC NA 0.25
Schorn-Alanjary, Michelle A. Acad Prog Mgmt Ofr (858) 822-6650 mschornalanjary@ucsd.edu CTR MAR BIOTECH 0209 0.25
Cantrell, Lee , Dr. Dir/Poison Ctr (619) 497-8501 fcantrel@ucsd.edu EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Duchnick, Jay Prog Dir/Hyperbaric Med (619) 543-5222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8688 0.25
Lorett, Jon Pharmacist EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Birnbaum, Kathy Pharmacist EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Haines, April Pharmacist (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Clark, Alycia Pharmacist (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Qian, Lily Pharmacist (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Tse, John Poison Info Provider (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Garett, Nicole Prog Dir/Hyperbaric Med (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Day, Jennifer Clinical Nurse (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Pettersen, Mary Sr Voc Nurse (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Maconeghy, Crystal Medical Asst (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Griffith, Diana Admin Asst (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Spinner, Angela Admin Asst (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Huffman, Deborah Hyperbaric Tech (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8233 0.25
Lane, Patricia Hyperbaric Tech (760) 452-2222 pnlane@ucsd.edu EMERGENCY MEDIC 7688 0.25
Lewis, Giancarlo Hyperbaric Tech (760) 452-2222 EMERGENCY MEDIC 8688 0.25
Cui, Hanwei Visit Scholar (858) 249-8597 CELLULAR MOLEC 0651 0.25
Sevard, Grant Poison Info Provider (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Qozi, Mariam Pharmacist (619) 497-8500 EMS ADMINISTRAT 8925 0.25
Wu, Hao-Hsiang Visting Scholar INST ENGINEERIN 0435 0.25

NOTICE: This campus directory has been compiled for the use and convenience of the faculty and staff of the University of California, San Diego and others dealing with UCSD. It is the property of the Regents of the University of California. Neither this directory nor the information contained herein may be used, rented, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes in accordance with the California Information Practices Act.